
Aizawa Off Planet: Two More Problem Children

Shota Aizawa finds himself on the capital planet Coruscant, building a life as the Black Loathcat vigilante and surprise adopting two force sensitive kids (problem children).

T_PosingBird · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 002

Aizawas popularity had only grown in his time within the Coruscant Depths, and frankly, he didn't mind. Back in Japan, it would have been a hindrance. But here, it meant nearly anyone would discreetly help him out when needed, whether that be hiding from authorities, stitching up a wound, or anything of the like. Thankfully, the depth dwellers didn't let his presence leak past the top 1000 levels, making 10 times easier for Aizawa to remain inconspicuous when he made occasional trips to the canopy or surface.

The ravenette was now just arriving at Kaina and Tenshi's garage, the two waiting to greet him. "Sensei! Is it time to train?" Kaina asked eagerly.

"Did you meditate?"

"Yes sensei. But when can I stop meditating before practice?" She asked, her yellow and green eyes giving away how much she didn't like the practice.

"Once you can get a blue bolt of your lightning to remain still with your 'plasma ball' technique. You can't use your red lightning without meditation, though."

"Hnnnnnn." She groaned in exasperation, Tenshi chuckling in the background.

"Well, let's see it kid." Kaina went to the opposite side of the room, summoning a ball of electricity between her hands. She adjusted its size a few times, before stopping and narrowing her eyes at the energy. A chain of electricity then shot out, stopping right before Aizawa's chest. The first step was done. "Concentrate, Kaina." Aizawa said. The electricity's spasming began to slow down, this was usually where she failed. But this time, Aizawa could color himself impressed. The lightning completely froze, solidifying into a jagged, metal-like material that glowed blue. Kaina released the 'plasma ball', the solid lightning falling and clanging to the ground. "Good job Kaina, how are you feeling?"

Aizawa whipped out his laptop, as Kaina explained how her mind and body were reacting. "My hands feel a little tingly, and my arms feel kinda fatigued." Kaina then pulled out her pocket mirror, her eyes widening a bit. "And my eyes changed again. My yellow eye turned red, and my green eye turned yellow." The man beckoned his problem child over, who took a close look at her eyes, took a picture (with Kainas consent of course), and noted down the changes.

"How 'bout your head? Anything different going on in there?"

"I feel like I could freeze my lightning again a lot easier now that I did it once."

"Any symptoms that the Jedi described for force lightning?"

"I feel a little loony, but it's manageable." Kaina chuckled. "Those Jedi really think that this 'Darkside' stuff makes you cold and angry. But it just helps you let go of your inhibitions."

"I believe so too." Aizawa said. "I think former Jedi turned 'Darksiders' are the way they are due to the Jedis' restrictive culture. The only Jedi who's been able to be truly happy in those conditions is Jedi master Fae." Aizawa finished up his notes, looking up to the two force-sensitives. "You two will be training on the pipelines today with your innate abilities. You'll have these super compressed weights on your legs and arms and will be sparring against each other while I fire my capture scarf. Kaina, get ready for your red lightning. Tenshi, anything to report?"

"Yeah, I got my force lightning up to fifteen seconds, and my Blue technique got up to a minute, so now I'm on par with Kainas Red." Aizawa typed it all down.

"Alright. After sparring, we'll go down to The Hollow on 5120 for you and Kaina to practice your Purple technique." Aizawa closed his laptop. "You meditate too."

"Hai sensei."

~ Timeskip ~

After training, Aizawa escorted the girls back to the safety of the garage, the hero giving a small smile as the two kids settled down on their own beds that Aizawa had gotten via favors people in the undercity owed him. Training, plus practicing their Purple technique, plus climbing nearly 2000 city levels, Aizawa couldn't blame them.

The man soon left, buying himself a sandwich at a nearby stall and sitting down at a bench. He'd gotten the girls some food earlier, but hadn't gotten himself anything yet. As he was about done, when he felt the hairs on the back of his head stood on end, and a Jedi sat down next to him.

~ Pov Switch ~

Earlier, with the Jedi Council…

"Something is going on in the lower depths of Coruscant. I think we can all agree on that." Windu stated once the council assembled.

"Yes, I also feel something drawing me down there." Fisto agreed. "There have been subtle disturbances in the force. Quiet, but noticeable after a while."

Obi-Wan then spoke up, "I suggest we send a squad down to investigate. Myself, Fisto, and Plo-Koon, perhaps? The behavior of these disturbances suggest someone young, but cautious. Possibly hiding." he suggested.

"Correct, I believe you are, Master Obi-Wan." Yoda concurred. "I too sense youth in these surges of energy."

Current time…

Kit Fisto had separated from Plo Koon and Obi-Wan, the force drawing him somewhere else. It took him a few minutes, but he eventually found the source of his summons. There was a man with a pair of thick yellow goggles on, eating a sandwich, presumably from the nearby stall. The Jedi walked up to said stall owner, speaking up. "That man in black, on the bench. Who's he?"

"Surface dweller eh? You sure are good at blending in." The man instantly guessed, the Jedi having to hide his surprise.

"How did you know?" Jedi were good at being inconspicuous, and something obvious must have given him away.

"Everyone who lives down here knows who that man is, and what he's done for us. Out of courtesy for him, I'll keep quiet. Ask him yourself." With that, Kit Fisto thanked the stall owner and headed to the mysterious man, sitting down next to him.

Said man finished his bite, shifting his face towards the Nautolan. "And you are?" He asked, not impolitely.

"My name is Kit Fisto-"

<<Sensei! Tasukeru! Jedi!>> *Bzzz*

The man's commlink suddenly lit up, his head snapping towards a pit down to the lower levels and vaulting over the fence to plunge into the depths. He was too quick for Fisto to catch, lest he reveal his identity as a Jedi.

The Jedi master stood up quickly, looking over the edge, spotting the man release gray tendrils, diving and swinging effortlessly down. "Obi-Wan, Plo Koon. What's your status?"


Kaina POV: 'Hmmm... I wonder... To kick ass or not to kick ass?'

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