

Qianyu, who passed through as a cannon fodder of the Uchiha clan, awakened the god-level sign-in system! Sign in to Hokage Rock and reward [Thunder Fruit] and [Advanced Observation Haki: Heart Net]! Sign in to the Uchiha clan and reward [Marine Six Styles Grandmaster], [Armament Haki Advanced], and [Conqueror’s Haki Advanced]! Sign in to the Uchiha Forbidden Area Naga Shrine, reward [Fire Style Grandmaster], [Sharingan Evolution]… … He wanted to sign in silently all the time. He was not invincible and unborn, but when Uchiha was facing the disaster of extinction… Uchiha Fugaku: “I, in the name of the patriarch, represent the whole Uchiha clan, I beg you to come out of the mountain!” Qianyu strode out of Naga Shrine and descended to heaven and earth with an invincible posture! From then on, the name of Uchiha Qianyu shocked the entire Ninja world! ====================================== [ the translation is a bit bad]

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100 Chs

Chapter 41


Qianyu slammed a punch and blasted Danzo's face fiercely!

The so-called…

Hit people but not face!

However, Qianyu's hatred for Danzo has exploded, where he can manage so much!

boom! boom! boom!

Punch after punch!

Danzo had already exhausted Chakra and was extremely weak. At this time, he was just an old guy…

After being punched in the face by Qianyu like this, the whole old face was red and red in an instant.

It's swollen directly!


He spit out a mouthful of blood, which even contained several teeth!

"Uchiha Qianyu…you…"

Danzo said vaguely angrily.

Qianyu said nothing…


Another fist hit him fiercely, and half of his old face was directly drawn to blood!

Danzo snorted, painful and embarrassed, and he fainted!

Qianyu sneered.

"The three patriarchs Ino–Shika–Chō, what do you think should be dealt with Danzo?"

The three Ino–Shika–Chō glanced at each other.

Nara Lujiu sighed: "Danzo blatantly attacked his companions in the village. He has violated the biggest taboo of the ninja and must be strictly judged!"

"very good."

Qianyu was originally the deputy captain of the Konoha Garrison.

Naturally have the right to deal with any emergencies.

He immediately escorted Danzo to the location of the security forces.

When Fugaku saw Qianyu's return, he smiled slightly, just about to say something, suddenly…

I saw Danzo behind him!

Also, the three chiefs of Ino–Shika–Chō, and…

Uchiha Shisui!

"What's the matter, Qianyu?"

Qianyu sneered: "Shimura Danzō, intending to kill Uchiha Shisui in the same village, was captured on the spot by me and the three patriarchs!"

Fugaku's heart moved!


What Qianyu said, Shisui's turn is the next step. That's what I mean…

Fugaku immediately changed color on his face.

"Even in peacetime, attacking the ninjas in this village?!"

"Whether it is tolerable or unbearable!"

He glanced at Shisui, but Shisui looked very complicated…

Qianyu said: "This man has wolf ambitions and must be scrutinized carefully. What other conspiracy does he have!"

Nara Shiji nodded.

"I'll notify Ibizi."

Ibis, Konoha Village special Jōnin!

Good at…

torture! trial!

At this moment, the Third Hokage office!

"Master Hokage!"


"Master Danzo…"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was taken aback, his pipe trembling slightly.

"Danzo? He…what happened?!"

The Anbu ninja immediately said: "…He, he sneaked on Uchiha Shisui, trying to capture his eyes, but was stopped by Uchiha Qianyu, and was arrested by Qianyu in the name of murdering a ninja in the same village!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked, and the pipe in his hand fell to the ground.

"Danzo, you…"

"You trash!"

Hiruzen was so angry that his lungs exploded.

He thinks that he controls Shisui very well and is one of the most successful products of his own brainwashing.

And Shisui's eyes are his own strategic weapon!

As for Danzo?

Although he is his old partner, he is too scheming and ambitious!

For Sarutobi Hiruzen, whoever is more in control, who is more obedient…

Clear at a glance!

Therefore, he has always opposed Danzo's shot against Shisui!

but now...

You, Danzo, just shoot Shisui!

Actually, actually…

Failed? !

Moreover, it fell directly into the hands of Uchiha Qianyu! ?

This is simply sending his arm out, letting Uchiha Qianyu chop it off for nothing!

He was trembling with anger, but knew that it was impossible to ignore Danzo, and immediately said, "Go!"

"Go to the garrison!"


Wait for Sarutobi Hiruzen to arrive at Konoha Security Force.

But found…

Almost half of the important people in the village have arrived!

His heart sank, knowing that this must be what Qianyu did!


So that everyone can witness Danzo's sins!

So that I, Hokage-sama, can't protect me!

Seeing the arrival of Sarutobi Hiruzen, everyone saluted.

"Master Third Hokage!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded calmly, stepped forward and looked at the center of the crowd…

Uchiha Qianyu!

"Qianyu, what happened?"

He asked hypocritically.

Qianyu sneered, and talked about what had happened before.


"Danzo, he actually did such a thing?!"

"Although it is the veteran of Konoha Village, the root leader, but you can't tolerate this kind of evil!"

"Qianyu, Danzo is my old partner, but I promise by the name of Hokage that I will definitely give Shisui and Uchiha an explanation!"

"Why don't you let me first…"

"Mori Noi is overjoyed!"

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen's wishful thinking was finished, a scarred man walked out.


Qianyu smiled slightly.

"Third Generation is right. Since a veteran like Danzo can commit such a crime, I don't know how many crimes there have been secretly undiscovered…"

"So today, I specially invited Ibis to interrogate myself!"

"Why, for the safety of Konoha Village, I think Third Generation will not disagree, right?"

The cold sweat on Sarutobi Hiruzen's forehead was dripping.


"Of course… I agree!"

At this moment, he can only abandon his car to be handsome!

Morino Ibixi nodded under everyone's gaze, walked forward, and made a seal…

"Summoning Technique…"

"Torture room!".