
Agent A: Mission

Agent A got another mission after completing another one, her mission is to protect the daughter of the most richest company in the country for 5 months. But there's one condition, the client told her not the be discovered. The daughter of the client doesn't know that she has an Agent protecting her. Now Agent A will be protecting her from any threats while being a college student in disguise. (This is my second novel and i am really sorry if the description kinda doesn't make sense because i suck at making summary and i hope you dont mind) Caution: there will be cursing especially from the mc if you'd like to support me check out my Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/andreyle (Add*: Hello this is me author, as i continue the story i decided that this story will be slow burn. i will also put the notice in the chapter 8 for those who hadn't see this, i will try to edit the tags and put slow burn in it)

Silv3rRos3 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 13

"How's Belle and her little friend?" Megan asks from the front seat, her hair flutter as the strong wind hits her.

"They'll be fine" Artemis replied while driving, her hair also fluttering as the air hit her face, she inhales the cigarette before exhaling the smoke. the cigarette smoke didn't fill the inside of the car as their car is a convertible roof car.

"Soo~~ Guess what?" Megan prattle as her voice is full of teasing, she mischievously smiles at Artemis as if she won something.

"What?" Artemis asks, she glance at Megan before looking back at the road. Her tone on her voice wasn't irritated or excited, it was a normal tone she uses when speaking to someone.

Megan didn't care about her tone and proceed to talk, "I won~" Megan boasted as she puff out her chest, looking like an arrogant lady.

Artemis took a glance at her; she smiles slightly before she stretches out her hand to her.

"…" "What?" Megan was dumbfounded by Artemis's action as she couldn't comprehend her action, she questioned Artemis's action as her tone was skeptical while her eyebrow raises.

"Since you've won, my money" Artemis spoke in a calm manner, she grins at Megan as she moves her finger up and down, indicating of giving her money.

"What money? If I remember correctly, I don't owe you anything" Megan rebuke Artemis's words, she rolled her eyes as she crosses her arm around her chest.

Suddenly, Megan heard her voice to the speaker. "Art~~ let me borrow 500 million" her voice sounded like a baby as she pleaded to Artemis, her eyes widen as she heard her voice.

"What for?" Artemis's voice sounded next as soon as Megan finish speaking, in the speaker, you can hear scribbling in the background.

"You know~ personal reason" Megan's voice sounded again.

Megan who heard the recordings that Artemis took was shocked in disbelief and embarrassment, she quickly looks at Artemis who sneered at her.

"Whatt?! I don't remember anything about it!" Megan shouted as she felt annoyed at Artemis's sneering face however, she lied, she remembers it as soon as she heard her words in the recordings.

"And, can't you just let it slide? You're a billionaire anyway!!" Megan added, she frowns at Artemis.

"What can I say? I love money" Artemis grin at her, she took another inhale to her cigarette before throwing the but to the small trashcan of her car.

"Ughh, there goes my 500 million I guess" Megan groans while mumbling before she swiftly looks at Artemis, "Can't you give one exception to your beautiful older sister~?" she softly pleaded as she look at Artemis in the eyes, her eyes shine as she blinks mutinously.

"I'm adopted, were not biological sisters" Artemis stated with jokes on her tone, she victoriously smiles at her.

Seeing that her pleading didn't work, she rolled her eyes before speaking. "This is why you're adopted!!" she angrily shouted; she knew Artemis will take this as a joke.

"You're not beautiful, your ugly" Artemis continue her words earlier, she sneered at her as she continues to drive.

Megan could only ignore her words; she moves her head towards the window to look at the scenery.

Seeing the action that Megan make, she couldn't help but roll her eyes with a grin on her face. She remembers the past where they used to fight a lot and Megan would always lose, she would go to their parents and complain about Artemis.


"Why the grumpy face Meg?" Honey asks as she saw her face, she grins at her before looking at Artemis.

"She won the bet," Artemis said to Honey as she sat on the couch.

"Then why the grumpy face?" Honey asks again, she looks at Megan with a grin on her face.

"Art took half of my money!!" Megan angrily shouted; her eyes narrowed as she glared at Artemis.

"She owes me half a million and she won 1 billion on the bet" Artemis explained to Honey, she looks at Megan with a smug on her face as she crosses her legs together.

Honey's eyebrow twitch, although she's rich she could never compare her richness to Megan let alone to Artemis. 'Really nice to have so much money~' she thought to herself.


The sound of someone knocking on the door was heard by the three, Honey stands up and walked toward the door.

"That must be the client" Megan spoke, she stands up from the couch and sit right next to Artemis.

Artemis's current expression quickly change from business expression, she gave off an aloof aura, slightly different from earlier.

The door was opened; indeed, it was the client. The client sat down to the couch where Megan sat down earlier, Honey went back to her chair.

"You finish the quest earlier than expected" the client muttered to themselves, their eyes slightly widening in surprise.

"Hehe~ What can you expect from Art~" Megan boasted, the anger on her heart disappearing when the client appeared.

"Here" Artemis spoke, she took the watch from her pocket. She still wore the staff's uniform and the gloves, after taking out the watch and placing it on the table.

"You are just like the rumor, fast and clean" The client compliment Artemis, they took a check from their wallet and began writing.

"Thanks" Artemis thank them without joy in her tone and expression, she took the check. Artemis looked at the check before putting it in her pocket, she stands up and left the room.

"Thank you for cooperating with us" Honey thanks the client as she stands up and walks towards them, she extends her hand to shake with them.

"Thank you for fulfilling my quest" The client thanks Honey back as they extend their hand and gently shake, after that, the client left the room.

"You're not going to change?" Honey glance at Megan and ask, she saw her still wearing the dress.

"I am~" Megan replied to Honey as she lazily stands up, she left the room with her hand waving at Honey without looking back.


The soft sound of the door closing echoed the whole room, Honey turned around and saw the garbage on the couch.

"Arrggghh!! Art! Throw your trash! Damnit!" Honey angrily shouted as she picks up the trash and throw it on the trash can aggressively.

Suddenly, the door opened. The woman who entered Honey's office was dumbfounded to see this scene, Honey heard the door opened and her face quickly turn from angry to happy expression.

"Is there anything you need miss?" Honey asks as she smiles politely, her expression and aura were different when she yelled, it was more calming and pleasurable.

"Uh…right, I have a personal quest for Foster" the woman finally spoke after hearing Honey's word, she entered the office and sat down.


"Hey Art" Megan called out Artemis who are walking ahead of her, the whole floor was loud as today is a busy day, many employees started entering and leaving.

Artemis has a good sense of hearing, she heard Megan call her even on this loud floor. "What?" Artemis asks in response; she looks back to see Megan with a wide grin.

"Let's stop at the convenience store" Megan cutely pleads to Artemis; Artemis just took a glance at her before walking back.

"Hey! Listen to me or I'm going to kill you" Megan threatens Artemis as she hurriedly catches up to her. Artemis ignore her only raising her arm, she put all her fingers down except for her middle finger.

Megan saw her raising her middle finger, she could only complain in her mind as they walk toward the parking lot.


"Did you buy everything you want?" Artemis asks Megan who exits the convenience store with her hand full of bags of snacks and a coffee in her other hand.

"Yup~ I also bought you coffee" Megan replied, she gave the coffee to Artemis.

Artemis took the coffee in her hand and took a sip. Artemis felt a vibration in her pocket, she took her phone out of her pocket and answer the phone call.

"Hello, mom?" Artemis spoke, her tone was soft when she talks to her mom. "Is everything okay?" Vania asks Artemis with a concerned tone in her voice.

Artemis felt warmth coming from her heart, she narrowed her eyes in delight as she answers. "Yeah, everything's okay," she said in the sweetest tone.

"Mom! Guess what~ I won" Megan joins the conversation; she steps close to Artemis to hear her mother's voice. The three of them talk for a while before hanging up, "Bye mom, love you" Artemis said as she hangs up.

"Must be nice" someone who is beside them muttered to herself, Artemis heard her mutter and slowly look at the girl who's sitting on the bench with a snack in her hands.

The girl didn't seem like she was talking to someone, it seems that she's eavesdropping before she mutters.

"Excuse me, what?" Artemis asks, although her tone didn't sound angry due to her cold gaze, it give an effect of her being angry.

"N-nothing, I-I was just talking to myself" the girl stutters to herself, she looks up to see Artemis's face but quickly looks away, refusing to make eye contact.

Megan also heard her mutter; she pops out her head over Artemis's shoulder. "Come on, tell us" Megan persuades the girl as she sat down beside her, her tone was cheerful as if you can trust them.

The girl was quiet, she felt pressured when she's being stared at by two beautiful women. Her foot keeps shaking before she spoke slowly, afraid of stuttering in front of them.

"Umm….I said "must be nice" because I can feel the love from your tone when speaking "I love you" to your mother" the girl explained to herself as her head lowered, she keeps rubbing her pinky where the wound is. 'For some reason it's itchy' she thought to herself as she stares at her hand, refusing to look into their face.

"Why? I'm sure you also do that to your parents" Megan asks, she tilted her head when she suddenly felt someone smack her head.

She glares at Artemis as she looks up at her, Artemis eyes narrowed as if she's telling her something. Megan's eyes widen when she realized what's Artemis is saying, she then quickly looks at the girl beside her.

"Unless…you don't have parents…?" Megan slowly spoke with caution in her voice, she glances at the girl when she felt another smack on her head.

"No, no, I both of my parents are alive" the girl hurriedly denied. "It just that…I don't think I know what love feels like, I heard that love makes you happy and makes your day but…why? Why don't I feel it? Sometimes I felt guilty telling them I love them but, in my heart, I couldn't feel it" the girl added, she expresses her feeling and thought to the two, her voice slowly getting sad as she continues to speak.

"Every time I say I love you to my mom, I feel nothing compared to the one I read…I'm supposed to feel love but I don't know what love is…I'm only spewing empty words to them, that's why I envy you and the other people" the girl couldn't help but let out what's bothering her, she lowered her eyes with her gaze on the floor.

Megan glance at Artemis, they both understand something but before they can comfort the girl, they heard another girl not far away from here calling to someone.

"Kyle! Let's go, the others are waiting!" the other girl walk took a step, and wave her hand, it seems like she called the girl beside Artemis and Megan.

Kyle finally looks up and saw her friend named Sophia called out to her, she stood up and finally look at the two although their eye contacts only last for 2 seconds before Kyle slightly look down.

"Um…sorry about that, I kind of let out everything to you two" Kyle apologizes as she scratches her neck, still refusing to look into their face. "Thank you for listening and goodbye" Kyle thanks the two and bid her goodbye before leaving.

'That was so awkward…why the fuck did I do that?' Kyle thought to herself as she went toward Soph, for short for Sophia.

"Huh…the girl who can't understand love, isn't she just like you?" Megan mumbles at first before speaking to Artemis.

"No, I think hers is much more complicated" Artemis responded back to Megan before walking back to their car.

"Eh~ but don't you love me?" Megan asks in a coquettish voice; she blinks her eyes as she catches up to Artemis.

"No" Artemis immediately replied to her without looking back, she enters her car and waited for Megan to enter.

"See, I knew it~ you love me" Megan opens the door and sat down as she spoke, the corner of her pants got caught up in the door.

Artemis ignored her and raise her middle finger, she notices that Megan was about to open the door to loosen the fabric that got stuck on the door but before Megan could do that, Artemis start the engine and drove off.

The speed was quite fast, Megan was startled and almost fall off the car if she's not quick to close the door. She glares at Artemis before loosening her grip on the door handle.

"I almost fall off the car!" Megan angrily shouted; she punches Artemis's arm in annoyance.

"It's not like you can't survive" Artemis jokes as she keeps driving, ignoring the punches that Megan makes.

"What?! I'll show you something later at home!" Megan smacks her shoulder before looking away with her hands cross together in her chest.

Artemis glances at her before leaning to her side.

"Hugs wouldn't work on me," Megan said to Artemis while still looking away. After waiting for a long time, she still didn't feel Artemis hugging her. She looks at Artemis only to take her coffee in the cupholder.

Megan's face dyed in red as she felt embarrassed, she covers her face with her hand. 'AHHH!!! Just kill me!!' she thought to herself, little did she know that Artemis was looking at her with a smirk on her face as she took a couple of sips from her coffee.

Heeey!! I’m back!! As I write this, class is still here and next week will be Christmas break!! In this chapter I kinda focus on Megan and Artemis, I hope that’s okay~ but on next chapter might be focusing on Belle and Artemis. Anyway!! Thank you for reading this chapter and have a nice day~!

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