
Age of Mechs (Temp)

The dawn of mechs was long and coming. The concept existing for centuries unfulfilled. Many tried but nothing truly came close. After all it takes a human touch a human mind.

TanjBear · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


In a hangar a skeletal frame stood. behind it scaffolding cranes and other heavy machinery. In front an open door and a firing range.

"How's it feel in their?"

"Quite numb. The reactions good but the lack of sensory input makes balancing a little difficult. If I were blind folded and fell, I don't believe I could get back up."

"That's good to know. Pick up the weapon and try to fire it" The skeletal mech performed just as intended up till that point. One bullet fired missing its mark and the sound of metal crumpling rang in the hangar. One factor was overlooked. It was the first time the pilot fired a weapon. The mech creak and slammed to the floor, its head caved behind a rifle. "Fuck!"

A man stepped out of a hatch under the arm of the mech its arms aiming to the ceiling. "My bad." The man says with a face saying my life's over.

"Promising. If it can resist the recoil it should make a fine asset. How about another show in a few weeks." A group of men discuss to themselves.