

It is a fantasy that tells the story of a world where magic is governed by an order. When that order is corrupted by a new generation of ambitious and greedy mages, they usher in an era of darkness and chaos that threatens to destroy all who oppose them. The story follows a young apprentice of magic who becomes the unlikely leader of a group of rebels who seek to fight the new order and restore peace to the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I WROTE IN MY LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH

todril · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Escape

Aaron was running towards the nearby forest, he needed to escape to stay alive, Aaron wasn't sure where he was going. He had no set plan, only the idea of staying alive. The path through the forest was treacherous, and he made an effort to remain silent, avoiding drawing the attention of the mages who were chasing him.

He knew that the mages would be furiously on his quest, and that they were extremely skilled at tracking and locating people, as the guard were trained to be effective soldiers. Aaron knew that he was vulnerable: he was just an ordinary person, he had no ability to use magic, but he still decided that he could not allow that to stop him from fighting for his survival.

Every branch that broke under his feet, every leaf that moved due to the wind, made him cringe and hide. Aaron knew that he needed to stay alert and act fast if he spotted anyone approaching. He walked for hours, lost among the trees, and finally found a stream that flowed through the forest. Aaron squatted down by the water and took a sip, feeling the taste of the forest in his mouth. He looked up and saw that night was coming. There was no time to waste.

Aaron stood up and started walking again, his heart beating hard in his chest. He was about to give up, when he heard a noise behind him. Aaron turned around quickly, prepared to fight, but saw only a sueño boar leaping through the dry leaves.

"I'm getting paranoid," Aaron thought.

He continued walking, taking care to stay hidden. After a while, he came to a snake-shaped rock in the forest. It was then that he heard footsteps approaching. Aaron hid behind a tree, trying to prepare himself for what followed. He saw two magicians approaching, dressed in their black cloaks, their hands glowing with flames.

Aaron felt his heart race. He had no magic to defend himself, and now he was cornered. Aaron knew he needed to act fast, and that his only chance was to run. Without a second thought, he left the tree and ran towards the forest, hearing the mages chasing him. Aaron moved between the trees as fast as he could, using his agility and strength to dodge the obstacles he encountered along the way.

The warlocks were almost upon him, but Aaron kept running, determined to escape. He jumped over a large rock and continued running through the forest until finally he heard the sound of the warlocks disappearing.

I am sorry if the English is wrong.

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