
Alchemists And Artifacts

This is a story about an ordinary guy going through life while working as a leader of his information gathering agency in the world where people who can use magic is called Alchemist and powerful items called Artifacts exist.

FurballCat · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 13: Faust's Morning?

I struggled as I tried to raise my heavy eyelid. My body felt sluggish and lethargic. The softness and fluffiness of the bed and pillow paired with the warm blanket made me fall deeper and deeper into the state of complete laziness. I didn't want to wake up from my sleep and from this bed and pillow. I wanted to stay under the blanket. I had done enough work yesterday. I didn't want to work today. I am exhausted. The fight yesterday was tiring.

"Faust...Faust...Faust!...Faust!!...Faust!!!... Wake up! Faust! It's already more than 6 hours since you slept."

"Who's there?"

I raised my heavy eyelid with a lot of effort and saw an angel with wavy black hair. No, wait sorry my bad. It was not angel. It was Maria.

"Wait is that you Maria? Why are you still here? Go back and do your job~ Yawn~. Just let me sleep a little bit more~."

"Come on rise and shine you lazy bum. Your secretary have something for you."

"Ughhh Hahhh~ fine. Wait outside. I'll go wash my face and brush my teeth first. Or, you can go wait in my office. Ask Alex to bring drinks for you or something."

"Alright. I'll go to your office. Make sure you get up okay? I don't like to wait long."

"I know I know. Geez~. You don't have to give me that kind of warning. I'm not a little kid anymore. Now go. I want to change clothes."

"I'll go now. Meet you at your office."

Maria walked out of my bedroom door while beaming a big smile on her face.

"Geez~ that girl. Doesn't she know privacy or something. Suddenly barged in into another person bedroom and tell them that you don't like to wait for them is seriously overbearing."

I got up from my bed while ruffling my unkempt hair and rubbing my not so toned stomach. Ahh I'm hungry. Growl~. Fried rice for lunch then with a glass of orange juice or cold water is already good. Should I let the cook made it or... I think I'll just made it myself. Ptui. Creak creak. Pshhhh. Blub blub blub. Ahhh Gurgle gurgle gurgle~. Ptui. Splash slash splash. Creak creak. I grabbed a clean towel to wipe my face.

"Hmmm should I shave... Nah I just shave 20 days ago. I think I'm good."

I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to my cupboard.

"What colour should be good today? Brown or blue? Hmm maybe gray."

I took out the gray suit from my cupboard. White collar shirt and no tie. Brown leather shoes and black belt. Oooh almost forgot the hair wax.


The office door was swung opened. A man with a gray suit walked in while fixing his sleeve button. He walked straight to his old wooden desk and office chair.

"Alex give me the things you said you want to give me."

"Here sir . These are pictures taken by the big kids."

"Thank you. You can tell them , they can stop the surveillance now. Make sure to retreat slowly so that they can't catch on and make sure safety first."

"On your order sir."

The man flipped open the file and started looking at the pictures one by one. Often times he can be seen wrinkling his eye brows but rarely he snicker. He put on a smug smile quite a few and a face of disgusts most of the time. He gave off a satisfied expression when he finished looking at all the pictures.

"Just like I thought. We don't have much time. I have to strike tonight."

"Not much time? Why? "

Maria asked while tilting her head at the man.

"Because... They are trying to run away back to the Central."

" Run away back to the Central? But isn't that man a demoted Politician? And did the illegal Alchemist coming along with him?"

"Yes, yes and yes. He is a demoted Politician for now that is. There is actually another person who plan all this. A person higher up than a Politician, an Administrator. Before you ask anything, let me tell you about the fake demoted Politician. His name is Rakhala Krialo, a bootlicking politician from the Central."