
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 17: Battle

"General Liver, you take the left, Genera Najenda, the right, I'll jump right in!" General Esdeath yelled as she stood up on her horse, a wide sadistic smile strewn upon her face.

Only one other person was as excited as her.

"Oh yeah!" Hado yelled, his horse riding to the front as he stood up on his horse as well, flying past Esdeath toward the small encampment.

"Ready!" The troops yelled as they lined up for battle.

'So they have guns in this world? Actually, come to think of it, I remember some of the guys at the red light district flashing guns to threaten some women... Cool.' Hado thought as Esdeath was right next to him.

He hardly noticed the general as he jumped off of his horse, flying right through one of the enemy soldiers, ripping the man's body in two as he pulled out a dagger.

He rushed to the right, slicing through another soldier's neck and kicking off of his dying body, grabbing another by the hair and using his momentum to swing him up, spinning until Hado's feet touched the ground where he slammed the enemy soldier on the ground with inhumane force.

Esdeath was doing her own little massacre, her rapier flashed as she zigzagged through enemies, cutting them down gruesomely, their flying blood splashing on her face.

The imperial troops caught up, fighting any enemies that Hado and Esdeath missed on their killing spree.

'This rush, oh how I missed it!' Hado thought to himself as he shot past Esdeath, planting his hand on her shoulder and using it as a base to kick the head off another enemy, the blood splashing on his uniform.

Esdeath didn't say anything as she cut down another man, pausing for a second to glance at Hado.

He was already gone though, rushing into one of the makeshift huts and slaughtering three hiding soldiers.

"What cowards, this is fucking war people!" Hado yelled angrily, calming down enough to look at the battle.

With Esdeath and His assault, nearly half of the southern responders had been cut down.

The rest of the army was still getting ready, the empire had struck at a perfect time.

"General Zhou! General Zhou!" A man yelled, gaining Hado's attention as a huge burly man dressed in armor walked through the encampment with dozens of soldiers by his side.

"Ah... one of the generals came out to play..." Hado whispered to himself as he swung his arm back, slicing the head off an attacker who thought he was catching Hado off guard.

"Cease this battle!" The man yelled, slamming his huge spear into the ground at his feet.

The spear shook as visible sound waves flew off of it, transmitting his voice across the encampment and knocking several weaker soldiers to their knees.

Esdeath stabbed into the heart of a down enemy, looking at the man the south called General Zhou.

"Ah... finally someone who looks strong, I was beginning to think General Liver just didn't have what it takes..."

"There is no need for all this bloodshed, I fight your General, and that is that, if I win you all leave and should you win then my country is forfeit, that is a fair arrangement."

General Esdeath seemed disappointed at the offer, looking at his troops with a sour face.


"General Esdeath, as the commanding officer in this mission I believe I should do the honors..." General Liver said, stepping up as Esdeath looked at him, bloodlust oozing from her before it went away.

"Do as you wish," She answered as General Zhou took his spear, pointing it at General Liver and sending another visible wave at the man, knocking him back and sending him tumbling into the dirt.

"Onpa, the spear of Sound will not fail here..." General Zhou said, his expression serious.

General Liver jumped up, loosening his body as he looked at the man with an equally as focused expression.

"Incursio!" Liver yelled, rushing toward Zhou as a suit of armor radiating a powerful aura formed around him.

His punch slammed into the spear Onpa, making General Zhou slide back a bit in the dirt as Liver quickly jumped back, dodging the knee that Zhou had raised to hit him.

Liver ran toward him again, this time slamming his fist into the other general's stomach, sending him flying backward.

"Is this what the South has to offer!" General Liver yelled, bursting forward and kicking the enemy general to the side.

General Zhou jumped up, gritting his bright white teeth. "I will show you what the country of Edica has to offer Imperial scum!"

"Dodge, counter, dodge, counter..." Hado muttered, watching as Zhou kept up with his opponent.

'So fast, so much speed, precise strikes...' He thought, leaning against a hut, enjoying the fight as his eyes focused on the two, soaking in both of their fighting styles.

He had learned one thing about his body since being in this world. It was ridiculously special. He never got physically tired, if not for his mind he would never need sleep. He learned things quickly. He had grown his fighting abilities far past normal since being here, and with the extra boost of not having a human body, he was basically a vessel of infinite potential.

It wasn't a matter of if Hado would be the strongest in the world, but when.

"You are slowing down," General Zhou said as he struck with his spear, the edge clanging off of incursio as General Liver dipped to the right.

"Against you? Doesn't seem likely," The man said as he completely disappeared, shocking everyone, including Hado.

"What?" Hado said, his eyes widening as he saw the display of power. General Liver had simply vanished, not a trace left.

"What? Is this some kind of-"

General Zhou stopped talking, swinging his Spear wildly as he turned around, barely blocking the heavy kick from General Liver.

"Ah, the demon armor? Do they just give it to anyone now? I remember it was the great General Gensei who used to use this weapon... Was he betrayed by his own people as well?" Zhou laughed sending several quickfire soundwaves at Liver, who dodged them all.

"You have no clue what you are talking about, Gensei retired and left the armor to my lieutenant Bulat, I use it as Bulat simply doesn't have an affinity with it..." Liver disappeared again, deciding that they had conversed enough.

General Zhour was ready for it this time, rushing forward and reaching his hand out, grabbing onto Liver's arm and forcing the man straight into the tip of the spear Onpa.

"Haha..." General Zhou said as Liver reappeared, the spear sticking out of his backside as he coughed under the armor.

"General!" Lieutenant Bulat yelled rushing forward before being stopped by General Najenda.

"Don't disrupt this..."

"Hah... That is a good one, I didn't think I would need to bring this out..." Liver said, jumping back in a way that removed the spear from his body smoothly.

Blood dripped down his body, but he ignored it as a large spear appeared in his hands.

"Now you will-" Liver coughed again, dropping to one knee and using the spear as a crutch, clinging onto it as General Zhou chuckled.

"Surely you see that he is incapable of continuing, he's not even worth killing, take him back and leave this place, tell your Emperor that the south was too mighty for the strongest General to beat!"

The southern troops cheered as Bulat rushed to help General Liver up.

"Geez, don't look so worried Bulat, it's better than it looks... I'll live."

General Liver inwardly sighed. He had failed his mission, he knew exactly what would come next. He would be executed, it was the only way to deal with a weak general such as himself.

General Zhou turned around as Esdeath stood there, clearly thinking about what to do next.

Take the loss honorably? Or say fuck the rules and kill this insignificant bug that stood in her way.

But she didn't need to choose. She knew her answer anyway, but the choice was obvious as General Zhou's head fell to the ground, decapitated.

The southern troops immediately went quiet, collectively gasping as a voice talked above them all.

"Geez, and here I thought he was just that strong..." Hado said, looking at the spear next to General Zhou's dead body.

"General Liver has been feeling like shit since last night, he wasn't expecting to win here anyhow... But don't flatter yourselves, you are all insignificant peasants who were put here for one purpose..."

Hado grabbed the spear, smiling wildly as he picked it up, stabbing it into the dead man's back and twisting it, shredding the man's insides and further humiliating him.

"To die..." Hado finished, his eyes flashing as the empires troops roared, rushing forward and attacking without any orders.

There was no need, it was obvious.

As for General Liver, he looked at Hado as he felt his consciousness slip. 'What an interesting kid...'

General Liver would not have thought this if he knew just what Hado had done to him.

Hado smiled as he looked back, calling his dozens of maggots he had sent into General Liver's tent during the night before to feast upon the man's organs, weakening his greatly.

It wasn't enough to kill him, but Hado didn't need that, all he needed was the general to fail, and he had. Najenda and Esdeath could attest to that.

No matter what, General Liver's time as a leader was over.

"All according to plan..." Hado said, dropping the spear and rushing back into battle.

Hado had no intention of losing to someone ever again, especially not some random general. He was going to show them all who he was.

He was going to show them the true meaning of power.


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