
Ah...here we go again(40k/Primarch SI)

When Life gives you lemons, throw it, you don't know what kind of warpfuckery happened to that lemon.

sp4rtan12 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

"Hear the dirge of Slaanesh!"


Tumultuous tides of daemons and Orks clashed near the deep abyss. With Orks crying out with excitement in contrast to the daemons' cries of mixed pain and pleasure.

"For the Dark Prince!"

"Haha! Dis iz gud foight!"

With dakkajets and deffkoptas taking to the air engaging flying daemons which looked like Drukhari women wrapped around a flying dinosaur in such a way that both pain and pleasure were felt. (AN: Wrapped around like those on tentacle hentai)

Minor Ork Warbosses jubilantly fighting with great zeal inflicting huge damages to the daemons of great sizes. Their efforts fell short as they fall one by one to the might of the following Greater Daemons. Prompting the Orks to escalate on the manner of weaponry.

Trukks and various Nobs armed with 'WAAAGH' infused mini nuclear weaponry did their suicidal runs on the Greater Daemons, inflicting huge damages to both sides but the Orks did more damage to their own than to the daemons.

But the tides of daemons seem to not end, various daemons kept pouring out from the warp tear as the Orks' numbers grew lesser and lesser.

By the time the last Ork Warboss fell. The last vestiges of courage that the Orks had, vanished, prompting them to flee in all directions possible.

Now, the daemons could do what mission the Dark Prince bade them do. Acquire something of importance from this ancient battlefield.

Yet someone is not going to allow this to happen.

Loud blaring songs sounded from the horizon.


Large numbers of sleek black bombers emerged from the raging clouds. Missiles prompted and locked. Their guns and cannons are ready for the coming bloodshed.


Various artillery ordinances rained upon the ranks of the crowding daemons and their corrupted digging machinery like a never-ending barrage of wrath from the skies.


Huge battle lines of black units of war, coming in the form of a mixture of Ares and Vanguard-type vehicles, emerged from the horizon.

An Atlas battle titan teleported in the heart of the daemon horde from out of nowhere, instantly turning a Greater Daemon into bits of gore and blood.


Sounded the Atlas titan as it activated its seismic overtures as it landed on the ground.


Instantly turning small daemons and various armaments into finely mixed mists of blood, guts, and metal.

Now....the battle has been joined.

A short one for today.

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