
Ai Senju's Journey Around the Worlds

Ai Senju, the Daughter of Tsunade Senju, and a visitor from outside was isekie'd to another world by her father. The only explanation she got was this is good for you and so she was dropped in a world with Demons and Demon Slayers. Dropped in this new world, with no chakra and her powers gone, with no way to go back, what was she supposed to do? How is she supposed to go back? .................................................. Hey! From now on I will be posting 4 chapters weekly (6000 words in total). 2 will be free available here, and 2 more can be accessed on my buy me a coffee or the patreon. https://www.patreon.com/UnravelNNA! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/UnravelNNA https://discord.gg/yCBakJY - Discord https://www.instagram.com/unravel_nna/?hl=en - Instagram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OzNI1JhpZmxNAM_cu4BBQ ...................................................... Current World - Demon Slayer. Next Planned World - My Hero Academia .................................................... Currently I have no plans for there being any smut in it. This is not a R-18 story. It might change in the future, decided by majority vote.

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34 Chs

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