
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Ch-63 Fearful Desires

The 2 months that sen talks about pass by quick

The very next day

Joe-"Where in the freaking world is Senso Kazuki??"

Rose-"Joe Relax!"

Joe-"Relax? Every time he comes back he leaves without notice in 2 days! We are supposed to be keeping an eye on him!"

Jon-"I mean we can't really bind him to a place"

David-"Only God knows what he is doing"

Joe-"Damn it!"

Jake-"Relax he told you he will come back after 2 months and the 2 months end today"

The scene changes

Sen is meditating in the balcony of his apartment

The weather is cloudy

There is no rain but there are clouds covering Neo city

sen meditates in peace

After a few minutes

A huge dargon enters Neo city flying towards Sens apartment

The dragon flys to sens balcony and stops in front of him

Kakashi standing on top of the dragon starts a conversation with sen

Kakashi-"You called?"

Sen slowly opens his eyes

He gets up from the ground

Sen-"We need to talk"

Kakashi-"About what?"

Sen-"How these dragons Came to existence again"

Kakashi-"Oh thats what you want to know?"

Sen-"I clearly remember that i killed every single one of them"

Kakashi-"Maybe you missed!"

Sen uses Flash step and put Enma on Kakashis neck

Sen-"I am not in the mood of humour right now so Kakashi tell me what happened 400 years ago?"

Kakshi-"You want to know how they came back to life huh?"


Kakshi-"Come to the Inazuma Lanetern Festival

You will definitely find your answer there"

Sen pulls back Enma from Kakashis neck

Sen-"You better keep the answer for my question ready"

Kakashi-"I will for sure!"

Sen Jumps back to the Apartment balcony

Kakashi-"Bring your friends you might find something big!"

Sen-"Something big?"

Kakashi-"Just wait till you find out"

Kakashi leaves the place and goes back

Sen Goes back inside and gets dressed to go to the Police station

Sen takes a bike from the cellar and heads to the police station

He parks it right beside David's car that was gifted by sen

Sen heads inside to see Joe frustrated

Joe Takes a huge book and throws at sen

Sen barely Dodges it

Sen-"Holy- The hell is wrong with you?"

Joe-"Where were you?"

Sen-"I told you i was in my apartment!"

Joe-"Like hell i believe you"

Sen-"Joe i am not kidding i was"

Joe-"You were?"

Sen-"Yes i was!"

Joe-"Oh i am sorry then!"

Sen-"Its ok!"

Joe-"So here is the thing i got a lead about our Malicious Mercenary"

Sen-"A lead?"

Joe-"Yes according to sources He is in Silverslain Kingdom"

Sen-"Silverslain Kingdom?"

Joe-"Yeah you don't know where it is?"

Sen-"No i know where it is it's just that the dragon attack was also near Silverslain Kingdom!"

Joe-"Yeah i know!"

Sen-"I don't think it's a coincidence that the Malicious Mercenary is in Silverslain Kingdom near which the dragon attack took place"

Joe-"What are you saying?"

Sen-"I think it's connected"


Sen-"I need to go to Inazuma!"

Joe-"Inazuma all of a sudden why?"

Sen-"I am taking Jake and Free with me!"

Joe-"Free isn't there!"

Sen-"He is already in Inazuma!"

Joe-"what the hell is he doing in Inazuma!"

Sen-"Sen The rest of the team to silverslain Kingdom undercover!"

Joe-"Dont order me!"

Sen-"Do what i say now!"

Sen grabs Jake on his way out and explains him the situation

Jake-"So we are going to a festival right now?"

Sen-"Yea so let's go!"

Jake-"Lets go!"