
Barely Passable

A year and a half quickly passed by and there are only 2 months left until the Profound God Convention starts.

During this year a lot happened in the Northern Divine Region, ever since the Yama Devil God realm got conquered by Seth. The Burning Mood Devil God realm immediately visited the Soul Palace and pledged loyalty to Seth.

They didn't dare take their chances when they found out that Seth killed the Yama Emperor with only one move and immediately surrendered making the Soul Stealing Ream the absolute ruler of the Northern Divine Region and Chi Wuyao is the one leading them.

Seth on the other hand was having a leisure life with Lucy as they explored the Northern Region tasting different foods.

Inside the Soul Palace

A man wearing black opened sleeve was currently seated on the throne with a devilish beauty on his lap and a 2 meter long black dragon beside him.

"Today is the day my disciples are returning, I really can't believe that time is so cruel. A year and a half quickly passed by and my two idiot disciples are back to leech off me." Seth complained while stroking the dragon's head.

Chi Wuyao chuckled and said "Why not let them stay there for a few more years?"

She knew that Seth wasn't honest to himself and was finding ways to tease him.

Seth rolled his eyes at Chi Wuyao and continued stroking the dragon's head "Baal, If those brats didn't reach a satisfying level and are still useless you may eat them immediately."

The Black Dragon Baal licked his lips in anticipation hearing his Master's words.


All of a sudden the door of the hall was slammed opened by a powerful force completely destroying it.


A burly person that was over 2 meter talls came running towards Seth in an excited manner.

Looking at the burly person approaching the dragon stood up and blocked it's path, seeing a huge dragon blocking him the burly man stopped infront of the dragon.

"Uhmm, are you Master's little pet? can you move aside because I really miss my Master hehe." The man said trying to explain to the dragon.

While all of this was going on 3 person also followed behind the huge man and stopped infront of the dragon.

"Disciple Yun Che greets Master!"

"Nanhuang Chanyi greets the Devil Queen!"

"Yu Wu greets the Devil Queen!"

Seeing the others kneeling the huge also followed suit and kneeled "Disciple Xia Yuanba greets Master!"

Seth smiled and nodded seeing his disciples.

"Stand up, Baal come here and stay put."

The black dragon slowly made his way towards Seth and laid beside his chair.

Yuanba immediately stood up and said "Master! I really miss you! why did you left us all alone in that place it was really scary and..."

Xia Yuanba continued talking like there was no tomorrow, Seth had an exasperated look and he quickly waved his hand to make Yuanba stop bullsh*ting around.

"Yuanba, you don't need to explain everything that happened to you and I'm afraid that if I didn't stop you then you will also tell me how you peed and poop there." Seth said trying to stop Yuanba.

"Oh, then Master I have a really good news to tell you!" Xia Yuanba said and pulled the little girl beside him and said.

"This is Yu Wu my fiancee."

Silence.. complete silence neither Seth nor Chi Wuyao expected this to happen and looked at the 2 meter tall man and the petite little girl beside him in amazement.

"This.. you.." Seth didn't know what to say and just gave Yuanba a big thumbs up. "Great! you really are great!"

He then looked at Yun Che and asked "So how about you? did you make that lass your little fiancee also?"

Yun Che froze hearing his Master's words and tried to look away.

Seeing Yun Che's reaction Seth already knew the answer and sighed while leaning on his chair.

"What kind of disciples did I get?!" He said while looking up trying to find an answer.

"Uhmm, Master now that I have a fiancee why don't you give us a congratulatory gift?" Yuanba said with a shy look.



A huge crack appeared on the floor scaring the 4 love birds.

Chi Wuyao also shook her head and didn't know what to say, she looked at her adorable witches and couldn't help but sigh.

Seth took out a pack of cigarette that he always carry incase of emergency and lit it up.

Taking a puff of smoke he then glanced at his disciples fiancee's and tossed two red swords towards Yu Wu and Chanyi.

"Take it, those are spirit weapons and you can bind them later." Seth said then turned his attention towards his annoying and aggreviating disciples.

The two witches grabbed the swords and kneeled "Thank you for your gift Master!"

Seth ignored the two girls and started cussing out "To think that you still had the time to flirt when I specifically told you to fcking train!"


A huge pressure landed on Yuanba and Yun Che making them forcefully kneel with both legs.

The two didn't speak and just patiently waited for their doom.

With a sneer Seth removed the pressure and said "A 7th grade divine spirit and 3rd grade divine spirit realm, just barely passable."

Chi Wuyao was shocked hearing Seth's words and check the brats profound strength and said "To think a peak sovereign can becone a 7th grade divine spirit in less than 2 years is unbelievable. and a 6th grade divine soul realm became a 3rd grade divine spirit realm."

She looked at Seth and said in disbelief "Master, they are surely monsters and you still think they are just passable?"

Seth harrumphed and said "Ofcourse they are just passable, compared to my strength and talent, passable was already a compliment for them."

Chi Wuyao just shook her head and didn't want to argue anymore, she stood up then grabbed her two plucked little witches and exited the hall leaving behind two pitiful disciples and an angry master.