
Festering Madness

[MATURE CONTENT] The world has been mutated by MR waves. Earth once rife with green forests and a food chain humanity stood atop of no longer resembles its old self, the world is ruled by monsters who have extraordinary powers by harnessing MR waves Everyone and everything stumbles and crawls their way through life trying to reach the top of the food chain so they won't be hunted and killed by another predator Every lesson and warning will be engraved in their skins and souls as for everything they gains, something must also be lost Mutants, humans, monsters. All walk the faded line between madness and salvation for their own survival in this world This world was never meant for a sane man. That's why the sane died out when they couldn't adapt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first time posting any type of novel so expect - Bad grammar - Misspelled words - Boredom I'll continue to improve myself throughout writing it though, that's a promise

Plz_onemore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


"W-why? why would you teach me?"

He gave me a ridiculous look

"I just told you why, you have to defend yourself somehow"

"No. what I mean is... why would YOU teach ME?"

He reached upwards and stroked his stubbly grey chin as if pondering how to respond to the question properly

"I guess it's because your the first one who visited me voluntarily, everyone else just gets sent here to train because of their superiors, or they know I'll come looking for them myself, haha"

He let out a hearty laugh as he nonchalantly insulted the man that was still knocked out on the floor beside him

"Just for that?"

I was bewildered by his easy going and free attitude, he seemed so carefree

It was almost like nothing outside of these walls concerned him, not even the city filled with murderous beasts, not the mutants and not even the people in charge of the base, this one room was his world

"Why else would I? everyone's actions are only to further strengthen their own beliefs and thoughts, this includes me as well"

"What beliefs are you trying to push onto me?"

I was concerned, scared of what his answer might be

"Its simple. the freedom to do what you want whenever you want, that is why I strive for power and that will be the belief I pass onto you"

As he spoke I could feel an air of conviction emanate from him, it pushed down onto my shoulders, my neck. even my soul felt as if it was being crushed by a mountain

'To do what I want?'

It was the first time I had heard something like that, I only thought mutants could grow and become free from all of this worlds chaos

"Are you sure a normal human can have these beliefs?"

"Pahahaha! you get to decide your own beliefs and not even god can dare to challenge 


He spoke with a confidence that made me believe he was invincible, he made me think that he could face anything head on 

I fell to my knees and hit my head onto the padded floor, there was a painful throbbing feeling that resonated through my brain from the swift motion

"P-please teach me!"

I knew. this man in front of me could show me a path. one I could never even imagine 

"Now that's the attitude!"

Lifting my head slightly I spotted his outstretched hand

Sitting up I grasped his hand and he pulled me up in one swift, powerful tug almost launching me over his shoulder in the process

He quickly reduced his strength leaving me dangling from his lifted arm like a ragdoll waiting for him to put my feet back on the ground


"Don't you dare laugh"

He covered his mouth with his other hand but it was still visible that he was trying his best to stop himself from breaking down and laughing 

He placed my feet back on the ground and reclaimed his hand

"Now let's begin the lesson"


"Of course, the best time to start is yesterday after all"

'His words were weird, they made him sound like an even older man than he was'

"So, what weapon do you use?"

"I've only really ever had a dagger, I've never had enough for anything better"

"Hmmm. a dagger, that is quite an interesting weapon. are you ever hoping to have a different type of weapon or would you prefer to stay as a dagger wielder all your life?"

'Do I want to be a dagger wielder all my life? will I ever actually have another weapon? what should I say?"

"Y...No. I want to have a better weapon!"

I yelled with conviction even though I couldn't bring myself to believe and trust the very words that were leaving my mouth

"HAHAHA YES! that's the spirit, never settle for what you have but crave for more! instead of weapon specific training we will hone your body and senses to their maximum, this will help with any weapon you choose to wield one day. what do you think?"

"What do you mean by my senses?"

"You'll find out"

He had a sly smile on his face, it made me terrified of what my future would hold

After showing off a smile that would scare anyone he grabbed the unconscious man by the collar and lifted him up dragging him as he walked 

"What are you going to do with him?"

"He's gonna help me teach you"

After he said that he threw him upwards and kicked him in the gut with a short round house kick sending him flying into the wall on the opposite side of the dojo with such force it caused the entire room to shake


The man gasped for breath as his entire body shriveled up and he gained consciousness due to the life threatening shock to his body

Just as he was about to hit the ground his hand quickly extended and launched him off to the side before he landed in a crouched position ready to launch off the ground in any direction at the slightest movement

'T-this is a pro of the attack force?'

It all happened so fast that I barely registered it before he was in a prone position

"Tsk. I can't even be left in peace when I'm unconscious"

He slowly razed his body and stood up properly before walking back towards us

"Nathan, allow me to introduce your brand new student. he wants to strengthen his body and senses to make himself more flexible and stronger"

"I-I'm sorry? I thought you were going to teach me?"

"I'm not teaching anyone you geezer!"

"I'm the one in charge! since you're both my students I can order you around, so you'll be teaching him what I tell you, understood Nathan?"

"No. Why should I?"

"Five hours. You will get five hours off training"

"Per week?"

"Per week"


"Great, Nathan will be helping you from now on"

'Am I some kind of goods you two can negotiate over?'

After the old man was done talking with Nathan he walked over to a wall and leaned against it relaxing and watching the lesson that was about to happen

"So what do you mainly use?"

"A dagger"

"Hmmm, then we will start on reaction"

"How're we going to d-"

A powerful blow slammed into my stomach and launched me backwards causing me to roll backwards


"I'm going to keep attacking you until you can start seeing my punches"

"T-that's... Insane! Crr"

I yelled at him as I clutched my aching stomach 

"Do you want to spend a month of coddling to achieve nothing or would you prefer this?"

I took a moment of thinking 

"W-will this actually work that fast?"


I pushed myself back up and onto my feet and wobbled towards him

"Come on. Hit me!"

I yelled at the top of my lungs trying to hype myself up and brace for the pain and torture that I was about to go through

Before I knew it I was flying through the air for the second time


I slammed into the wall with a cracking sound before falling onto my ass and being unable to keep my body from sitting there limply

I wasn't sure if it was the wall or my whole back that cracked as every part of my body had become numb, it felt like the only part of me was the brain that was screaming in a muddled static trying to figure out what was going on