MC dies gets reincarnated into Mha with alchemy. The rest is in the novel so enjoy. Yeah the cover isn't mine who would've thought? Chapters get uploaded qhenwver I feel like it, but I'll try to upload one wvery week atleast, maybe more than that.
After firming my resolve I started reading the books on my special fields and everything related to them like books about basic griffenmancy.
The apartment was completely bought and electricity, as well as water, are paid for, for the next few years. I have a storeroom with food and water so there's no real problem. Everything I do nowadays is studying eating and sleep.
While all my books are basic versions I still need a foundation so I read many starter books before going into the specific themes.
My bad photographic vision helped me a lot but in the end, I still need to be able to draw alchemy circles myself so it took a while to memorize everything to fully start.
I now studied for 3 months straight and there were almost no disturbances. I've decided to get a breath of fresh air because my food will run out today. I don a gray large raincoat with rubber boots. I'm also wearing a medical mask even though this world doesn't have C*rona. But it's okay because we're in Japan in a way more polluted future.
When I get out of my door I take a quick breath while concentrating on the rain around me. I begin to walk into the city center looking for some government agency.
A red car drives by me making my clothes underneath my raincoat wet. Goddamnit what a whore!. I take a glance around me and upon noticing nobody I take out a piece of chalk from my coat and start drawing something beneath me.
The alchemy circle works and my normal clothes are dry again. There's nothing more convenient than using alchemy is there?
Before I can begin walking again I hear a quiet sound from a nearby alleyway.
A pitch-black cat with sparkling eyes sits there licking its leg after letting out its meow. You could see a cute and happy cat the only thing hindering you from seeing something like this is the cat's malnourished body.
"Aww you cute little kitten. You saw me performing alchemy! Now I need to take you with me to my home you little sweetie or else I might need to kill you, yes yes I'm very serious "
I pick the cat gently up and lift it into my raincoat where it cuddles with my body.
After finding the naming center I quickly changed my name to something more presentable Satou yeah. I also went to buy food for me and my new little friend. I've bought standard cat food cat toys and everything else my new cute baby needs.
I also went to a veterinarian after feeding my strong boy. Yes, he's a boy and yes I he's okay and well.
I also gave him a name