
After rebirth,I want to marry the shadow guard everyday

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Secretly_A_MoonCat · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Chapter 12: The weather in October is a bit hot

Yun Zhongyao had made many preparations in his heart, but when he saw Chu Yan he still almost lost his stance.

Fortunately, he was born with an expressionless face, and suppressed his emotions that had leaked out.

Chu Yan waited for a while, but didn't receive Yun Zhongyao's answer. He said, "Young master?"

When the emotion in his eyes was completely reduced, Yun Zhongyao raised his head slightly and said "I don't know."

He was as indifferent and good-looking as the rumors said, really like a fairy.

Chu Yan looked at Yun Zhongyan vaguely, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Sorry, for bothering you." Chu Yan knew that dealing with such a person he could not force the other, nor should he get too entangled. Otherwise it would only arouse the other person's revulsion, and he will immediately leave.

Yun Zhongyao lowered his eyes slightly, he saw the calculation in Chu Yan's eyes just now, and he was more convinced of his guess. Chu Yan really had an ulterior motive when he approached him.

He didn't think too much. He was about to go to the front hall to wait for Yun Zhongli, but when he turned his head he saw his little shadow guard lowering his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What's the matter?" Yun Zhongyao is a bit gentler when he is talking to Yun Mo, but the difference is so insignificant that perhaps even Yun Zhongyao hasn't noticed it himself.

"No, nothing." Yunmo shook his head.

Yun Zhongyao looked at Yun Mo, his eyes made Yun Mo feel guilty so he looked away.

"Not happy?" Yun Zhongyao asked.

Yun Mo became even more panicked, and shook his head frantically, "No, no, your Highness don't care about this subordinate, this subordinate is ok."

Yun Zhongyao felt that Yun Mo is very good everywhere, but he cares too much about their status as master and servant. He always distinguishes their status and doesn't dare to go beyond half a step.

Suddenly he thought of that day when Yun Mo transferred air to him through his mouth when he fell into the water…

He immediately dismissed the thought from his mind. Sometimes Yun Mo is very bold.

"Be straightforward and tell this prince what happened. This prince doesn't like people who talk in a roundabout manner."

Yun Mo lowered his head, tugging at the hem of his clothes, and finally raised his head to look at Yun Zhongyao. "That person who looked at Your Highness just now, his eyes were not honest... It's better not to have too much contact with him in the future."

After saying that, he felt that his words were too unruly, and he quickly added, "This is just the subordinate's feeling. Naturally, the subordinate doesn't have the right to intervene with who your highness wants to associate with. "

Yun Mo feels that even if Yun Zhongyao has a good temper, he should be angry after listening to him. After all, no master will tolerate a slave's intervention in their personal affairs.

Yun Mo had already bowed his head to prepare for the punishment, but suddenly he heard Yun Zhongyao say, "Well, this prince knows."

He looked at Yun Zhongyao with a stunned face and stared at him, seeming to doubt his ears.

Looking at Yun Mo's silly look, Yun Zhongyao secretly thought in his heart that Yun Mo was indeed a fool.

Yun Mo seemed to see Yun Zhongyao's mouth twitch, "You won't harm this prince anyway."

Yun Mo felt that it was a bit hot in the autumn of October when he looked at Yun Zhongyao's lips. If he moved closer he would be able to touch them...he felt like his face was burning.

Unconsciously he touched his hot face.

Is he going crazy? Why is his face so hot? His heart is beating so fiercely as well.

Yun Zhongyao, walked towards the front hall . When he passed by Yun Mo, he couldn't help but say in a low voice, "Idiot." Yun Zhongyao waited in the front hall for a while before Yun Zhongli walked towards them with Abbot Duyuan and came out of the monastery with him.

"Amitabha, his Highness the Seventh prince." Abbot Duyuan folded his hands together and greeted Yun Zhongyao.

Yun Zhongyao nodded slightly and greeted him back.

Later, the servants who accompanied Yun Zhongli to the temple handed all the packages that he had brought for Abbot Duyuan. They contained some money, incense and buddhist things brought by Yun Zhongli for the temple.

Yun Zhongyao doesn't quite understand these things.

On the way down the mountain, Yun Zhongli and Yun Zhongyao were talking to each other but suddenly, Yun Mo stood in front of them.

Yun Zhongyao paused, knowing that it was the time he had been waiting for.

"What's the matter?" Yun Zhongli looked at Yun Mo with some surprise, then turned to look at Yun Zhongyao.

"Your Royal Highness, there are people around us, and they don't have good intentions." Yun Mo's face was solemn, and his hand was on the sword that he carried on his waist.

When going out with Yun Zhongyao, he would not carry a long sword. Instead he carried a belted sword (something like a dagger), which was more convenient and powerful.

Yun Zhongyao pulled Yun Zhongli with him and stood behind Yun Mo.

They didn't realize when the road had become deserted, there was no one, but suddenly four or five people in black jumped out from the side, holding knives. It turned out that they were Assassins.

Without saying a word, Yun Mo also drew out his sword, and fought with the men in black.

Yun Zhongyao remembers in his previous life, Yun Mo's martial arts was the best among his shadow guards, but at the moment Yun Mo is not as strong as that time. It's hard for him to beat four people alone, he is gradually losing ground.

Yun Zhongyao's brows wrinkled slightly, and he regretted his decision. In order not to stun the snake, he only brought Yun Mo along with him.

He should have brought more people. If this goes on, Yun Mo will inevitably be injured.

"A'huan, take your master and go." Yun Zhongyao said.

A'Huan is Yun Zhongli's reading buddy.

"No, how can the elder brother go first?" Yun Zhongli disagrees very much.

Yun Zhongyao tilted his head, "Neither you nor A'Huan know how to use martial arts. These people are obviously coming for me. If you stay here you will only hinder Yun Mo."

Yun Zhongli gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry, Yun Mo's martial arts is very high and nothing will happen."

"I'll call someone." Yun Zhongli took A'Huan and ran down the mountain.

The people in black didn't even glance at Yun Zhongli, they were still attacking Yun Mo, and there were two others who wanted to go in the direction of Yun Zhongyao.

Yun Mo gradually became tired, and so his attacks became weak.

"Yun Mo!" Seeing a sword was about to pierce Yun Mo's back, Yun Zhongyao was startled when he saw this and subconsciously yelled.

Afterwards, his body reacted faster than his brain, and he rushed to block the knife with his hand.

His hand was injured and the direction of the knife was deflected, giving Yun Mo a chance to react.

Yun Mo's sword swiped back and cut the man's neck neatly.

"Your Royal Highness!" Yun Mo saw Yun Zhongyao's blood-stained sleeves, and his brain went blank in an instant.

Just when the few men in black were about to come forward and attack, suddenly, a figure appeared and fell in front of Yun Zhongyao, rushing to block the men in black.

Looking at Chu Yan's figure, Yun Zhongyao didn't intend to pay attention to him, but looked down at the little guard who tore off his clothes and put a piece of cloth on him.

"It's okay." Yun Zhongyao comforted softly.

The eyes of the little guard were red, and he raised his head slightly to look at Yun Zhongyao, " Your Royal Highness, why are you... you are so reckless, what would this subordinate do if you died? You are more precious than gold. There is no need for the master to block the sword for this slave."

"Who said that? " Yun Zhongyao endured the pain on his arm and said "If you die, this prince will be very sad. "