

Chapter 6

After handcuffing and removing the weapons from my new guests, I go to the front window and observe where the Humvee is. I'm sure there are at least two other people inside. The driver and the one who keeps shooting. The problem is: how am I going to take them down?

If there was only one in the car it would be easy, but the guy with the gun has a perfect aim for me if I leave the house.

I'd have to get him out of the car, but how?

"Krrr... Davis, Smith, Jones! Are you still there? We heard a shot earlier. They need backup." Eh! Looks like I found a good way to do that.

"Ahem... Water, help... cof... cobblestone..." I started to force my voice to sound a bit like the guy I fought last. Smith, according to the name on his vest. Thinking it was enough, I picked up his radio.

"Krr... Smith here. Enemy down. But you'd better come and see what we can find. And help us too." I say in a forced voice. It wasn't exactly the same, but it was enough to get through on the radio. Or so I hope.

"Krr... Cameron will help you. I need to get behind the wheel in case we need to get away fast." After he says that, I keep quiet on the radio. I leave the room, leaving the door ajar to attract the next soldier, and hide elsewhere.

I didn't have to wait long when footsteps sounded on the stairs. Looking through the gap in my door, I see the soldier reach the door where the other soldiers are and open the door.

Before he could say anything on the radio, I went behind him, grabbing his vest from behind and pulling it too hard to make it fly off and hit the wall behind me. But instead of him hitting the wall, he went through it.

"That must have hurt." I say as I go through the wall and see the guy try to get up, but it looks like the blow was too strong.

Realizing that he wouldn't be able to get up and fight, he tried to pick up the radio that had fallen to the side. Just as he was about to reach for the communicator, I stepped in front of him and crushed him with my foot.

"I'm sorry, but it was you who tried to kill me first." After saying that, I punched him in the face to make him black out too.

"Man. The soldiers in this place are horrible. That must be why they didn't survive in the series." I say to myself as I go through the same process. I disarm them, handcuff them and leave them with the others. Now there's only one left. And I have the perfect plan for that.

I take the clothes of one of them to put on, leaving the guy in the thermal clothes that the military wear.

After putting on the soldier's clothes, I take the rifle from one of them and a pistol. Leaving the house, I start to approach the Humvee with my head down. I go straight to the driver's door and knock on the window, still with my head down.

The driver, probably the leader of all the soldiers here, lowers the window, without suspecting anything or even looking at me. I raise the pistol to get close to his face, but not close enough for him to catch it.

"What's going on over there?" he asks me and when he looks at me, he sees the barrel of the gun in his face. "Shit."

"Yeah, shit." I say as I walk away from him, still pointing the gun in his face. Just as I was about to order him out of the car, the car radio goes off.

"Krrr... Delta Team, what's the situation?" A female voice comes out over the radio. The driver looks at me and then at the radio.

"Pick up. No codes. Or I'll put a bullet in your head." He nods slowly and picks up the radio.

"Delta Team speaking. The situation is under control. No survivors." He says through the radio.

"Very well. When you've finished there, go back to the CDC. They might need some help. 'Operation Cobalt' starts in two days." The woman speaks.

"Understood." The driver replies and closes the radio. Just as he was about to talk to me again, I grabbed the back of his head and hit the steering wheel, and he blacked out.

"That'll hurt later." I say to myself and open the guy's door and start carrying him back home, to give him the same treatment as everyone else.

It looks like the operation to contain the virus is going to start soon. You'd better be out of town when it starts. This place is going to turn into a city of the dead.

Taking off my camouflage army clothes and putting on my old ones, I went back to the room where I had arrested the soldiers, but everyone was still unconscious.

"I think I hit them too hard." I mumbled as I scratched my head. What's the best way to wake someone up? Throw water on them. Going to the bathroom, I fill a bucket with water and return to the bedroom, pouring the entire contents of the bucket over them. They all wiggle around, like they're trying to swim.

"Good morning, sleeping beauties." I say, disguising my voice to sound more mature. They only had to look for a second to understand what had happened and that they were trapped.

"What happened?! Who are you?!" Davis, the woman asks, looking at her companions and then at me.

"Me? It doesn't matter, does it? You would have killed me no matter who I was." I reply calmly, which seems to have awakened something in her eyes. Remorse, perhaps.

"You're making a grave mistake." The guy I hit last says with a background of anger in his tone.

"Am I? Well, the way I see it, I'm just defending myself. After all, if I didn't, your little friend here would have killed me." I say as I point at the first guy who broke in.

"We're following orders." The same guy, I think his name is López, speaks as if it's something natural. But I think he's just trying to convince himself.

"If that's what you say, so you can sleep at night, fine. I don't mind. But I'd like to know. What's the order?" I ask after my little pinprick to their morale. My question is met by silence. "Really? You're not going to say anything? All this because of a command that honestly doesn't care about the people it's supposed to protect?" They remain silent. Then I sigh. Argh! Bossed around. They don't know how to follow their own interests.

"How are you so strong?" The woman in the group asks.

"What?" I ask quietly.

"You managed to send Jones flying with one kick, and you managed to defeat all of us by yourself. A normal person wouldn't have been able to do that alone." She says, and I shrug, as if I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Clearly you've been hit very hard on the head." After saying this, I hear the sound of growling coming closer. Going over to the window, I see a small horde of 12 zombies coming and pass through the street. "Looks like the shot earlier attracted some of those things." I informed them, watching them become alert and frightened.

"Let us go, and we'll kill them for you!" Jones, the guy I sent flying with a kick, exclaimed in a rush. I looked at them and thought of something.

"Nah. I'll take care of them myself." I say as I start to leave the room.

"Wait! It's dangerous!" Smith, the driver, exclaims in a hurry.

"Only if I let them touch me." I deny his warning as I leave the room, taking the opportunity to grab all the weapons they had and take them to my car. Maybe I'll leave one for them. I grab two halves of the snooker cues from before and head off to the fight. As I leave the house, I see the group walking down the street.

"Hey! Bunch of misfits!" I shout, drawing their attention. Without stopping walking, I go straight for the first one with the improvised spear and without controlling my strength, I aim for the head. Which ends up going right through the first zombie's head. I kick it in the body, causing it to be thrown on top of another. Knocking down three in the process.

Without stopping, I move on to the second, stabbing the side of its head and kicking it hard in the chest to push its corpse away. What followed was a one-sided massacre in which I pierced the head of one zombie, retreated, killed another and used the dead bodies as a trap for the imbeciles still standing to fall into so that I could finish them off.

Despite this, the whole situation only lasted three minutes. After all, there weren't that many of them.

After the little exercise, I went back to where the soldiers were and saw that they were stuck in their places.

"Well, it's all over quickly." I say to them, and see them analyzing my clothes. Looking down, I see that I'm covered in blood. "Don't worry. It's not mine. Anyway, I'm getting out of here. I'll leave some of your weapons with you. Just so you don't say I'm bad. Ah. The key to the handcuffs is here. Bye!" I say as I throw the key across the room and leave.

I take the car that was already packed with all my items, and now, like the ones I'm going to get from them, I drive near the Humvee.

There I find boxes of bullets for the rifles of the soldiers from before.

I currently have two of them, plus two pistols that I also borrowed from the military. I left the other six on the counter. Of course, I got some extra bullets for the two pistols. According to the name on them, they're two Beretta pistols. They even have flashlights underneath.

Finally, having stolen- cof... borrowed a few things from the military, I take my car, now loaded with weapons, and leave the neighborhood. Taking the maximum distance from the city center and this army team.

My plan is to go straight to the prison, but unfortunately I can't do that. The military are very keen to let as many people die in the city as possible and there may be a barrier preventing people from getting through on the road that leads straight to the prison.

Not to mention the traffic jams there will be due to the number of people trying to get out of the city.

Besides, the Prison can't even have been invaded by the zombies yet. As 'Operation Cobalt' is due to start in two days' time, I have a day to pick up a few things from stores and maybe a weapons store.

In less than a month I have to get to the Prison. I have a little time before then.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Oh, and sorry for the bad chapter.

Keiou_Owlocreators' thoughts