
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 18: Jiuca

Hado slowed down after killing General Zhou.

He had taken his time, killing a few soldiers who had come close to him as he mainly watched. The urge to kill had died down now, and he was mostly watching to gain some experience.

The battle lasted for over an hour, and the empire had lost a few hundred men, which was surprising. But that was why Hado had been watching, he wanted to learn how to counter the South.

While he was still young, and just 17 years old, he was mostly thinking of the future. If he wanted to rule this world one day he would need to plan everything.

For all he knew there could be hundreds stronger than Esdeath, and he had yet to see any of the other generals in the empire besides Najenda and Liver, and of course, the red head that was having an affair with Najenda.

"That girl is not bad looking," thought Hado. "I might want to scout her out." He didn't know if she'd make it easy on him though, considering the fact that he hadn't been all too nice to her.

Hado just enjoyed control too much, and sometimes he went overboard with his tactics. The prostitution business had been profitable thus far, so he saw no reason to stop.

He'd expand until he had the largest prostitution ring in the entire world if he could.

Hado watched General Esdeath laugh at the kneeling southern soldiers, tears in their eyes as they squirmed underneath her feet.

"That was very well done combat recruit, but we are not done, it is good you reserved your energy toward the end, for the next battle make sure to expend less energy in the beginning, it's how you burn out," General Najenda said, standing next to him with his arms crossed as he looked at her with a confused expression.

"What?" He asked, looking at the general in confusion.

'Does she think I got tired?'

Najenda looked slightly angry, but brushed it off as she looked at him. "I was saying good job, don't make me regret my words," With that she walked forward to General Esdeath, who refused to tie the soldiers up.

"I want them to see me destroy their entire little country, let them live, just keep them as prisoners for now," Esdeath said, looking ecstatic as one of the soldiers spit at her feet, laughing up at her.

"You can't possibly make it to the mainland... There is an entire ocean in front of you bitch!"

Nobody moved, nor spoke. Hado had never seen the troops so quiet. One sound broke through the silence however.

"Hah... Haha... Hahahahahahaha!" Esdeath laughed uncontrollably at the man, kicking him in the face and facing the ocean.

Walking up to the water she smiled wildly, looking back at everyone as Hado felt something inside of him, a disturbed feeling.

"I forgot to inform you all, I have received an Imperial Arms as a gift for our last mission."

Everyone gasped as the ocean began to turn a blueish color, the waves freezing as Esdeath smiled wider.

Before anyone knew it, the entire ocean had been turned into ice.

"Demon extract," He heard Najenda say, her eyes shaking a bit, a vast contrast to her uninterested body language.

"What's that?" Hado asked. He had studied a bit on Imperial arms, but since so many weren't documented and there were tons of prototypes, he didn't see the point in seeking one out.

"It's a blood type imperial arms, I read about it when I was younger... It gives the user complete manipulation of ice," Najenda explained as Esdeath clapped her hands, looking at the troops.

"This is where your training pays off. When we charge, go find the best places around and slaughter everyone. We've made enough noise, Let's show them what happens when a real army attacks!"

The soldiers roared, ignoring the obvious shot at General Liver who sat bandaged near a horse, Lieutenant Bulat standing with him.

It didn't take long for the troops to rally their horses. They fed them and gave them water, preparing them for the next long ride over the solid ocean.

Three days passed before it was finally time to leave to the main kingdom. Hado lay atop his horse, replaying the battle in his mind over and over again, especially General Liver's fight.

"Hado upfront!" He heard, opening his eyes in surprise as he looked to the side, seeing a clear path with Esdeath at the front.

"Hm?" Hado said, sitting up.

"She called you to the front! Hurry up!" He heard some random seargent yelled.

Hado quickly rode his horse to the front, jumping off and saluting. "General, you called?"

Najenda was at the front as well, laughing with some of her soldiers.

'Huh, and I thought she was timid and cold, how funny,' Hado thought as Esdeath turned on her house, raising her rapier to the sky.

"You'll be riding in the front, why would you hide your strength? Be proud, the strong rule... We ride!"

With that the army roared, riding forward behind Hado, Najenda and Esdeath.


In a grand city, far away from the empire, a king and queen woke up.

"Ah, every day you grow more and more beautiful Xie An," The King said, kissing his wife's hand passionately.

"All for you my love-"

"Sire!" A man dressed in traditional armor yelled as he rushed into the room, ignoring the king and queen's appearance.

"We're being invaded! The front army failed their mission!"

The man froze, his eyes wide as the king rose his hand.

"You thought this worthy enough news to disturb me? Send the guards and General Meng to counter this invasion."

"S-Sir..." The man said, strained, "It's the empire, they have not taken kindly to your declaration of war..."

The king smirked, kissing his wife on the forehead and getting out of the bed.

"In that case... I'll make an appearance," With those words the king closed his hand into a fist, the messenger's entire body bursting in a pool of blood as the queen screamed.

"Fear not my dear, I will show those imperial scum just why the Jiuca kingdom has risen in such a short time..." The king said, smiling as he rushed out the door wearing full armor...