
After rebirth,I want to marry the shadow guard everyday

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Secretly_A_MoonCat · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Chapter 6: Strange Excitement

Yun Zhongyao is usually not used to letting people wait on him to take a bath, but seeing Yun Mo's somewhat awkward appearance, a smile overflowed in his eyes.

He turned over and lay on the edge of the tub, revealing his white back, "Wipe it."

    Yun Mo nervously walked over with the long towel,but he didn't know what he was nervous about.

    His eyes were stuck on Yun Zhongyao's back, and he couldn't help swallowing.

Yun Mo felt that something was wrong with him.

    The strength of his hands is more probably because he practices martial arts, the strength applied on the back is not very much but not light either. 

However, after a few strokes, Yun Zhongyao's back turned red.


    "Yes... I'm sorry." Yunmo reduced his strength a bit. 

    At night, Yun Zhongyao was awakened by a nightmare. Ever since his rebirth, he would dream about the things in his previous life every night. The nightmare is like a shadow, and he can't get rid of it no matter what he does.

Hearing the movement in the room, Yun Mo immediately came in and looked at Yun Zhongyao nervously, " Your Royal Highness, what's the matter ?"

 "Nothing." Yun Zhongyao's face was pale, and he was still sweating.

Yun Mo looked at Yun Zhongyao with some worry.

"You go out first." Yun Zhongyao didn't want Yun Mo to stay here anymore, he didn't want anyone to see his fragile side, even Yun Mo was no exception.

It's just that Yun Mo didn't leave. Instead, he walked a few steps forward and sat down beside Yun Zhongyao's bed.

"What are you doing?" Yun Zhongyao pursed his lips and his face turned cold.

"Your Highness, forgive me." While speaking, he grabbed Yun Zhongyao's hand.

Yun Zhongyao's expression was slightly cold, and his tone also became sharper. "Do you want to defy my order?"

Yun Mo grabbed Yun Zhongyao's hand, shook his head,and quickly explained , " Your highness treats this subordinate well, and the subordinate also wants to share the worries of your Highness."

As he said this, Yun Mo raised his head slightly, and said cautiously, "This subordinate is clumsy and messed up a lot of things. Your Highness did not blame this subordinate, so this subordinate boldly overstepped the rules. If your highness wants to punish this subordinate, first get a good night's sleep first. Wait until tomorrow morning to wake up and then punish this subordinate. This way your highness will have more strength in the morning."

Yun Zhongyao was almost amused by Yun Mo, and snorted, he turned his head, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Seeing his reaction, Yun Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the seventh prince was cold-hearted.

Looking down at the soft hand in his palm, Yun Mo felt that the hands of the seventh prince did not look like a man's hand at all. They were white and slender, there were not even any prominent joints, and no calluses at all.

Unlike his hands, his fingers are long, the joints are distinct, and there are thin calluses on his palm.

He started gently kneading the acupuncture points on Yun Zhongyao's hand.

Yun Zhongyao felt awkward at first, but it didn't take long for him to feel comfortable from his hands, his brain also became relaxed, and before long he fell asleep. 

He had a good night's sleep.

This is probably the sweetest sleep for Yun Zhongyao since his rebirth.

When he woke up, he couldn't believe it, he really didn't have a nightmare in the middle of the night.

"Your Royal Highness." Yun Mo came in with the wash basin. "Your Royal Highness is going to start martial arts practice today right?"

Yun Zhongyao was taken aback for a moment, but remembered what he told Yun Mo last night and nodded.

After washing up, Yun Zhongyao and Yun Mo went to the courtyard and found Shuang'er standing there.

" Your Royal Highness, let's start with stretching for riding a horse. " Yunmo said.

"Huh?" Yun Zhongyao was taken aback for a moment, " Won't we do sword practice first?"

"You have to lay the foundation before that..." Yun Mo pursed his lips, "Your Highness, your body is too weak." 

In desperation, Yun Zhongyao can only learn the posture to ride a horse from Yun Mo. 

...This posture is so silly.

It didn't take long before Yun Zhongyao's body began to tremble.

"Your Royal Highness, you have to go down a bit." Yun Mo is very strict, as long as Yun Zhongyao's posture is slightly non-standard, he will definitely correct him.

Shuang'er can't stand it anymore. She has been with Yun Zhongyao since she was a child. When did she see that Yun Zhongyao had suffered such hardship?

She was suddenly very distressed.

She grabbed Yun Mo's arm and said in a low voice, "it's his highness's first time, can't you be a little bit lenient, go a little easy on him ."

"But you can't be lenient while learning martial arts, otherwise you can't learn it well at all." Yun Mo's expression is very serious, Shuang'er rolled her eyes with anger.

Now that Yun Mo didn't agree with her, Shuang'er ran to Yun Zhongyao, "Your Highness, should we take a little break?"

"No." Yun Zhongyao's face turned pale, and there was sweat on his forehead. 

Shuang'er took out a handkerchief, to wipe his sweat. 

 Just as her hand touched Yun Zhongyao's forehead to wipe his sweat, Yun Zhongyao's strength seemed to be drained out, and he fell softly to the ground.

"Your Highness!" Shuang'er exclaimed, and quickly reached out to help Yun Zhongyao.

Yun Mo was also taken aback, and after helping Yun Zhongyao up, he scratched his head.

Why is the body of the Seventh prince weaker than he imagined?

"Yun Mo, let's stop here for today. If you continue, His Highness's body will not be able to stand it." Shuang'er said, seeing Yun Mo being hesitant, she glared at him.

Yun Mo opened his mouth, and then closed it. He seemed to be aggrieved and finally said, "Well then,we will take a break from practice."

Yun Zhongyao took a sip of water that Shuang'er poured for him and it took some time to catch his breath. Hearing Yunmo's words, he raised his head slightly, "What else?"

"Your  Highness will run around the yard together with this subordinate."

Both of Shuang'er and Yun Zhongyao rolled their eyes and almost fainted.

Yun Zhongyao lowered his head and glanced at the clothes on his body, no wonder Yun Mo made him wear a strong outfit.

"Your Highness, stop the practice here for today. Don't run , your body can't stand it." Shuang'er stomped her feet in an anxious manner, trying to persuade Yun Zhongyao to dispel this idea.

However, Yun Zhongyao stood up and said, "Let's run." 

It's  just that after half a lap, Yun Zhongyao fell to the ground unbearably.

Fortunately, Yun Mo was by his side, and he quickly supported him to avoid hurting him.

"Your Highness, don't run, forget it, let's take a rest..." Yun Zhongyao's physical fitness was way weaker than Yun Mo's imagination, and he felt that he should make progress gradually.

Yun Zhongyao leaned on Yun Mo's body and took a few breaths quickly before calming down. He raised his head slightly to look at Yun Mo, and there was an abnormal flush on his pale cheeks.

"This prince can't walk anymore." Yun Zhongyao felt that his two legs were as soft as noodles.

Yun Mo held Yun Zhongyao's waist with one hand hand and put his other hand under his knees. He looked down at Yun Zhongyao's  flushed face and swallowed unconsciously, and then carried Yun Zhongyao like a bride.

Yun Zhongyao's eyes widened in an instant, and a touch of surprise appeared on his always expressionless face, but he did not struggle because he was really tired.

Shuang'er waited anxiously in the courtyard for Yun Zhongyao to come back.

When she saw Yun Zhongyao who was being carried by Yun Mo, she looked at the two men in astonishment and couldn't believe her eyes.

But there was also a sense of strange excitement…