
Queenie Goldstein and Jacob Kowalski

Crynn POV

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet the both of you as well! No need for the formalities just call me Queenie-" Queenie Goldstein cheerily laughed as her eyes stayed on mine until her sentence stopped. "You?! I couldn't read you?!" Queenie's eyes hardened as her stare intensifies, trying to pierce through my eye, reaching the brain.

But that is unexpected. I know Queenie Goldstein is an accomplished legilimens and I shouldn't have been able to protect my mind from it. So... maybe God gave us protected minds or something, let's think about that later, time for another excuse! "Just the wonders of Occlumency, isn't that it, Queenie?" Aria nodded beside me even though she doesn't know what Occlumency is, she's playing the part well.

(A.N : In case anyone doesn't know, a legilimens is someone capable of practicing Legilimency which is the art of reading minds and thoughts. While Occlumency is the art of protecting our minds and thoughts by redirecting it, shuffling our thoughts or locking our memories and some other methods. A person with Occlumency capabilities are known as occlumens.)

Queenie just smiled knowingly while Newt opened his mouth to ask something, only to close it back down. "Emm... Why don't the both of you have two seats," Newt opened his mouth again and pulled two seats back for the two guests, magically of course. "So, Newt! Heard you were gone for a while?" Queenie asked in goodwill.

"Newt! Newt! Haven't heard of you! HaHaHaHaHa!" Jacob by Queenie's side, guffawed out loud. Love spell side effects, not so charming, is it. "Is anything wrong with him?" Newt gave a strange look towards Jacob and then back towards Queenie, starting to get mildly suspicious. "Of course not, right sweetheart," Queenie cupped Jacob's cheeks with such unhidden love and adoration, hmph, cute.

"Of course not, sweetie," I am getting sick looking at this blatant affection. "Back to the conversation, heard you were away for quite some time?" Queenie came back asking in curiosity, tilting her head for that 'extra' emphasis. "Err... Yeah, was doing some key work, I was requested by the Department of Mysteries."

I secretly raised a big thumb, just visible enough for Newt to catch it within his eye range and blushed, obviously referring to the shame of how he lied. "And these are the two others assigned to work with me," Newt stretched his hand at I and Aria as we gave a twinkle of courtesy. "Ooh! I have to say, those are some very nice swords and very... gold bow."

Queenie complimented albeit not very fluent in the end but sure. "Oh right, I haven't said this but, congratulations on your engagement," Queenie acclaimed him with a cheery smile but we all know, Newt will not be feeling cheery and I, I am not expecting this. Firstly, shouldn't history change itself enough for Newt to not be accused anymore of this engagement?

Secondly, even the Unspeakable Head Operative knew that the one engaged is Newt's brother, what's this all about?! "Pardon?!" Newt exclaimed in shock, wide eyed and panicked. "Yes! It was issued in Spellbound a few days ago! Mind, they've not got pictures because you weren't there but here it is."

Queenie wandlessly moved a magazine from her bag and opened it up to a chosen page. "Newt to Wed! I mean, Lord Scamander announced this a day before this issue of Spellbound is published without any information on who is to wed the future bride, Leta Lestrange. But everyone assumed it would be you since you were closer to Leta Lestrange than your brother ever was."

"This came as a big shock to Tin-" Newt finally couldn't hold it in anymore and banged the table. "It was not me engaged, Theseus is the one engaged with Leta!" Newt looked so furious, his face pumped with that hot blood, The only aspect missing right now would be the boiling temperatures and constant steam out his ears.

"Oh! Oh dear. You see, Tin read that and it went bad. Ever since you stopped writing her letters for three months, she had always been not herself, a bit depressed and... just sad, could even say disappointed. Reading this became the last straw to break the camel's back, and in this case, her back and also... heart. She also has begun dating this-"

"Dating?!" Newt is starting to grow ever so angrier by the second, gonna take cover. "It may not be very polite for me to say this but... you've been a cruel person to her Newt. You haven't even said a simple 'how are you?' for over 89 days. She cried a lot that day and she sort of made a new determination in her life goals to forget about you."

"Oh! She's dating an auror by the way, Achilles Tolliver is his name," ooh! Now that became the second last straw to break the camel's back, Newt Scamander's back. "Tolliver! EhEhEhEhEhEh!" Jacob's laughing doesn't help either way as Newt is certainly fuming right now! "Where is she!" Newt decided to just outright ignore Jacob at the moment.

"She's on an assignment to Paris?? At least that's what Tin told me (Tin is the way her sister, Queenie called her. Her real name is Tina Goldstein)," Newt slowly sat himself back down, chanting 'Paris' over and over again as if it's some kind of crucial mantra. "Skippy back master! Delicious dinner for five!" It's also just in time for Newt's house elf to arrive, serving trays of mouthwatering-looking foods.

"Anyway, Newt, we're very excited to be here, it's a special trip for us! You see, Jacob and I will be getting married!" Queenie happily said with a big ol' grin. "I'm marrying Jacob!" Jacob said with a big smile before spraying his face with wine whilst still laughing out loud as Queenie made confetti with her wand.

I'm not wanting to interrupt but this is a weird start to dinner, not very conventional.