
After Transmigrating Into a Novel, She Become the Opposing Character’s Mother

When she awoke, she had somehow become the mother of the three villains in the novel, and a vicious supporting character at that! Her husband was so angry that he left overnight without even bothering to put on his shoes. The three little brats became as mischievious as monkeys! The aloof, arrogant system told her that if she wanted to return, she had to be a good person and instruct the villains properly. Just as she was rolling up her sleeves to teacher her three little brats a lesson, her husband returned with great wealth! He even hugged her legs and refused to let go. What was he trying to do? *** The children's father said, “Your mother's health is delicate but she's good-tempered. Don't bully her.” The mischievious little brats, who had been punished by being made to stand upside down, "Dad, open your eyes wide and look. Who's bullying who?" The children's father added, “My wife is honest and never causes trouble. All of you should give in to her.” The individuals who had been beaten up until they were black and blue, "Who should give into who now?" "My wife is virtuous and obedient. If I tell her to go east, she won't dare to go to the west!" The children's father brought over a basin of warm water. “My wife, the water for washing your feet is ready. Let me massage your feet!“

Painted Green Garden · General
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538 Chs

Turned Out to Be a Burglar

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After Xue Baijun finished speaking, he pointed to a dark place behind the crowd.

Everyone turned around and looked back. They saw a small figure running away, but they did not expect to be grabbed by the person standing at the outermost corner.

Bai Wenjing wanted to die.

Digging graves to play treasure hunting? Did these two brats have to be so outstanding?

At this moment, she only prayed that the matter did not blow up too much. Otherwise, she really did not know how to deal with this situation.

"Yao Lai Fu, don't run anymore. Your mother heard everything."

Xue Baijun raised his chin and shouted. The person who was dragged into the courtyard was none other than Yao Lai Fu.

Yao Fang's mother and daughter-in-law, who were originally crying, were stunned when they saw the skinny Yao Lai Fu being dragged out. Why was her child involved in this as well?

When she saw who it was, Bai Wenjing seemed to see a glimmer of hope. She quickly asked, "Xue Baijun, tell me honestly. What exactly happened?"

Xue Baijun told everyone about how they went out to play.

It turned out that Yao Lai Fu was bored, so he came to play with Xue Baijun and his sister. There were other children from the same village with them.

Xue Baijun was initially afraid of Bai Wenjing's words and did not dare to go out, but Yao Lai Fu's suggestion piqued Xue Baijun's interest.

When Yao Lai Fu said that he wanted to play hide-and-seek, Xue Baijun naturally extended the game to treasure hunting.

The Yao family's ancestors could be considered to be wealthy, but they were already down and out in this generation. At this moment, when they heard this, they immediately proposed to dig up his great-grandfather's grave, saying that there were many good things inside.

Seven to eight children in the village went to dig up the graves one after another. The person who found them happened to see Xue Baijun and his sister, so they came to her house just like that.

When everyone heard this, they were all speechless.

Because more than a dozen people present were called out by Xue Baijun as if they were family treasures. If this were to happen, no one would be able to avoid it.

Just as everyone was having their own thoughts, the Yao family's wife, Cai Fang, suddenly let out a howl. She rushed in front of Yao Lai Fu and gave him a vicious slap on the face.

Yao Lai Fu was originally as thin as a monkey. After being hit by this slap, he spun around and fell to the ground. He covered his face and wailed loudly.

Meanwhile, the devilish children who were playing the treasure hunt with the siblings, Yao Lai Fu and Xue Baijun, were also stunned by such a big commotion.

Finally... someone stood out from the crowd and said, "Aunt Yao, wife of the Yao family, look, this matter... in the end, it was your family's Lai Fu who brought it up. There are so many children with him, so we don't know who made the first move.

"If not for this, we would all go and help the old ancestor repair the grave and also check if the things are still there."

"Yes, yes, yes. When the old ancestor of the Yao family was here, he was a big family. There were indeed a lot of things buried with him. We need to check it out. It's best if we can check it out. Otherwise, if there's anything missing in the future, it'll be my child's fault."

An elderly woman shouted and went forward to hug her grandson. She was afraid that her grandson would be slapped by Yao Fang.

Xue Baijun smirked and said, "What are you looking at? There's no treasure in there. Lai Fu lied to us."

The other children also shouted, "That's right. There's nothing in there. Lai Fu lied."

After being slapped, Lai Fu cried and said, "There was something in the past..."

When everyone heard this, the matter had blown up. The older generation of the Yao family knew that there was a lot of gold, silver, and jewelry buried there. How could it be gone just like that?

Digging up the ancestral tombs to steal treasures. If this were to happen to anyone, they would be beheaded.

Although no one dared to have such thoughts, when they thought about it, they still felt a chill down their necks. No one wanted to be implicated because of this matter.

At this moment, someone suggested. "This is a big matter. In my opinion, we should report it to the authorities."

"Right, right, right. We should report this matter to the authorities."

Who would have thought that after saying this, Yao Daniu, who was originally silent, said, "Forget it, forget it, in my opinion, we should just forget about this matter. You guys can go back. What's there to report to the authorities? Disperse. I'll go and take a look at my ancestors' graves."

Bai Wenjing was stunned. How could this matter be said to be considered to be settled? There was definitely something fishy going on.

Now that she thought back to the time when she was delivering porridge and water to Yao Daniu, she was puzzled. This man was famous in the village for being lazy and gluttonous. Why was there still fresh soil on his fingernails? Now that Yao Daniu was going to give up on pursuing the matter, this made her even more curious.

Old woman Yao slammed the crutch in her hand. "No! Can we just let this matter go like this!? I'll go find the village chief right now! If we find the thief who stole the things, we'll definitely let the village chief uphold justice. We'll drag him out and give him thirty lashes. Then, we'll chop off both of his hands to vent our anger! He can even do such a wicked thing! Pui!"

After saying that, old woman Yao looked at Bai Wenjing. Bai Wenjing pursed her lips. Was this old woman Yao crazy? She had already said that her eldest child did not steal it, yet she still looked at her.

At this time, someone muttered, "I'm afraid it's those little ones from the Xue family. They have done many wicked things in the past. Aren't the things that we lose usually done by them?"

"That's right, that's right. Their mother is very shrewd. I'm afraid that he knows that this is a treasure and is deliberately framing us."

With the crowd shouting, Bai Wenjing saw Yao Daniu, who was originally silent, suddenly say, "Right, in my opinion, it's possible that this kid stole it. He always knows that his hands and feet are dirty. Send him to the village chief!"

As Yao Daniu spoke, he went forward to grab Xue Baijun's hand.

"Mother! It's not me. Mother, save me. I don't want my hand to be chopped off. It really wasn't me..."

Xue Baijun was extremely scared. He looked at Yao Daniu with a pair of terrified eyes and could not help but step back. He did not know that he was tightly surrounded by the villagers behind him.

He originally thought that his mother would be able to settle the matter so easily. Who knew that Yao Daniu would actually come to catch him and treat him as a thief.

The most terrifying thing was that this damned old woman actually wanted to send him to the village chief to chop off his hands!

Bai Wenjing looked at how terrible this was. Each of them actually wanted to bully her child, and even wanted to pull her child out to chop off his hands!

This was clearly an accusation against someone, and she would not be taken advantage of like this.

Therefore, she immediately rushed over and gave him a fierce bump. Although that Yao Daniu's name was Daniu, his body was weak. With just a bump from Bai Wenjing, Yao Daniu fell to the ground just like that.

At the same time that Yao Daniu fell, something actually fell out of Yao Daniu's arms. There was a lot of gold, silver, jewelry, and small ingots.

Before Bai Wenjing could say anything, old woman Yao, who was at the side, said in a trembling voice, "Isn't... isn't this something that was buried with our ancestral grave?"

Then, she understood that their family had been robbed.

"Mother, your eyes are playing tricks on you."

Yao Daniu stammered as he hurriedly picked up the things that had fallen to the ground. Perhaps it was because more than a dozen pairs of eyes were staring at him too anxiously, Yao Daniu picked them up as he fell out.

"Well done, you vile creature! So it was you who dug your own ancestral grave!"

Old woman Yao was so angry that her entire body was trembling. She walked over to Yao Daniu with the three-inch Golden Lotus and gave him a hard slap on the face. She was so angry that she almost passed out.

The crowd exploded in an instant. Everyone was discussing in low voices.

"So it was Yao Daniu who dug up the ancestral grave and dug up the treasure himself."

"That's right. Such things will be struck by lightning. If the ancestors don't do good, bad luck will follow."

"Yao Daniu is not a good person in the first place. I heard that he and our village's Liu Cuixiang..."

The voices of discussion became louder and more unpleasant. Old lady Yao finally could not hold it in anymore and faint.

"Mother! Mother!"

Cai Fang pounced on them, pinching and shaking them. Yao Daniu also shouted. Although the crowd felt that it was shameful, they could not say anything else. They all brought their children home.

Bai Wenjing looked at the noisy family in her courtyard. She wanted to open her mouth and chase them out, but she could not say anything. She could only yell at the two brats coldly, "What are you still standing there for? Aren't you going back to your room?"

Xue Baijun and Xue Xiaohua had been watching the show, but now that Bai Wenjing had shouted at them, they instantly became obedient. However, they still could not understand why the treasure in the graveyard had ended up in Yao Daniu's arms. Was this not a magic trick?

After bringing the children back into the room, Bai Wenjing slammed the door shut with a loud bang. After she slammed the door shut, she said angrily, "You two, did you ignore everything I said? Are you wrong!?"