

Qianyu, who passed through as a cannon fodder of the Uchiha clan, awakened the god-level sign-in system! Sign in to Hokage Rock and reward [Thunder Fruit] and [Advanced Observation Haki: Heart Net]! Sign in to the Uchiha clan and reward [Marine Six Styles Grandmaster], [Armament Haki Advanced], and [Conqueror’s Haki Advanced]! Sign in to the Uchiha Forbidden Area Naga Shrine, reward [Fire Style Grandmaster], [Sharingan Evolution]… … He wanted to sign in silently all the time. He was not invincible and unborn, but when Uchiha was facing the disaster of extinction… Uchiha Fugaku: “I, in the name of the patriarch, represent the whole Uchiha clan, I beg you to come out of the mountain!” Qianyu strode out of Naga Shrine and descended to heaven and earth with an invincible posture! From then on, the name of Uchiha Qianyu shocked the entire Ninja world! ====================================== [ the translation is a bit bad]

TaMere · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 39

this day.

Uchiha Shisui, who has just finished monitoring Fugaku, is about to go back to Anbu.

He did not monitor Fugaku.


Uchiha Qianyu is there.

He sighed and flew away instantly.


Halfway through, in a hidden corner, several people appeared in front of him.


With his strength, he naturally discovered it immediately.

"who is it?"

A headed man walked out.


Shimura Danzō!

"Master Danzo, is it you?"

"Uchiha… Shisui!"

Danzo's tone made Uchiha Shisui a little wary.

Although he is the old partner of Third Hokage, but…

His relationship with the purpose of Third Generation is very delicate!

Even if they are called villages, they often do things differently.

Therefore, Shisui, who is loyal to Third Hokage, has a subtle attitude towards Danzo.

"Master Danzo, what's the matter?"

Danzo said coldly: "I want to ask you, for the Uchiha clan…"

"How do you think about it?"

Uchiha Shisui was silent.

"Master Danzo, what do you mean?"

"Although you are also from the Uchiha clan, but… Hiruzen seems to have always trusted you!"

Shisui nodded, "Yes, this is the respect of Third Hokage-sama."

"Of course, I am absolutely loyal to the village, not limited to the family!"

"The Will of Fire is the light that illuminates the village!"

Shimura Danzō sneered slightly.

"The Will of Fire?"

"well said!"

"Then, you should also know that there is bound to be a battle between the village and the Uchiha clan!"

Shisui's pupils moved slightly.

"Ok, I know."

"Then, how would you choose?!"

Uchiha Shisui took a deep breath.

"Master Danzo, whose will are you asking me this sentence on behalf of?"

Danzo smiled: "It doesn't represent anyone, it's just me asking you…"

Shisui said: "No matter who it is, my answer will always be the same…"

"I am Shisui from the Uchiha clan, but I am even Uchiha Shisui from Konoha Village!"

Danzo smiled.

"What a Uchiha Shisui!"

"I see, so you can sacrifice everything for the sake of the village, right?"

Shisui said calmly: "I can."

"Very good, then…"

"In order to calm the Uchiha clan and to stabilize the entire Konoha Village, I need your eyes!"

"Take them…"

"give it to me!"

Danzo suddenly changed his face!

Shisui was shocked!

"Huh? Lord Danzo! What are you going to do?"

"As long as you have your eyes, and Distinguished Heavenly Gods, the strongest illusion in your pupils, I can directly manipulate the will of the Uchiha clan and make them loyal to Konoha. Isn't that bad?"

"Best of both worlds!"

Shisui said coldly, "Does this order come from Lord Third Hokage?"

"No, but… Since you are loyal to Konoha, isn't it the same?"

"No, Lord Danzo, I can't accept it."

"Oh? That would be a shame…"

"Do it!"

In an instant, the roots behind Danzo flew out and attacked Uchiha Shisui!

How could Shisui easily admit defeat?

He only took out Kunai, relying on the extremely powerful Body Flicker Technique, and soon subdued the two root ninjas in the front!

But soon, more ninjas besieged!

"Master Danzo, then forgive me for being rude!"

Instantly Shisui!

Arrived in an instant!

Danzo couldn't react for a while!


Shisui has come to Danzo, but…

But it didn't kill him.


The eyes turned in an instant, turning into Mangekyō Sharingan, and an illusion was cast in an instant!


Danzo suddenly fell into a daze.

Catch the thief first!

"Master Danzo, I'm sorry, my eyes and will are loyal to Master Third Hokage…"

"It's not you."

Uchiha Shisui trapped Danzo with an illusion, and was not ready to continue doing it, so he left and reported it to the Third Generation.

at this time...

"Is it?"

next moment.

Danzo suddenly reappeared in front of Shisui!

Shisui was shocked!

"How is it possible! I actually cracked my illusion!"


Danzo used this Forbidden Technique to crack Shisui's illusion and caught him by surprise!

"your eyes..."

"It's mine!"

However, at this moment…


A thunder light fell violently from the sky!


It hit Danzo's body directly and fiercely!


He screamed, and the whole person was suddenly smashed into a terrible way!


He immediately backed away and looked at the people coming.

"who is it!?"

The visitor sneered slightly and looked at him indifferently.

"Uchiha… Qianyu!?"

Danzo was taken aback, he was stunned!

It's true that whoever is most afraid of will come!

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is…

Beside Uchiha Qianyu, there were three other people…


In other words, what I wanted to capture Shisui's eyes was not only seen by Qianyu, but also by the patriarchs of these three families!


"Danzo, what else do you have to say?"

Qianyu sneered.

Even Ino–Shika–Chō looked at Danzo contemptuously at this time.

Shot against a companion in the same village…

This is an unforgivable crime!

Danzo fell into an ice cellar for an instant, shaking all over!

"Uchiha Qianyu!"

"I want you to die!"

He roared like crazy, and attacked Qianyu! .