

First of all, this is a FanFic so all credits go to the original owners except of course Yumhee, Stephan and all the parts/conversations which weren't part of the original plot. I made drastic changes from my previous published 2018-2019 (I think) fanfic. Please do comment, rate and leave reviews. Criticisms are always welcome. Both negative and positive. ---------- Ever since the day her family died, she knew...everything has changed...including herself. When she met Steve, she always felt a little afraid of him making her forget her goals. But she cannot resist the connection she feels towards him. And so she lets herself fall...slowly and deeply for him. But that's the least of her problems because after she was kidnapped, together with her stepfather, by an organization called Hydra, she embarkes on a journey plagued with blood and pain. She was finally able to escape with his stepfather and son but it resulted in catastrophic injuries in her. And with Steve's death and her son's genetical condition, she started to walk the path towards depression. This was when it all started, World War II. The making of the first Avenger and the beginning of an unlikely love story.

jacque_arao · Movies
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43 Chs

Chapter 35: Mutants


While everyone was doing their own thing, wether it is experimenting, inventing, training, daily office tasks, the blaring alarm caught all their attention. The unfamiliar alarm signal confusing everyone until Charles Xavier remembered the woman they found on a very deserted land hovering with a blue electric bubble of force field around her. Reassuring everyone that it wasn't an attack of any sorts and they are safe, he dashed through the halls, walking briskly to an area of the medical wing especially made for the unconscious woman.

An observation room was created adjacent to her room. It was previously one big room which they decided to divide into two, making the observation room the only entrance to the other room. When he arrived, he was greeted by the medical staff buzzing around the room with the other mutants fixed in front of the glass wall, waiting impatiently for the woman to finally wake up.

It was understandable for him that everyone who knows of the existence of the woman would be excited, albeit accompanied with fear.

When Charles was looking for mutants using the Cerebro, he was able to detect a massive amount of unusual energy from a deserted military science facility. After gathering all the mutants they can to help with their cause and knowing they weren't enough to go against Shaw, Charles decided to locate the source of the unusual energy together with all the mutants just in case it wasn't friendly. But to their surprise, the facility was nowhere to be seen. Instead a dried up land for miles awaited them. The floating blue electric bubble a striking contrast to the dull surrounding.

Nearing the bubble, Hank was the first to discover the silhouette of a human, conveying the information to others. Charles tried to use his mental ability but to no avail. Erik tried to move it to their transportation but nothing happened again. While walking inches around it, Raven sneakily touched the bubble while the others were busy discussing what to do. Right after she made contact with the bubble, an electric shock was sent to her which garnered a painful gasp from her lips.

Hank immediately ran to her side, checking for any injuries. "What happened? How are you feeling?" He asked anxiously.

"I'm fine. It was just a second." Raven assured everyone. But before she can continue, the bubble crackled loudly. Everyone distanced themselves away from it, going on defensive and readying themselves from an attack.

Contrary to their assumption however, the bubble shrunk slowly until it was absorbed by the body which they can now see was a woman with long messy black hair dressed in a dirtied plain navy blue dress cinched by a belt in the waist. They can observe that her features were soft despite the dirt on it and her height is about 5'2, more or less.

They didn't approached the woman until her form was laid down gently on the ground by some unknown force. After a brief discussion between Charles, Erik and Moira, the woman was transported to Division X.

While the woman lay unconscious on the hospital bed, they agreed to do some tests to make sure of her genetic composition. Being both a geneticist and biophysicist, Charles marveled of their findings. The woman contains power coursing throughout her body unlike any they have encountered or known. Hank immediately went to analyzing it further to see if it can help in the creation of the cure he has been dreaming for so long.

When Yumhee opened her eyes, the glass wall immediately attracted her attention. Seeing the unfamiliar faces, her eyebrows furrowed but she stayed calm and collected. After a minute of silence, Charles stepped up to the microphone.

"Hello. Apologies for this setup. It's just a precaution." On what, he didn't need to specify. Everyone understood. Yumhee slowly got up and nodded her head once to acknowledge what he said.

She didn't know if they can hear her but she replied nonetheless. "I understand. I was in the military before. Retired after the war." She explained briefly.

This information however piqued Moira's interest. "Really? What division?"

"I'm not sure if anyone here knows about it. But I was a former agent under an organization created by the Allied forces." Yumhee replied without giving further information.

Moira raised a brow in contemplation, remembering the intelligence gathered during WWII and all Allied organization at the time, before making her way to the door and entering Yumhee's medical room. Yumhee stayed standing on her spot as Moira makes her way to her. "I'm Moira MacTaggert. CIA agent." Moira extended her right hand to Yumhee.

With her introduction, Yumhee felt a lot more comfortable. "Yumhee Sakura. Former SSR agent." She introduced while shaking Moira's extended hand.

Moira was startled. After the shock, she went straight to fangirling. "THE YUMHEE SAKURA?!" She grabbed Yumhee's hand with both hands. Though the sudden shift in demeanor scared her a little, Yumhee still nodded her head once as a response.

Moira hugged her immediately after the confirmation which made Yumhee uncomfortable with the unexpected intimate gesture from a stranger who apparently knows her. After calming herself, Moira apologized, embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry. Please don't be afraid. I'm just a fan. There were very few notable women in this industry you see." Moira rambled on which made Yumhee smile a little. After the awkward encounter Moira went to the lone closet and retrieved a plain white silk polo shirt, a black pencil skirt reaching above her knees and black heels. She pointed Yumhee to the bathroom to let her change her clothes.

After exiting the room, Moira was immediately swarmed by the mutants. "What was that?" Charles curiously asked. Before answering the question she instructed one of the medical staff to kindly escort Yumhee to the small meeting room. She ushered all the mutants outside and through the halls, going to the said meeting room.

When everyone was seated, Moira started with a brief summary of who Yumhee is according to their files of her. "That is The Yumhee Sakura. A former SSR agent. SSR stands for Strategic Scientific Reserve. It was an agency created by the Allied forces to counter the Nazis special weapons division. Her adoptive father, Abraham Erskine..." She looked to the scientists in the room which she knows will piqued their interest. "...was able to create a serum to make super soldiers. The serum basically enhances the human body, strength, speed, regeneration capabilities and more."

Charles tapping his finger on the table for a while listens as Hank asked another question. "Does that mean Yumhee is a super soldier?" Before Moira could answer, Charles interrupted her. "Base on her genetic composition and the power she possess inside of her, I'm confident that she's more than just a super soldier." Charles shared.

Moira was again interrupted when the topic of discussion walked inside the room. Despite her simple get up and make-up less face, Yumhee was still able to exude so much elegance and confidence.

I know...X-Men making their appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe XD. I really wanted this to happen but I wasn't able to do it in the original version of this fanfic. But since I'm doing major changes, might as well be ambitious about it as Orthanos said in the comments. So here I am, being very ambitious <( ̄︶ ̄)> ahahahahaha.

BTW, please don't forget to rate and comment. It helps a lot in the writing process when readers give feedbacks, especially for amateurs like me.

Thanks everyone!

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