
Alchemist in Harry Potter

Albert never had any big ambitions in his life. He has always thought of himself as a ordinary person. He was reborn and received cheats. When Albert was planning to be an ordinary person with dreams, an Owl sent him an invitation from Hogwarts, which made him realize that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter. Now, Albert is considering how to be a dreamy ordinary person in the wizard world. -------------------------- Once again, I am the editor not the author. Author - Lazy Cat On The Keyboard mtl link - https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-alchemist-of-harry-potter/ --------------------- I have not read this but just picked it up because it had good ratings. There is late romance according to the reviews.

Hiddenveil · Movies
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21 Chs

Anderson Family's History

Two days later, the Anderson family drove to Charles Street. Albert's grandfather and grandmother lived at 21 Charles Street.

The Andersons visited the two elderly people every year. During the summer vacation, Albert would always stay with them for a few days.

"Dad, I came to see you," Herb said, looking at his father.

"Albert, come here and let me see you, my boy!" Luke completely ignored his son, stepped forward and looked at his grandson. "Herb told me about it, it's great that you have received a letter from Hogwarts. If there is something you want to buy, you can tell me..."

"Dad, I and Albert have already brought all the things needed from Diagon Alley. Herb looked at his father helplessly.

Herb then cleared his throat and said, "I brought you a gift. "

"I'm not a kid, I don't want any gifts." Luke glanced at his son, took Albert's hand and said, "Let's go inside the house and show me what kind of magic you have learned."

"Luke has been excited for several days, like a child waiting for his new toy to arrive." Sansa, Herb's mother, said to Herb. "He never told me about it before. I only found out about it a few days ago. I haven't seen Niya for a long time. Ya, have you missed me anymore."

"My brother won't let me touch his wand, he always guards it against me like I am a thief." Niya immediately reported to her grandmother.

"Herb, watch Tom, don't let him run around." Daisy picked up the package in the car and asked her husband to put the cat in the cat cage, lest it runs away.

"Can Albert do magic?" Sansa thought magic was very interesting but she didn't expect her grandson to be a wizard.

"Yes, he can make his wand shine and he secretly practices in his room every night." Niya held her grandmother's hand and said, "He also said that if I took the wand, I would blow up the house."

"Mom, you don't know, that magic wand is dangerous, let me tell you..." Herb took the cat cage and followed them behind, still talking about what he had seen in Diagon Alley.

"Albert thinks it is dangerous to try magic without any knowledge about it," Daisy added.

She had read the history of magic and knew part of what happened in the magic world and had some understanding of the magic world.

"Well Daisy, things are not as bad as you think."

"No, Mom, in fact, even in the wizarding world, children would not be allowed to easily take a wand." Daisy was completely on Albert's side.

"How do you know?" Herb asked curiously.

"If you read all the books Albert brought, you will know." Daisy looked at her husband reproachfully, "Take care of Albert, he is our precious son."

"Don't worry, Albert didn't worry us since he was a child." Herb knows his son's character very well.

"Everyone, let's eat snacks." Daisy took the package into the house and took it to the living room.

After being imprisoned in the cage all the way, Tom was released and started running around.

Sansa and Daisy went to the kitchen to prepare some desserts and black tea and Luke was listening to his son and grandson talking about Diagon Alley.

Luke, of course, knew that the portrait of the wizard would move and he also knew Dumbledore.

He put the chocolate frog that Herb brought into a large glass bottle and placed it in the living room as a decoration.

"I even wrote to Dumbledore at the time, asking why you didn't receive the invitation letter." After so many years, Luke was finally relieved because someone from his family received an invitation from Hogwarts, "Because I didn't have any ability to cast spells, a so-called muggle. So, when I was eleven I was sent away to some ordinary relatives by my parents for 1 year."

"How can they do this?" Herb was puzzled and angry. He felt that his grandparent's family had done too much.

"Being a muggle is a shame to a wizard's family." Luke said, "They will hide this secret as much as possible and even pretend that there is no such person."

"It was very sad." Niya comforted Luke.

"After so many years, I put those things aside and I have completely cut my connections from my family over there." Luke picked up Niya and put her on his lap and said with a smile, "However, Albert became a wizard. It was surprising for me, back when Herb didn't receive the invitation letter, I had given up completely."

After the small talk, Albert showed them some magic, such as the glowing spell, the repairing spell, the cleaning spell and the unlocking spell. These are the four spells he can currently use with the help of level 2: Wizard Bloodline.

"I want to do it too." Niya looked at her grandfather coquettishly and whispered, "I want to learn magic too, but Albert is not letting me."

Luke looked at his grandson and asked him for his opinion. He knew that Albert had his own opinion in this case and he would not take the decision on a whim.

"You can do only what I tell you." Albert looked at his sister, he was very curious about whether Niya had magic talent.

"I will, I promise I will." Niya nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"You promised so quickly, forget it, it means you are not paying attention to what I said at all." Albert stared at his sister and said.

"NO! I'm listening carefully." Niya quickly retorted.

"Then say it first, 'fluorescence flickers'."

"Fluorescence flickers." Niya hurriedly followed, she knew it was a spell.

"Say it a few more times slowly. Don't say it wrong otherwise something unexpected may happen." Albert said, "I will lend you my wand later, don't use it on people. Don't chant the spell, even if you aren't using any magic."

"I see," Niya said a little impatiently.

"What I just said," Albert asked suddenly.

"Don't jab with your magic wand, don't..." Niya forgot to say, she pursed her lips and complained, "I am not you, how can I remember so many things."

"If you can't remember, then sorry, I can't give you the magic wand," Albert said.

"But... well, you said it all once." Niya compromised.

Watching Albert nag at Niya to death, the Andersons laughed, kids are always naughty, and Niya's situation is similar.

However, Albert has a way to manage her mischief.

After Niya remembered Albert's words, Albert gave her his wand.

Niya took the wand excitedly and after being glared at by Albert, she calmed down.

She chanted the spell and tried to use the glowing spell, but the spell did not work.

"Take a deep breath, concentrate, and try it again." Albert stretched out his hand and put it on Niya's shoulder.

'Glowing spell is one of the simplest spells. If that cannot be used, it probably means that Niya may not have the talent to become a wizard.'

"Fluorescence flickers." Niya tried several more times but did not succeed even once.

"You are very anxious. The more anxious you are, the more chances there are to fail." Albert stroked his sister's hair and turned his head to look at his grandfather.

Luke shook his head, Albert knew what it meant.

"Am I not talented enough to be a wizard?" Niya cried, looking very sad.

"I don't know either." Albert comforted Niya, "Perhaps, it's just because you are still very young."

"I hate you, Albert always lies. I must not have the talent required to become a wizard." Niya dropped the wand and ran away.

Albert picked up his wand with a helpless look, looking in the direction Niya ran and prepared to catch her.

"I'm going to find Niya." Luke stood up and walked in the direction his granddaughter ran in.

He understood Niya's current mood. He also experienced it once.