
AGUDA EMPIRE::-The Rise Of The Devine Prince

After Aguda Empire now known as Africa Continent experienced the greatest civil war influenced by other continents and forengn being. AGUDA fell to her knees and her tribes clans and kingdomes were controlled by forengn forces that is beyond her power. Her only hope to rise and reclaim what was lost lay in the hand of the Devine prince whom prophecy claim will be born to rise from ashes and gods will tremble in his presence. will her champion help her or will he fail her like the other champions (The prince of aguda)

Obi360Novels · Fantasy
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32 Chs

CHAPTER 27 ::- Spar

There fighting spirit went high as ogbu agu brought out his staff from his spatial storage ring.

"Oh father has a spatial storage treasure, Then I obika son of ogbu agu will give you my father the fight yo deserve. I will show you that I have brave the wild." Obika said

They cerculed themselfs round for some time. Obika closed his eyes while circulating his mana in his dantian, His purse opened and mana within thousands of miles rushed towards him.

This made ogbu agu to stop and kept his gaze locked onto his son. He thought he wanted to use a forbidden magic art on him, But he shocked that off and thought of a breakthrough.

Obika greedily absorbs the mana as it travels through his meridians, Into his dantian where his mana core is located. Every ounce of mana where refined automatically before crystalizing into the mana core.

Everyone gasped for air as the phenomenon continued, "is he cultivating during battle." one of the youghts beside Annene asked. "Only ogbu agu and some other great warriors including the prince can do this." Another thought said.

"Don't worry, During our stay as slave in abam we only cultivated slowly in a hidden pace. During our excape and journey he was unable to cultivate but now he has no restrain." Annene cleared there doupt.

"And now he is struck by enlightenment." Annene added. "Enlightenment." Ogbu agu and others exclaimed in happiness.

Truly only some one with great talent in magi cultivation could invoke enlightenment unknowly in the battle field.

In obikas case he invoked it knowly which is a hard feat to be acomplish by few masters. Inside obikas see of counsioseness, five elemental seeds have apeard and grew in size.

This are metal air earth fire and water. This also made his cultivation base to take a big leap to peak profound elemental realm.

As obika exhaled a fowl air ogbu agu made his move slashing the staff towards him horizontally creating a fiery arch flying towards obika.

He picked up the pace of the incoming attack. The air became disturbed and vibrated. "Become one with the element and your will shall prevail; I am air" he said and the air gathered around him forming a translucent staff.

The earth trembled and every clay pot nearby began vibrating. "I am earth and the immovable mountain" he said to himself and the clay pot shattered while the earth element in it came flying towards him.

It formed earthn staff, "I am metal the indistructable element strong and sturdy." The metals around were drained off there metal essence, it flew towards him into his grasp.

"I am fire that burns and destroy I am water that quench mens terst." Fire engulfed the earthn staff the air staff and the metal staff.

They merged together as the water that was spilled on the floor when the pot shartterd flew towards the now fiery staff. It rapped around the staff as smoke puffed out.

As the smoke cleared stood the staff. It has a golden color and a tiny fiery red line like cracks running from the top in cerculer form to the bottom.

The staff vibrated sending sounds wave infused mana and spirit energy around. Soon it began absorbing spirit energy which is scars in the area.

Spirit energy from thousands li away rushed towards the staff location. Ogbu agu became speechless as his instinct tells him that this is a demi god tear treasure.

It's only rival can be the omega sword used by the prince of aguda. He could not remember when there family line has a magic tool craft man.

"Is it a Devin magic tool." Someone in the crowed asked. Obika looked at his father and others and saw that they needed explanation from him.

"Yes it is but it's not completed. This is a spiritual magic tool or treasure at demi god level with room for external self improvement and growth." Obika answerd. No some people eyes flashed with greed which obika noticed.

"Will you build one for me." Ogbu agu asked shamlesly. "I will not only build one for you but for all the warriors in agbatu and AGUDA EMPIRE." Obika said while smiling to his father.

The staff aura spiked up, every one shivered as if a god is present amongst them. They all liked at the staff as it absorb the last spirit energy it wanted and stoped.

"I am waiting for you old bone" obika said jokenly. His father could not lay his hands on what feeling his getting now. As if his son is shrowded in Mistry while his power has grown to the peak.

'It will be the work of the staff, such a great and high magic tool.' ogbu agu thought to himself.

They could have rushed up and beat obika up before collecting the magic tool from him. But since he has promised to armed them with it they care more less about the treasure.

If words of such treasure were leaked out blood will flow, there will be all our war which will bring the empire to it's destruction.

Even the omega blade has been fought for, while the wilder of the omega blade has to be strong and the omega blade choose it's owner.

For the newly created staff that is strong, It has no self defence spell and has no will to choose who wilds it. is a peice of cake for experts to steal and murder the weak owner which is obika.

Omalinze looked at the staff while ogbu agu busy fighting with his spirit whether to fight obika or not. The staff has scared the hell out of him.

If obika is not his blood son he would have run away with his tail betwine his legs. Mainly looking at the staff and it's powerful and dreadfully aura it will be a suicide to fight the bearer who wilded it.

His heart already is in tormoil, omalinze looked at obika as he sighed. Obika stroked the staff gently and the dreadfully aura dispersed to nothingness imidiately.

Ogbu agu gazed at the staff greedely 'With this staff I can win wars and battles without fighting." Ogbu agu thought

"Hmm children nowadays don't respect there father scareing me with your treasure aura. I admit it's powerfull and dreadfully." Ogbu agu said as he positioned himself for fight.

Obika snapped his eyes open while ogbu agu closed the gape betwine them. He slashed his staff twice horizontally. Obika staff took the hit in defence position, Letting out a vibration noise in every hit it took.

Ogbu agu was pushed back by the impact force numbing his hands. "Not bad son, Not bad." He said while obika smiled at him.

"I haven't touched it yet." This brought fear to ogbu agu, He thought to himself. 'What did this child pass through, what pains and agony did he experience when he was away'

He became solum and to bond with him when he has the time for it.

Ogbu agu sent his staff with two fire balls behind. Obikas spirit staff vibrated nonstop, Ogbu agu released seventy percent of his power.

The spirit spear flew and strike ogbu agus spear and the two fire balls. The stage and the ground shocked greatly as ice spreed out covering the stage.

Ogbu agu created ice water and wind domain merging them togerther. Obika spirit staff stoped hovering and pined itself to the ground. It began absorbing the energy used in powering the domain.

Ogbu Agu went wide ones he noticed what was happening, Before he could stop his domain. Half of the energy is gone and the domain shattered while silence decended.

"Is this just the treasure doings or are you aiding it." Ogbu Agu asked "Well I just instructed and she do the rest, let's just say it a training for her." Obika said nonchalantly.

Ogbu Agu walked up to obika and layed his right hand on his shoulder. "I admit deafet half of my energy is gone. This is a good treasure for opponents stronger than you. Consuming there energy to the last before striking, briliant."

"I can see my young self in you." Ogbu Agu said as they both embrace each other and walked out of the stage. The crowed cheared for them as they walked magesticaly.

"You are going to tell me how come to forge weapons and treasures like this. Don't try to hide anything from this old man you know."