
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Ch-64 Darling in the Tree

Sen takes Jake to Ayodhya with a difficulty

Jake kept complaining about the weather all the way

Sen had to knock him out and carry him through the snowy mountains

with a great difficulty they reach Ayodhya

As soon as Sen sets a foot in Hari comes to greet him

Hari-"Welcome back Senso Kazuki"

Sen-"Yeah! Could you do me a favor and wake him up"

Hari takes Jake and puts him on a table

Hari takes a glass of water and throws on Sens face

Jake wakes up gasping for breath

Jake-"Oh my god that is some cold water"

Hari-"He is awake"

Sen-"Thanks Hari"

Jake-"What the hell was that?"

Hari-"Hello I am Hari! He asked me to wake you up and pouring water on you was the fastest way"

Jake-"OH! I am Jake Vanguard! Nice to meet you"

Hari-"Vanguard? perhaps are you related to Rose Vanguard?"

Jake-"Yeah she is my sister"

Hari-" I see"

Sen-"Enough with the small talk! Where is Karan?"

Hari-"Follow me"

Sen asks Jake to stay where he is and follows Hari to the Office

Karan is Delighted to see sen back in Ayodhya

Karan-"Sen! Here to attend the Inazuma Festival aren't you?

Sen-"Actually yeah"

Karan-"C'mon visit us once in a while wont you?'

Arjun-"Yeah Sulthan has been dying to meet you"

Karan-"Where is he by the way right now?"

Arjun-"I have no idea"

Karan-"He is a pain now isn't he?"

Sen-"I guess he is a pain"

Sen-"Anyway I have to talk to you about something"

Jake sits in front of a tree

Jake who has nothing to do starts to Meditate

After a few minutes Jake finds himself in a mysterious Realm

Jake-"What is this place?"

Suddenly Jake hears a laugh

It was a very high pitched voice

Like a young childs Voice

Jake-"Who are you?"

Jake looks around but finds nothing but stars in the sky

Suddenly a mysterious Child Jumps from the Tree

The child is glowing with Golden light

He has no face nor a human body

His body is made out of light

Jake-"Who are you?"

???-"I am you Darling!"

Jake-"You are me?"

???-"Well u can call me your darling"

Jake-"Okay Darling what are you?"

Darling-"I am you!"

Jake-"okay this is getting super confusing"

Darling-"Let me explain

I am you but not actually you!

I am the power of light that you have inside you

And this is inside your power!"

Jake-"My power?"

Darling-"Yes my dear jake your power was bestowed upon you by god

Your purpose is to maintain the balance!"

Jake-"Balance between what?"

Darling-"You will know soon!"


Darling-"Till now you have been using only 20 percent of your power

Now you shall use all of your power!"

Jake-"Um okay i guess but"

Darling-"Uh uh questions for next time for now trust that Alchemist"


Jake snaps out of the Realm

Jake pants

Jake-"What the hell was that?"