
Alchemists And Artifacts

This is a story about an ordinary guy going through life while working as a leader of his information gathering agency in the world where people who can use magic is called Alchemist and powerful items called Artifacts exist.

FurballCat · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 23: Getting Ready

"I have been getting rusty these days. I could feel my skills are not sharpen enough. Don't you think so too Alex."

"I never even seen you fight before sir. I don't know much about you skills either sir. If I have to say one thing, you are getting old sir. Your bone are creaking."

"You don't have to pull me out like that. I know I have been getting on age."

"And that coffee belly sir."

"Yes and this coffee belly. So that's why we are here today!!"

"In the basement?"

"Yeah I need to up my variety of Artifacts. I'm thinking of using a different Artifact this time. What do you think nice right?"

"This place is huge sir. The tall is so far away and all around us is white."

"You have been here a few times didn't you. Every time I asked to fetch me my Artifacts you always come down here."

"Yeah but it still amaze me everytime. How much does the basement costs?"

"Around 400k to 500k CP."

"That's a lot"

"Don't fret it. Money always can be obtain back. But this place is not."

Faust stopped in front of a huge vault with a number 03 on it. He went to the vault door and place his hand on it. The vault vibrated. It stopped and opened its door. Alex looked inside. His eyes widen.

"Whoa sir. Is this all Artifacts?"

"Yes. Mostly they are consumables one."

"I never see you open this one. What is the occasion sir?"

"I'm getting ready for the Mercenaries that are coming for my head. Let's see what can I use. This... Maybe this one? Hmmm.. This is also good but pretty tricky to use. Don't touch anything Alex. Most of the Artifacts here are unknown to me too."

Alex almost reached an odd looking mask. After he heard what his boss said , he quickly retracted his hand.

"I have been thinking sir. Where did you get all these Artifacts?"

"Mostly from ruin explorations. Some I buy from auction. Some I get as spoils."

"Ruin explorations?"

"Yeah ruin from the time before Alchemists appeared."

"Why do I never get that kind of job?"

"Because~ there is no new ruin discovered. If I found any new ruin then yeah I can get you into. Huppp. This one is heavy."

Faust picked up a big wooden doll And slung it on his shoulder like a sack of potato.

"Come on let's go outside for a bit. I want to test this bad boy."

Faust brought the wooden doll outside of the vault and put it on the ground.

"Let's see what kind of Artifact are you."

Faust put his palm on the head of the wooden doll.

"A training Artifact! This is my first time seeing how training Artifact works.It can also be activated without any conditions. Nice."

Faust insert his Vestia into the wooden doll. The doll then twitched all over. His eyes glowed up and it started moving. It stood up. Standing 2 meters high, the wooden doll looked menacing. The wooden doll turned to face Faust. It suddenly got into a fighting style.

"Hand to hand combat training? So it chose the training that I'm weak at. Alright . Come at me you wooden face."

The wooden doll make a big stride and quickly manage to near the distance between Faust. It gives A fast and heavy straight right jab at Faust. Faust move his head away to dodge. The punch graze his face.

"Fucking hell. This guy is fast."

He step back to widen the gap. The wooden doll didn't let him. It keep a fix distance between it and Faust. It keep on giving Faust fast right jab aiming at his face. Faust always barely dodge them. Seeing a gap Faust quickly use the gap to give it a right hook. It dodged and counter with a left cross.

Faust was sent flying and landed on his back.

"What the hell? The punch is so heavy."

"Are you alright sir?"

"Yeah I'm okay. It is quite hard training hand to hand combat while maintaining my use of Vestia."


Faust immediately stood up.

"It seems I will be training here for a while. Can you please bring my meals and bed down here?"


"And please bring me some first aid kit and bandages."

"Please training in moderation sir. About the documents you requested?"

"Bring that down here too. I will be reading that between my training time."


Alex walked to the entrance of the basement. Faust went back to activate the wooden doll. The second round of training between Faust and the wooden doll began.