

Following the tragic demise of Jayden's family at the hands of a supernatural murderer, he embarks on a journey of revelation, unraveling the secrets of the afterlife. With the support of his trusted companions, Jayden endeavors to uncover the enigmatic killer who connects their intertwined tales, seeking answers along the way.

ShawnGuh · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Jayden and his crew shows up at the haunted house, Mary opens the door. Mako diligently sets up cameras throughout the entire house, while Holly, fully prepared and looking presentable, dons her equipment belt provided by Grace. The belt contains all the necessary ghost-hunting tools for making contact with spirits. Meanwhile, James is busy setting up the main camera, while Holly conducts an interview with Mary in the living room.

Mako opens the back doors of a large van, revealing numerous computer screens and wires scattered inside. There is also a bed in the van, where Jayden is resting under a blanket. Mako enters the van and powers up the computers, which display feeds from various locations inside and outside the house, including James's camera's point of view. Another computer screen shows a media platform with the title "Ghost Team ready to hunt #3" and a chat log with comments. The viewer count on the site indicates there are 125 viewers. Mako puts on a headset with a microphone and turns to Jayden, who gives a thumbs up. Jayden nods and closes his eyes. Grace and Mary head to Mary's bedroom, where they will be stationed, while James and Holly position themselves in front of the house.

The entire team and Mary activates their earpieces and GoPro cameras strapped to their chests. Mako counts down from 3 to 1 into the microphone, initiating the live stream from James's main camera on the media platform. The viewer count rapidly climbs to 597. Holly greets the viewers and introduces the Ghost Team through the microphone. Mako switches the camera view on the live stream to show James and Holly outside the house, then changes it to Mary and Grace, who wave at the camera inside. Holly informs the viewers that the homeowner, Mary, claims that an evil spirit haunts her every midnight until morning. She mentions objects being thrown around and hearing distant voices. Mary feels constantly watched and has even been physically attacked by this malevolent spirit.

Mako adjusts the camera view on the live stream to show pictures of Mary's wounds resulting from the attacks, before switching it back to Holly. Holly declares their readiness to enter the house and confront the evil spirit. With great energy, Holly leads the way inside as James follows with the main camera. Holly strolls around the living room, informing the viewers that they have ten minutes left until midnight. Meanwhile, Jayden awakens in bed and finds himself in a parallel world known as Limbo. This world is a monochromatic reflection of the real world. Jayden picks up a nearby lantern, steps out of the van, and explores the surroundings of the house. In the backyard, he discovers a spatial anomaly. Feeling prepared, Jayden takes a few deep breaths and closes his eyes, mentally preparing himself for what lies ahead. He reminds himself that once inside, he will have to endure the emotions and experiences of the spirit, understanding the truth and the hardships they faced in life. Jayden emphasizes the importance of maintaining a clear mind throughout.

Opening his eyes, Jayden reaches out and touches the spatial anomaly, instantly being drawn into it. He flies through an endless darkness, with his lantern serving as his only source of light. Eventually, he comes to a halt and sees a ghostly figure wearing a blindfold approaching him. Jayden cautiously extends his hand into the glowing chest of the ghost and is subsequently sucked into its soul. Jayden finds himself in a bedroom, holding out his lantern for illumination. He hears the sound of a weeping man lying on the floor beside the bed. Looking around, he notices a wedding picture of the tearful man and Mary together.

Leaving the room, Jayden enters the living room where he witnesses Mary engaging in intimate relations with another man on the sofa. Tears involuntarily stream down Jayden's face, but he quickly wipes them away, trying to suppress his emotions. Mary and the man move to the bed, where they continue their activities, while the crying man remains on the floor. Jayden continuously wipes away his tears. Eventually, Mary and the man include the crying man in their actions. Overwhelmed by disgust, Jayden bangs his head to maintain his composure.

Following their encounter with the crying man, Mary and the man dismiss him from the bed, causing him to continue crying. The man clings onto the wedding photos, cherishing them. The bedroom then transforms into a hospital bed, where the crying man sits expressionless. Mary and the man visit him, locking the door behind them, and forcefully engage in intimate activities with the crying man. Distressed, the crying man grabs a nearby blanket, wraps it around the man's neck, and strangles him. Mary panics and grabs the nearby wedding photo, smashing it onto the crying man's head. Anger surges through Jayden as he tries to control his overwhelming emotions, moving around the room.

The crying man proceeds to strangle the man to death, prompting Mary to cry beside him. Noticing the shattered wedding photo, the crying man picks it up and weeps. Jayden's anger intensifies, and tears stream down his face. Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, Jayden spins around the room, struggling to maintain control. Suddenly, the crying man cuts his own throat with the broken glass, collapsing lifeless. Jayden falls backward, his back making contact with the floor, causing the room to transform into darkness. His arms and legs become bound by chains as he screams in a mix of anger and sorrow. A blanket tightens around his neck, making it difficult to breathe. Then, a colossal wedding picture of the crying man and Mary materializes above him and crashes down onto Jayden, the shattered glass cutting his body. The crying man's face from the picture is pressed against Jayden's. The image gradually dissolves into Jayden's body, as he struggles desperately to break free, overwhelmed by the crying man's emotions.

Holly informs the viewers that it's now midnight, while Mako checks the viewer count, which has reached 2.4k. Using an EMF (electromagnetic field) detector, Holly begins exploring the house, with James capturing it on camera. The EMF levels are initially low (level 1) in the dining room, but it spikes to level 5 in the kitchen. Holly declares that the spirit is present and proceeds to use a spirit box to communicate. Though they hear voices and a growl through the spirit box, the message remains unintelligible. Suddenly, the kitchen window shatters, startling Holly and James. Holly questions if the spirit is angry, to which a voice from the spirit box responds with a definitive "YES." Holly's shocked expression is caught by the main camera.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Grace and Mary remain together. Mary trembles and whispers inaudible words, prompting Grace to approach and offer comfort. Mary begins to open up about her past, confessing her actions driven by lust and mistreatment of her ex-husband. Grace consoles Mary, who reveals her belief that her ex-husband's haunting will persist as long as her secrets remain hidden. Doubtful, Grace inquires if Mary is certain that her ex-husband is the one haunting her, to which Mary guiltily nods. Suddenly, the bed violently jolts upward, causing Mary to scream. Grace swiftly pulls her away from the bed's motion. A flower pot is hurled toward them, and Grace instinctively elbows it, resulting in a cut on her cheek. Taking charge, Grace positions herself in front of Mary. The bed moves toward Mary, but Grace stomps on it to halt its advance. A wooden chair is then flung at them, but Grace leaps and delivers a knee strike, shattering the chair.

Mary clings to Grace for safety. The room further deteriorates as glass flies through the air from a broken window. Grace shields Mary, sustaining cuts on her back. Mako urgently notifies Holly to join Grace. The computer screens glitch, causing Mako distress due to the potential loss of crucial content. Grace continues guarding Mary while surveying the room. Suddenly, Mary is lifted and strangled by a weeping male ghost, prompting Grace to kick at the ghost, but her strikes pass through it. Seeing Mary struggle to breathe, Grace feels helpless. Just in time, Holly opens the door and brandishes a cross at Mary, causing her to fall and Grace to catch her. Mary gasps for air, eliciting relief from Holly and James. However, James is then forcefully thrown across the hallway, crashing into a wooden wall. Holly urgently calls out his name while frantically pointing the cross around the room and hallway. She notices the cross breaking and exclaims that she needs to be pure of light. Suddenly, Holly is propelled through the broken window. Grace springs into action, grabbing Holly's arm to prevent her from falling. As Grace pulls Holly back inside, Mary becomes possessed and starts strangling her. Holly and Grace rush to Mary, wrestling her arm away. Mary cries and apologizes, realizing that her past actions were a grave mistake.

Bound by chains in the depths of darkness, Jayden notices his lantern still emitting a faint glow far beneath him. Determined, he cries out the words of the Lord, managing to free his right arm. Stretching towards the lantern, it miraculously flies into his grasp. As he holds the lantern, the chains begin to dissipate, allowing Jayden to rise to his feet. The oppressive darkness gradually transforms back into the familiar bedroom setting. Jayden addresses the spirit aloud, urging it to let go of the past and find eternal tranquility within the depths of darkness. In response, Jayden's lantern shines even brighter, illuminating the space around him.

Jayden's gaze meets the weeping figure before him, his eyes covered by a blindfold. The sorrowful ghost wraps its hands around Jayden's throat, tightening its grip. Undeterred, Jayden speaks to the spirit, urging it to release the burdens of the past and find solace in eternal slumber, as it truly deserves after enduring immense hardship. Gradually, the crying man ceases his tears and becomes calm. In tandem with the ghost's transformation, the room begins to shrink, and the figure fades away. Jayden notices a portal forming within the room and leaps through it, emerging from the ghost's chest back into the ethereal realm of Limbo. As Jayden finds himself in Mary's room, the ghost's physical form dissipates, leaving only a lingering glow that was once in its chest. With care, Jayden cradles the essence of the soul in his palm and returns it to the warp in space. The soul gradually fades into the abyss of darkness.

Jayden then retraces his steps back to the van's bed, closing his eyes to rest. Moments later, Grace swings open the van doors and discovers Jayden peacefully asleep. Startled, she raises her voice, waking Jayden, while Mako turns his attention to her. Holly places the main camera on a table at the front of the house, concluding the ghost hunting livestream. She then assists James, who is in pain, and together they make their way to the van. Mako concludes the live stream, and Grace confronts Jayden, questioning why he did not offer any help and reminding him of his role as a priest. Mako interjects, stating that Jayden actually played a crucial role. Intrigued, Grace demands an explanation. Holly joins the conversation, carrying James into the van, and Jayden prompts her to shed light on the matter.

As Jayden and Mako reenter the house to remove the cameras, Holly clarifies to Grace that Jayden possesses the ability to dreamwalk, allowing him to enter a state of slumber where he can transcend his dreams. She further explains that when a dreamer manages to escape their dream, they enter the realm of Limbo. If a spirit maintains attachments to the physical world, a warp in space can be found within the Limbo. Once freed from the warp, spirits can briefly manifest in the real world before dissolving back into Limbo and eventually the Void. Overwhelmed with confusion, Grace admits her lack of understanding. James empathizes, recounting his initial bewilderment upon learning about these concepts. Holly summarizes by informing Grace that, in essence, Jayden possesses the unique ability to lull souls into eternal rest within the Void and seal the warp in space. Astonished by Jayden's capabilities, Grace questions whether all priests share the gift of dreamwalking.

Holly assures Grace that Jayden is a unique and exceptional priest, unlike any other. Suddenly, the sound of an approaching ambulance catches their attention. Grace and Holly exit the van to find the ambulance parking behind it. Mako and Jayden emerge from the house, with Mako carrying a box of cameras. Disappointed, Jayden trembles with sorrow. The EMTs bring out Mary's lifeless body, leaving Grace devastated by the sight. Mako informs them that Mary was found overdosed on pills. Overwhelmed by his perceived failures, Jayden sinks to his knees and begins to pray, consumed by sadness. A few hours later, as the sun rises, they return to the church. Father Gabriel explains to them that although they were unable to save the client, they did succeed in vanquishing the evil spirit. As a result, he provides them with half of the agreed-upon payment. Father Gabriel walks away, visibly disappointed in Jayden.

Jayden reflects on his shortcomings in his thoughts and decides to take a walk, with Holly and James following him. Mako surveys the surroundings before turning to Grace. In a hushed voice, Mako wonders aloud if anyone intends to take the money. Grace silently departs, while Mako discreetly takes the money and leaves as well. Grace meets with Father Gabriel and questions him about his perception of her, expressing her confusion as she believes she failed to save the client. Father Gabriel explains to Grace that his eyes can discern a person's potential simply by making eye contact with them. He assures her that although her potential may not be evident at present but the progress that she makes will reveals her hidden capabilities. Frustrated, Grace accuses Father Gabriel of lying and claims that he only expects great things from her because of her recent media coverage. She storms off to her car and drives away.