
Chapter 7


In the darkness, a soft silvery light pulsed in one of the stones covered by the rubble.

Through the stagnated remains of what seemed to belong to the ancient Krorks, scattered together with the remnants of several ancient wraithbone titans along with what seems to be the ruined gigantic armor of their enemy, a ruined husk of the Yngir.

A blurry silhouette formed...

"Shea nudh Asuryanish ereintha Asuryanat." the silhouette spoke as it felt the warring above...

Then it was gone. Yet power could still be felt on the stone, its power still flows strong.

It was biding...waiting...

Waiting for the opportunity like it has for several thousands of millennia...


"Through the gates of hell, as we made our way to heaven... through the Chaos/Xenos (Depends on who's the enemy) lines..... PRIMO VICTORIA...heh... I'll make that my Legion's warcry..."

I'm on a time limit now with the coming of the Chaos Incursion. I don't know what Chaos is playing at or what their mission is, but I know for sure they aren't welcome here... I could already hear the battle between the Chaos and the Greenskins at the distance who noticed the Warp tear anomaly and went in to have a go at a 'Gud fight'.

There is not much Planetary Combat tech available in the Stellaris database aside from the Planetary Fortress design... so I will go full PA commander in this...

Process the metals among the Ork remains....cleanse the area with matter disintegrator... then we go on a fast building spree... simple enough...

Repair the ruined extractor, transfigure more extractors for the quick economy, fabricate energy power plants, then fabricate an adjacent Bot Factory and a Vehicle Factory.

I repeated the process until I had every single factory except the Orbital one... I needed fabbers for that...

I've not much time to create my own custom units aside from tweaking them with various enhancements, durability, and resistance runes.

I then quickly set off the role of the factories to produce more fabricator units or fabbers, followed by a number of PA basic units like the Ants, Doxes, Grenadiers, and a pair of Stitch for the preliminary defense.

As soon as more fabbers finished fabricating, I immediately set them to start building defenses, using the Planetary Fortress design of the Stellaris Techbase as the blueprint for what my base would look like. Filling it with PA stationary defenses to the brim, with various walkways designed in such a way that my forces would be able to move quickly may it be for defense or going into the offense. I've created an airfield with dedicated fabbers underground the base, expanding it with runes and various space expanding charms for it to accommodate a large number of air vehicles, all while connecting the said space to a large hatch just outside my base for immediate deployment as soon as the order was given.

I only installed non-sentient VI's similar to the ones like the Men of Glass and the Men of Stone over my forces so that they could maneuver more efficiently and quite independently whenever I was not in control.

Next... fabricate a Planetary Shield generator, one that only covers my base just to be safe if ever the Orks had the Orbital Superiority.

Then I moved myself to create a Planetary Radar, my sensor systems are powerful but not as powerful as a Radar or its Stellaris equivalent.

As soon as the Radar is finished fabricating, I quickly used it to see the Planet's Status.

And...oh...that's a lot of green...a shitload of light-green scattered all across the planet, there were even more located in various undergrounds. I suppose purple denotes me and my units. Then there's a multicolor tear of which I suppose was the Warp and various pink dots scattered all around it with a few dots noticeably bigger than the others. So maybe it's Slaanesh then... I mean Slaaneshi Daemons are always known for their pinkish hue and aura, so it's maybe Slaanesh...

Then there's one silver dot of notable size in a position quite deep underground just between the Abyss-like crack and the Warp tear with the pink units slowly gaining ground for it. Whatever or who that silvery thing is, its saving grace was only the Orks who engaged the pink units with glee. But those Orks won't last for long.

'I guess I was not the main mission for these Chaos Units...but whatever it must be, would be quite important for Slaanesh to even send Greater Daemons if that is what the bigger pink units are... '

'I must see to it that they never succeed, Fuck...there's no good comes if Chaos lay a hand on it...' I mused as I quickly ordered the construction of 2 Titans, one generated from the data of the Cybrex Warforge and another an Atlas Titan, both overhauled with runes and various small weaponry.

The Orbitals can wait. In another hour, my army will be sizable enough to contend both with what the Orks and Chaos have to offer.

Then the battle will be joined...haha this will be GLORIOUS...

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