
Broken Vein's


This 3 repetitive sounds could be heard inside the hall where Chi Wuyao left.

"Master, I can't move anymore I think you broke my spine." Yuanba said in a pitiful voice, while Yun Che was laying beside him completely blacked out.

Taking a last puff of smoke Seth sat down on his chair and asked "So how did you awaken your profound veins? any why is it only 70% awakened?"

With some difficulty Yuanba managed to sit down properly on ground and explained "The truth is Master our first month in that world was really scary and I couldn't do anything but to rely on Brother-in-law. one day we were scouting for a safe place to rest for the night when suddenly a huge Sandworm appeared beneath us and swallowed Brother-in-law. Seeing this with my own eyes I was full of self blame because I couldn't do anything but watch helplessly as Brother-in-law was swallowed and in the brink of despair I awakened some of my profound veins and managed to kill the Sandworm and save Brother-in-law."

Seth nodded and didn't bother to ask anymore, he glanced at Yun Che and said "Still pretending? I think you still hadn't have enough."

With a swift move Yun Che immediately kneeled and said "Hehe, I just regained consciousness master."

Staring at his disciple Seth asked "Did you receive the 5 bottles I gave you?"

With a nod Yun Che said while kowtowing "This disciples thanks Master for the precious gift you gave me."

Rolling his eyes at his disciple, Seth then said in serious voice "Now that you are already a bunch of half cooked disciples you will enter the Profound God Convention under the name of the Flame God Realm and I want the both of you to reach the Top 4 place."

Xia Yuanba and Yun Che looked at their Master and said in unison "Disciple understands! We will not let Master down!"

With a satisfied smile Seth then threw a blood red knuckles at Yuanba "That will be your spirit weapon, I thought about it and you aren't really compatible in using any weapons so I decided to give you this knuckles instead."

Holding the knuckles Yuanba smiled brightly and thanked his Master.

Yun Che looked at Seth with expectation waiting for his gift.

Seeing the look Yun Che was giving him Seth shook his head and said "I already gave you so many things already so go and fck off!"

Yun Che sighed and lowered his head and looked at the knuckles Yuanba was holding transforming into two kids and thought (Oh well, I already have hong'er and she already ate all the weapon Master gave her increasing her strength greatly)

Seth clapped his hands to get their attention and said "Yuanba, I know you really want to meet your Mother and Big Sister but with your current strength you're still too weak so just listen to your Master's advice and concetrate on improving your strength."

Yuanba clenched his fist tightly and nodded in agreement "Disciple understands."

He then glanced at Yun Che and said "As to your goal to meet that little lass you can just go all out and do your thing. But! I won't be wipping your butt if you are in trouble and can only rely on your own strength."

Seth knew his disciple's attitude very cleary and just let him do his things but he must also deal with his own problems and not ask for his help.

Yun Che nodded seriously "Disciple understands!"

"Go on then, go and enjoy life because you won't be having a peaceful life in the upcoming months." Seth said then threw his disciples out.

Yun Che immediately left after hearing his Master's order but Yuanba stayed looking a little hesitant.

Seeing that his disciple was hesitating Seth asked "What's the matter Yuanba? just say what you want to say you're my disciple and you need to act like one."

Yuanba cleared his throat and spoke "Master, I know that I am far too weak but please tell me when will I be able to see my Mother and Sister?"

Seth sighed, he knew that this disciple of his could be really stubborn sometimes and replied "Just make sure to reach the top 4 spot on the Profound God Convention and I will personally bring you to your family."

Hearing his Master's promise Xia Yuanba smiled then slowly closed his eyes.


The hall started trembling violently, Seth glanced at Yuanba and shook his head "The Divine Tyrannical Profound Vein really is broken."

Yuanba who was seated in a cross-legged position opened his eyes and slowly stood up.

"9th grade Divine Spirit Realm huh, do you really still need me? looks like you can already go and experience life all by yourself" Seth said while observing the changes happening on Yuanba's profound vein.

His profound vein were releasing such a strong tyrannical aura that can make thos below it's realm tremble in fear.

But that aura quickly dissipated when Yuanba spoke.

"Don't say that Master! If it wasn't for Master taking me in I would never be able to reach this level." Yuanba said while slightly tearing up.

Seth was dumbfounded and thought (You have the Divine Tyrannical Vein so act like one! D*mn!)

Rubbing his glabella Seth asked with a cheeky smile on his face "Did you plucked that little lass earlier? hehe."

Xia Yuanba was embarassed hearing his Master's question and nodded slowly "We.. we already cooked rice Master."

"Hahahahaha! That's my disciple! now go because your little fiancee is waiting for you outside."

Yuanba bowed deeply and hurriedly left the hall fearing that his Master will ask something more embarassing questions..