
Agent A: Mission

Agent A got another mission after completing another one, her mission is to protect the daughter of the most richest company in the country for 5 months. But there's one condition, the client told her not the be discovered. The daughter of the client doesn't know that she has an Agent protecting her. Now Agent A will be protecting her from any threats while being a college student in disguise. (This is my second novel and i am really sorry if the description kinda doesn't make sense because i suck at making summary and i hope you dont mind) Caution: there will be cursing especially from the mc if you'd like to support me check out my Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/andreyle (Add*: Hello this is me author, as i continue the story i decided that this story will be slow burn. i will also put the notice in the chapter 8 for those who hadn't see this, i will try to edit the tags and put slow burn in it)

Silv3rRos3 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 14

"Art!! I'm here!" Megan's loud voice distracted Artemis from her peaceful coffee routine.

"It's early in the morning, what are you doing here?" Artemis frown, she asks Megan as she looks at her watch before taking another sip from her coffee.

"I had nothing to do soo, let me stay here" Megan stated as she took a seat from the couch, she comfortably sat down with her feet on the coffee table.

"I have to go to my mission, if you're staying here then don't mess up my weapons in the wardrobe" Artemis put down her cup and stand up, she didn't look at Megan and walked towards her walk-in closet.

Megan also stands up and followed Artemis. It's already 6:20 when Megan barge into Artemis's apartment, Artemis has already taken a shower and changed her outfit before Megan intrudes on her house.

She wore a pastel yellow sweater with white long sleeves, a pair of trousers, and a couple of black boots.

Artemis went to her walk-in closet; she opens her drawer where her wigs were stored at. Artemis took a blonde short hair wig, the same length as the previous wig that she uses.

"Why did you change your wig's color? I thought it's black?" Megan couldn't help but ask, she glance at the comfy lounge chairs before comfortably taking a sit on them.

"I choose black before because I didn't expect to meet Bella outside so much, turns out that we'll often meet outside and she somewhat recognizes me, luckily I denied her without adding more suspicions" Artemis explain as she place the wig on her head, she carefully places the wig on her head and making it look natural.

"Blonde looks good on me so I decided to use blonde, if she suspects me one more time then I will change my wig into another color and lie that I often change my hair color" Artemis added, she took some bobby pin from the drawer and insert it on her head.

"Huh…" Megan muttered as she listens to Artemis's explanation, she suspects that Artemis is such a cautious person but she and the whole family is overly cautious people, thanks to their family business.

Artemis close the drawer and open another, there it was full of makeup. Artemis put some light makeup on her face, she didn't forget to put a mole on the corner of her eye.

Artemis stands up and pushes the shelf, revealing her weapons. Artemis took a shoulder holster; she took out her sweater and place the holster at the side of her body.

She took a Nighthawk AAC Recon and a silencer, the Nighthawk AAC Recon has a letter A carved on it with little design surrounding it.

Artemis put the nighthawk on the holster along with the silencer, she then put on her sweater back. Artemis then raise her right leg; she raises the cuff of her trousers; she took two ankle holsters and place one on her right ankle.

She then took a Glock 43 then place it on her right ankle, after that, Artemis lowered the cuff and raise the other leg.

Artemis did the same to her left leg, seeing that she forgot to grab a knife. She glances at Megan; she saw her still sitting on the lounge chair comfortably.

"Hey, get me the Cressi Giant Knife over that shelf" Artemis spoke, she points her finger to the shelf to her side as she spoke.

Megan rolls her eyes; she stands up from the lounge chair and walks toward the shelf where Artemis pointed.

"You really can't leave your military habit huh?" Megan stated as she grabs the Cressi Giant Knife and hand it over to Artemis.

"Of course, my mom thought me this" Artemis replied, she took the knife from Megan's hand and place it on the ankle holster from her left ankle.

"Oh" Megan could only let out an "Oh" since she felt that talking about Artemis decease parents has been taboo.

Artemis put down her leg, she took a look at her watch and saw it was already 7:00 am.

Artemis closed the hidden room and before she walk out to her walk-in closet she grab the glasses in the drawer, after leaving her room, Artemis grabbed her bag on the couch and head out.

"Bye~" Megan could only wave her hand weakly as she says goodbye to Artemis in a quiet voice.


The sound of closing the door sounded in the room, Megan then soon stands up and walk towards Artemis tv and turn on.


Artemis took her black 2016 Chevrolet Corvette stingray z51, starts the engine, and drove off.

Before going to school, Artemis stop at the café to grab a fresh mocha coffee.

Artemis arrive at the school's gate, the security guard cheerfully greeted her. She nodded back as she drove to the parking lot, Artemis took her bag from the front seat and her coffee on the cupholder, she also didn't forget to put the chip on her ear.

Just as she left her car, she heard someone calling her mission's name. she looks at the source of the sound and saw Bella with her hair down and Felicia with her hair braided is waving at her.

"I almost didn't recognize you! You got a new look huh~?" Felicia said to her as she look up and as she smacks her shoulder, though she has to raise her foot to do that.

"Yeah, this is my natural hair color" Artemis lied with a smile on her face, she scratches her hair as she spoke.

Belle saw her smile and think that she was slowly opening up compared to last week's attitude.

"You smile, I'm glad you're opening to us Aminah" Belle smile as she looks straight at Artemis's eye.

"Well, I still need some time to open up to someone so I kind of put on some act as a defense mechanism" Artemis explained to them with a wryly smile, her attitude and facial expression was different from last week, that the two took some time to get used at the new Aminah.

You wouldn't know that she's lying under that smile, except for someone who knew the truth.

Agent 3L1 who's listening to the conversation couldn't help but cough, the bread on his hand was slightly crumpled as he grips it tightly.

"That's okay! We're happy that you're trusting us" Felicia responded to her cheerfully, she didn't why it was a defense mechanism as she think that it's taboo to talk about.

"Let's go to class, the professor might scold us if we're late" Belle smile as she pushes Felicia to walk.

"It's still early! Geez, Belle" Felicia rebuke as she laughs.

Belle and Artemis couldn't help but also laugh.

Artemis open her eyes while the two were laughing, she saw the delinquents that she saw on her first day in the corner of her eyes.

"Eavesdrop those people, transmit their conversation to my chip" Artemis whisper with a smile on her face as she took a sip in her coffee, her smile was sweet but the coldness in her eyes is well hidden underneath those laughs.

[Got it]

Agent 3L1 hurriedly replied. He moves his chair to the left side of the table where the controller of the drone is.

He hummed as he follows the delinquents with the drone, the drone was well hidden from the crowds.

Belle and Felicia look at Artemis who is sweetly laughing at them with a stunning face.

"What?" Artemis titled her head as she innocently asks with a sweet smile on her face, the glasses on her face also titled when she tilts her head.

Her face is adorable and beautiful at the same time that Belle was in a daze.

"Nothing" Belle smile as she looks away, she covers her red ears with her hand as she lightly bit her lower lip.

Felicia narrowed her eyes and stare at Belle, she rubbed her chin with her index and thumb as she intensely stares at Belle's face.

'Don't look at me like that!!' Belle thought to herself as she turns her head even further, she could feel her face heating up.

Artemis glance at her for a while but quickly turn back to listen to the delinquent's conversation.

{Is the plan still going?} a woman's voice sounded; it was Bethany who ask.

{Yeah, this lunch} a male voice responded to Bethany; it was Cris.

Artemis heard Cris exhaling some smoke, somehow the sound of exhaling smoke calmed Artemis.

'Lunch..huh?' Artemis thought with a grin on her face. She took a sip from her coffee, Belle noticed Artemis grinning at the corner of her eyes.

"Aminah, are you laughing at me?" Belle pouted, she narrowed her eyes as she stares at her.

Artemis stop grinning and look at Belle, it didn't make her a hot second to understand what was happening.

"Mmm, maybe?" Artemis sweetly smiles as tilt her head down, with her middle finger placed underneath on her bottom lip, her index finger supporting the hinges of her glasses.

"!!" Belle's eyes widen, she quickly turns around with her cheeks turning red. She could feel her heart beating faster, she closes her eyes as she put both of her hands on her cheeks.

'Why Aminah look more beautiful!! It's not that she's not gorgeous a week ago but she's more stunning today!!' Belle thought as she puffs her cheek as she narrowed her eyes, looking like a hamster with a red tint on her cheeks.


The onlookers stare at Belle, men and some women couldn't help but blush at the sight of Belle's face. While some people also look at Artemis' new look, others whisper to each other while women have a blush on their faces.

Although Artemis's appearance disappeared her cold looks the sharpness on her eyes added more look to the current Artemis.

Artemis didn't have a soft look but with the help of the blonde wig and her glasses, Artemis is beautiful with a slight adorable look on her face now that the cold look is now gone on her face.

While dogs and cats who are passing by look at Felicia, they smell the food on her bag.

"Ahem! Flirt if I'm not here okay?! I get it! I'm single but do you really have to give me sweet tooth?!" Felicia couldn't take it anymore and snap. She saw some pink bubbles floating around on Artemis and Belle as they talk.

Artemis and Belle stare at Felicia for a moment before giggling, as if they heard a joke.

[The tree delinquent is now heading at the back of the school building; it seems that they're meeting someone]

Agent 3L1 informs Artemis as he looks into the screen where the three people walking.

Artemis tap the chip behind her ear five times, she took a glance where she saw the back of the delinquent getting far away.

[Got it]


The three enter the classroom, their happy conversation attracts the attention of the students inside the room.

They were stunned to see Artemis in a new look, while some people raise their eyebrows as they already knew the change of Artemis's hair.

Artemis sat down on her seat, put down her bag, and place her coffee on the table.

Belle and Felicia went to their seat and put down their things before coming to Artemis's seat.

"What kind of coffee is that?" Belle ask as she pointed to the coffee with a smile on her face. She noticed the coffee on Artemis's hand earlier but didn't have a perfect chance to ask.

"Oh, this is mocha coffee, want it?" Artemis slightly look down and grabbed the coffee, she took a sip before handing it out to Belle.

Belle stares at the coffee before taking it.

"Yeah, thanks" Belle smiled as she took a sip, her eyes lit up as she tastes the mocha coffee.

"Mmm! This is delicious, where did you buy this?" Belle asks with a delighted tone in her voice, she slightly looks up as she asks.

"Really? How nice~ I'm not a coffee person though, I hope I can enjoy coffee just like you guys" Felicia sat down on one of the empty seats next to Artemis, she looks up as she spoke.

"I bought it on the way to school, the store name is Coffee Sleep" Artemis answered Belle's answer as she pulls the chair and sat down.

"Ohh~ nice name, I might stop there" Belle sat down beside Artemis, put down the coffee on the table, and smiled.

"Is there any food there other than coffee?" Felicia tilts her body to the side where it's leaning on the table, she rests her cheek with her hand with an expectant look in her eyes.

"…" Artemis was quiet as if she was pondering. "Yeah, I remember they have strawberry shortcake on their shelf" She said with a smile on her face.

Felicia's eyes widen in delight. She suddenly glances at Belle with bright eyes.

"Belle let's go there later, you should also come too Aminah" She said, she looks at Belle before turning to Artemis when she invited her.

But before Artemis could answer her, she felt a vibration on her phone and saw that the front door opens as the professor entered the room.

"I'll tell you later, go back now, the professor is here" Artemis smile as she looks at the two.

Belle glance at the front and saw the professor preparing his things, she stands up and drag Felicia to their seat while lightly waving at Artemis.

Seeing that the two left, Artemis felt another vibration coming from her phone.

She took her two phones since each of them receive a message. Her private phone receives a message from Audrey.

[Sis Aud: Zachary invited me to go to the gym later, you coming Art?]

[Art: Yeah, what time?]

[Sis Aud: eh, maybe 6]

[Art: okay I'm joining, I'm on my mission today so I can't text much, take care]

After sending the text to Audrey, Artemis look at her mission phone and saw it was Agent 3L1 who sent her a message.

[Agent 3L1: Photo]

[Agent A: Is this the only person they encountered?]

[Agent 3L1: Yeah, I've also taken his information and I'll send it to you]

[Agent 3L1: file.dox]

Artemis taps the chip and puts back her phone in her pocket, she fixes her stuff before looking straight to the board and listening to the professor.

HHeeeyy!! I’m back!! My Christmas and new year seem pretty ordinary, I just feel like it’s not Christmas and new year. How about you guys? I have another new story, so go check it out! The story’s name is “Thank You! Miss President!” you can read it in goodnovel! Hope you can support this story! Anyway!! Thank you so much for reading this chapter and have a nice day!!

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