
Chapter23: promise

I went upstairs to my room and I found Alex busy on his laptop on the bed in the dark. I switched on the lights and he looked up.

"Heey" he said as he closed his laptop put it at the bedside desk and he sat up at the edge of the bed.

"Hey."I replied and I went to sit next to him and I rested my head on his shoulders. I know he was so shocked but he didn't say anything. We stayed like that without talking. I know we should talking about us but the silence feels better.

"So your mom is nice." He broke the silence.

"Yeah, she's the best person I know. She came unannounced, sorry about that." I said.

"There is no problem."he replied then looked down at me.

"I decided to give us a chance. "I finally got in the main topic. I lifted my head from his shoulder and I sat upright.

"I see." He said and I looked at him shocked. Just I see is what he's gonna say."what? I don't know what to say." He added.

"Okay."I said because I don't know where to take this conversation.

"You look so much like your mom."he said.

"Yeah,  you would think we are twins."I said then I giggled and Alex smiled.

"I almost called her baby when she opened the door for me earlier. I was so confused when she asked who I am then wondered how you grew abit older in just a few hours." He told me chuckling and I laughed. Now I'm intrigued about that.

"What made you know I'm not the one?" I asked him looking at him.

" Her voice and the height and the age. She's abit taller and your voices are so much different and of course older though not that old she doesn't look old at all."he said.

"Yeah. My mom always tease me about my height. She says I'm short but it's just bacause she's taller abit than me but I'm not short."I said and Alex burst out laughing.

"Ooh. You're perfect baby, your height is perfect too. I like you the way you are. Even if your height would be shorter than it is now I would still like you." He said smiling.

"Okay Alex. Now let's sleep it's so late and I don't want to be late for work again tomorrow." I said standing.

"I thought it's honey, you called me honey remember." He said smiling obviously teasing me.

"My tongue just slipped okay. Where do you know where I'm currently working?" I say to change the subject though it was killing me to know how he knew because Sheebalie promised to take care of it.

"Call me honey and I'll tell you."he said. Now I regret saying that word but I need to know the answer to my question.

"Okay fine. Honey."I said and I looked away because my face was probably red as a tomato right now.

"I want you to look at me as you say, honey tell me who told you."he said standing up and walked to where I stood. My eyes went so wide because that was not our agreement.

"But that's not what you had said, you said I call you honey and you will tell me."I complained and he only smiled looking at me.

"Do you want the answer or not?"he asked still smiling. I looked up at him. God he's tall and handsome. My eyes looked at his eyes then his nose then his lips and I forgot that I needed an answer. My gaze remained on his lips for a while, I wrapped my hands on his neck to bring him closer to me then I tiptoed and our lips met. God it felt like an electric current had hit me and I know he felt it too. My lips just remained on his lips because now I didn't know what to do.

My face went red because of embarrassment. I initiated a kiss that I don't know how to control. I wanted to pull out when Alex saved me out of my embarrassment. He took over the kiss and he kissed me. He licked my lower lip and he bit me.

"Ouch!! Alex that hurts."I said then I pulled out glaring at him.

"You're not letting me in baby." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused and Alex chuckled.

"Oh my innocent girl, I want to taste your mouth baby. You have to let my tongue in. Do you want me to teach you?" He asked and I was beetroot red. I looked away and Alex held my chin up forcing me to look at him. "Answer me baby " he asked looking in my eyes. My heart was beating so fast right now it could jump out my chest.

"Yeah?"I replied not sure.

"Tell me when you are ready. It seems you are not ready. I'm going to sleep."Alex said and withdrew his hands from my chin and was about to go but I held his wrist because I panicked. I don't really know what I want though but all I know is that I don't want Alex turning his back on me. He stopped and looked at me.

" I'm ready Alex." I said all sure and he smiled.

"That's my girl. So pay attention while teach okay?"he instructed and I nodded." Talk to me baby." He added when I nodded.

"Yes."I said and Alex smiled wider. He held my waist with one hand and the other hand he held my neck firmly and the next thing I knew his lips were on mine. He started with the licking and then he sucked at both my lower and upper lips. He brought his tongue out to separate my lips.

"Open your mouth for me baby." He commanded and I opened my mouth. He immediately let his tongue in and started to explored in. My tongue met with his and we started a battle in our mouth. When he withdrew, we were both panting for air.

"Now that's how you kiss someone."Alex said between pants. My breathing was yet to recover so I just nodded." Now it's your turn to show me what you have learnt." He said. I tiptoed and wrapped my hands on his neck. Alex was not holding my me, he just stood there. I kissed him the way he showed me then I pulled away when I felt like I can't breathe anymore. Alex had took over the kiss and had wrapped his hands on waist.

"You're a fast learner baby." He said when my breathing turned normal as well as his." You did great" he added.

"Really?"I asked waiting for his confirmation like a child waiting to open her birthday present.

"Yeah." He said then his face saddened a little.

"What is it?" I asked when I noticed the change on his face.

"I'm sorry I took your first kiss like that. I know you had plans on how you wanted your first kiss to be like. So tell me the plans so that I can fulfill it." Alex said and I smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"I actually enjoyed my first kiss though that's not how I had planned it." I said making his eyes to go wide.

"You what? I need to hear it again please." He pleaded.

"I enjoyed my first kiss Alex." I said abit loud.

"I knew it. Then why did you slap me. No one has ever slapped me." He asked pouting. Damn he looks so cute when he pouts and I'm surprised to see how childish he is. What man pouts anyway and to make matters worse he's the Alexander Scott.

"Because I felt like it. You took my first kiss Alex wake up. What did you want me to do? That's not what I had planned for my first kiss."I told him like it was the obvious thing to do.

"Can you promise me to stop the slapping me shit from now on? I don't like it baby okay."he said looking at me.

"Fine but only if you behave, deal?" I lifted my small finger so that we can seal the promise thingy.

"I'm not doing that. Are we five?" He rolled his eyes and I withdrew my hand pouting but the next thing he captured my lips and perked them. " The promise is sealed." He said.

"Okay then great. Can we go to bed it's already so late. You have work tomorrow too, let's sleep and don't interfere with my alarm. I can't be late again." I warned him glaring at him and he lifted his hands in defense. I rolled my eyes and arranged the pillows lifted the covers then got in bed. He followed after and held my waist spooning me to sleep. I didn't complain bacause It felt comfortable.