

It is a fantasy that tells the story of a world where magic is governed by an order. When that order is corrupted by a new generation of ambitious and greedy mages, they usher in an era of darkness and chaos that threatens to destroy all who oppose them. The story follows a young apprentice of magic who becomes the unlikely leader of a group of rebels who seek to fight the new order and restore peace to the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I WROTE IN MY LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH

todril · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Florest

After, Aaron desperately ran through the forest, dodging trees and branches with his heavy breathing. The guard mages who were chasing him had disappeared, they had given up searching for that significant common folk, for the guard leaves that human would have no problem. Aaron knew he had to maintain a caution where he walked in the middle of that forest, for if he was captured, he would be killed, burned alive by the guard.

But even though he managed to escape them, the forest began to get denser and more impenetrable, and Aaron soon realized he was completely lost. He stopped to catch his breath and looked around, trying to guess where he was. The trees were closing in around him, blocking any sunlight and turning the place into a natural prison.

Aaron knew he couldn't just stand there. A small rabbit appeared in his vision, an endearing and cute rabbit that caught Aaron's attention. He decided to follow the rabbit, but each step he took him deeper into the forest, and he soon realized that he was heading down an endless path following this rabbit. The sound of a twig breaking made Aaron shiver with fear. He hid behind a large tree and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

Aaron heard a voice.

"You can come out, young man..." A female voice spoke.

Aaron looked fearfully in the direction where he heard this voice and simply saw nothing. Until what!

"I'm not in there anymore, young man" A woman appeared behind him, an intimidating figure with white skin and long black hair.

"I am no longer in that place, young man" She pointed to where he was looking.

Aaron had no reaction, he just stood there staring at her. He could smell a strong smell of blood, a dense air, and her eyes were judging him alive.

"Um... I see you are scared, don't worry young man, I don't give that bad" She said as she sat down in front of him.

"So, some have already said I was bad! But it was a lie, obviously. I know, that I can be scary, but it's no big deal, my dear friend. Look." She spoke, placing her hand on his head subtly.

She held out her hand and spoke.

"Floros Crescedum" And her index finger began to glow with an intense emerald green. Roots and flowers came out of the ground and enveloped Aaron, unable to perform any reaction.

"Oops, I think you're stuck..." She smiled.

"Then let's go to my tree, I want to introduce you to some people" She spoke as she stood up and recited another spell "Levitas Fluctus".

Aaron was captured, by a nature mage, he didn't expect to meet such a mage in his life.