
After rebirth,I want to marry the shadow guard everyday

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Secretly_A_MoonCat · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Chapter 7: A good brother suffers together

"Your Royal Highness, there is news from the palace saying that the affairs of Shu Gui have been investigated, Tao Gui put some of her people on Shu Gui's side as spies, and then hired a man to harm Shu Gui." Shuang'er said while massaging Yun Zhongyao's leg.

Yun Mo stood pitifully on the side, looking up at Yun Zhongyao from time to time, as if he had done something wrong.

"Then what?" Yun Zhongyao asked.

"Tao Gui was given a glass of poisoned wine, and the man was also put to death. The emperor ordered that No one can talk about this matter outside." she massaged Yun Zhongyao's calf again, "Your Highness, is this amount of strength okay?"

"It's ok, this prince doesn't hurt anymore." Yun Zhongyao retracted his legs and waved to Yun Mo, "Come here."

Shuang'er glared at Yun Mo and stepped aside.

Yun Mo slowly walked to the bed and lowered his head. Before Yun Zhongyao could speak, he knelt down, "The subordinate knows what he did wrong ."

"What's wrong with you? Get up quickly." Yun Zhongyao sat down. Arrived at the bedside, but did not stand up.

Yesterday morning, he followed Yun Mo on a horse-stretching step, he was very tired after that. He couldn't even feel his legs anymore. When he woke up this morning. he couldn't even get out of bed.

Shuang'er was so angry that she didn't give Yun Mo a good face and talked rudely to him.

Yun Mo didn't stand up, he still knelt on the spot, "It's this subordinate who don't know the severity, that made your Highness..."

"This prince forgives you, get up quickly."

Yun Mo then slowly stood up from the ground…

It's clearly him who asked Yun Mo to teach him martial arts, but now it is Yun Mo who is apologising.

"Your Royal Highness...you don't need to learn martial arts, let your subordinate protect you." Yunmo lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Your skin and tender body is really not suitable for this, besides, you are sixteen and your bones have already been formed. So it is a little late to start practicing martial arts ."

Yun Zhongyao naturally understood this. He didn't even think about practicing martial arts, he just wanted to have the ability to protect himself.

But obviously, it is difficult for him to protect himself right now.

"Do you think this prince can't bear the hardship?"

"No..." Yun Mo quickly glanced at Yun Zhongyao, "It's because you really don't have the talent for martial arts, even if you continue to practice, it will be useless..."

Yun Mo really couldn't continue speaking. If he said this to another master, he may have already been sent out to get on the wooden board for punishment.

Yun Zhongyao was almost amused by him, and his expressionless face stared straight at Yun Mo, seeing the cold sweat on his forehead almost falling off.

"Then you think this king's talent is not good?"

"No... the subordinate just thinks he can protect you." Yun Mo softly argued for himself.

Of course you can protect me, you protected me till death in my last life.

Yun Zhongyao's expression was in a daze, and he waved his hand to let Yun Mo and Shuang'er go out.

"You both go out first."

Yun Zhongyao spent a long time in the room. He thought that time is really a good medicine. From the beginning, remembering the past life will hurt his heart, but now it seems to be numb, and there is nothing in his heart.

In the afternoon, the sixth prince Yun Zhongli came to the Seventh Prince's Mansion, "I heard that you hurt your leg, I brought you some tonic."

Yun Zhongli's voice was faint, he had a refined temperament and a string of Buddhist beads was hanging from his wrists

His refinece is different from that of Yun Zhongyao. He is the kind of transcendence who sees through the world.

"About my mother's matter, thank you for helping her get justice and saving her."

Yun Zhongyao looked at Yun Zhongli and said in a light tone, "I have accepted your thanks, but my brother doesn't have to be so polite. You are part of my family after all. "

Yun Zhongli looked at him , and said ,"Seventh brother when your leg is better , I invite you to come to the Moon House with me . "

For a moment, Yun Zhong remembered that Moon house is the best restaurant in Beijing, and their brothers love to go there for dinner on weekends.

"Okay." Yun Zhongyao said.

The brothers spoke for a while, and Yun Mo poured a cup of tea for them, he then stood aside with the teapot, lowering his eyebrows pleasantly.

"I heard that both eldest brother and second brother were summoned by father." Yun Zhongli took a sip of tea and said softly.

These words made Yun Zhongyao instantly alert, "What did they do when they came back?"

" What else can they do? It's nothing more than those 'two things' ." Yun Zhongli's tone was full of helplessness.

Everyone in the Chuyun country knows that although their country is strong, there are always two things that have bothered them.

The first is: the position of crown prince has remained vacant, and no suitable person can be found to inherit it.

The second is: the royal heirs. Although Emperor Yun has seven sons and two daughters, his children are as old as prince Yun Zhongming and as young as prince Yun Zhongyao. There is no one who has a family. Only the Third prince Yun Zhongyan has two concubines, but not a single child.

These two things have troubled Emperor Yun for a long time. Almost every year, the First and the Second prince who are outside on the borders are called back, and then his children are brought together to discuss this matter.

"I have already thought about it. Tomorrow I will go to Hanshan Temple." Yun Zhongli had already made plans.

Yun Zhongyao looked at Yun Zhongli who was about to escape, "I too..." Will go with you.

However, he was interrupted by Yun Zhongli before he could finish his words. "Little Qi's legs are not in good condition right now, so it's better to stay at home."

Yun Zhongyao gritted his teeth a little, "Sixth brother has the heart to leave me alone?"

"I have to go back to take care of my mother, Xiao Qi have a good rest." After speaking, Yun Zhongli got up, with a faint smile on his face and walked away.

... I'm so angry, no, I can't let the sixth brother just succeed, the good brothers have to suffer together!

Yun Zhongyao turned his head and looked at Yun Mo. For a while just now, he felt that Yun Mo's eyes were a bit weird. He was wondering what Yun Mo was thinking in that little head of his.

"Your Royal Highness?" Yun Mo felt that he was caught peeking, and suddenly lowered his head in embarrassment.

He often peeked at his Highness, because His Highness is so good-looking, even a man like him can't move his eyes away. When he found that Yun Zhongyao does not get provoked by his peeking, Yun Mo began to be more brazen.

"Yun Mo, come here, this prince has something to tell you."

"What's your command?" Yun Mo took two steps forward and walked to the bed.

"You go to the Hanshan Temple outside the imperial city, and take this king's token to pass a word to the old abbot." While speaking, Yun Zhongyao took out the jade pendant with his name engraved on it and handed it to Yun Mo.

Yun Mo started to feel warm when he touched the jade pendant that seemed to carry Yun Zhongyao's temperature, "pardon?"

"I said that my sixth brother is dedicated to Buddhism, and when his mother is seriously ill, he still went to the Hanshan Temple to worship the Buddha. If this matter is spread out , It will be detrimental to the sixth brother's reputation. It would be bad if he was accused of unfilial piety. I hope that the abbot can persuade my sixth brother."

Yun Zhongyao knows Yun Zhongli too well, if he can't persuade Yun Zhongli this time then only the abbot can do so.