
After Joining That Server

The God of Truck and Isekai Reincarnation has sent him into the anime world. He has no cheat or anything, but it's fine because the world is at peace. Thanks the godly truck that this is a slice-of-life world. But everything changed when he joined that server. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, events are fictional. I do not own anything. Cover is Selena Lady Vengeance and a property of Moonton. ---

Fragment_of_Truth · Video Games
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15 Chs

Queen Sudden Confession

Chapter 10: Queen Sudden Confession

"Jona, there's no need to use that!"

I motioned Jona who was about to pull out her Revolver to stop. I didn't doubt her shooting accuracy, but using her weapon in such a closed space will not be a good idea. And it's kinda hard to land a hit on a vampire when it's on bat form.

"Fine, it's too crowded anyway."

I took a fork in the table and imbue it with my magic. In a second, a lightning spark crackled from this iron fork. It's the same magic that I use before, Lightning Bolt. But when I used it on some throwing weapon, this will help the spell reach its way while avoiding hitting the wrong target.

"Selena, follow up my attack with your Abyss Magic. Stun him down."

Selena and Rosetta are the two that can immobilize the enemy with their spell. Seeing that Rosetta's condition is still not suitable for combat, I can only ask Selena for help.

"Got it."

I went up to the table because I'm not that tall in comparison to the Nord who filled the room.

"Your blood is mine!" stated the vampire.

I throw the fork and it hit him right when that vampire re-materializes his body from the bats and mists. But maybe the voltage and amperage are too small to affect a vampire, he just twitched his eyes in annoyance.

Thankfully, I managed to get his attention with that spell. With perfect timing, Selena's Abyssal Arrow which looks like miniature Lele the Abyss Devil made its way into the vampire. Upon contact, the miniature Lele exploded into a puff of black gas and stunned him completely. His skin turned into an unhealthy shade of grey and there was something wriggling on his blood vessel.

I grabbed the vampire and throw him to the fireplace in the center of this tavern. I heard something slashing the air and an axe lodged its way on the vampire's head. Splintering the skull and killing it completely.

"It takes more than fire to bring down a vampire." the one who hacked the vampire was none other than Alvor. He patted my shoulder and said, "Thank you, friend. If not for you, then I don't know what happen with my wife."

"Ahh ..., no, I didn't do much."

But I heard some murmur from the crowd.

"Traveler these days, even vampire had the gut to stay at the inn."

"Delphine, this is why you can't trust outsiders! Why do you let people like them rent your place?"

"Because this is an inn. If they didn't come here then where did you expect they will go? Your house?" Delphine said with a tired face, she probably also never expect this to happen.

"So what are we, then? Are we not your customer? If you let something dangerous like that vampire here, then how can you guarantee our safety? That monster almost killed my daughter!" an old man with a mustache protested.

"I will not let this happen again, I promise. I will be careful with my customer. It will be the last time."

"You know we can't just let this matter go with some verbal promise, Breton."

"Sigh, great ..., now you're gonna bring racism and stuff." with palm in her forehead, Delphine sighed and muttered in annoyance. She may say that in low voice, but I can hear it clearly. "Alright, so that's what you want, huh? You want to take advantage of this old lady, then fine. You know what, whatever. Orgnar, give them a barrel of ale or mead. I know they want that."

"Are you for real!?"

"Yes, Orgnar gimme the mug!"

"Ha ha ha, that's our Delphine! We're party tonight!"

The festive continued as if the mysterious attack of never happened. In fact, the tavern becomes merrier as there's also a brawl between two bulky guys took place. Alvor with his wife Sigrid, and the girl who seems to have named Brenya thanks us once again. Some of the guests and Delphine also come to us and said their thanks.

"Ms. Lyssandra is it only that one guy? And how can you be so sure it's him?"

"Huh? Hazuki, did you not know ..., didn't you get the notification?"

"Hmmm? What notification?"

"From the chat group."

"I installed it on my computer, so I can't actually use the chat group without it." that actually sucks, she got the holographic version while I don't. What's with these differences?

"So that means you can't use it here?"

"Yeah, I can't."

"... well, I don't know how the chat group inner system work, but that's definitely inconvenient," Lyssandra stated, sipping the ale from her mug she continued. "Someone tried to put me into a trance state with an illusion spell, and almost everyone in the room is under that spell too. Even you and Jona are also mildly influenced by the spell. With my Transference Spell, I transferred the spell effect to the only suspicious person in the room. And you know the rest, yeah he's that vampire."

"How can you be so sure that he's the culprit?" Jona asked.

"When everyone in the room is affected by a spell, then what about someone who didn't? Although some of us can resist the spell, he was the only one who didn't have any trace of a magic spell in his body. So I can only make a guess that he's the caster. Turn out I was right, and he didn't have any anti-transference despite casting that high-rank illusion magic."

I listened to her explanation and noticed that Lyssandra sent a glance to the innkeeper.

"Did she also resist the spell?" I asked, if Delphine can resist it then that vampire illusionist is probably only Adept Illusion Mage at best.

"Un, she did. That dark elf too." she pointed at the hooded figure who was drinking silently in one corner.

She had dark red hair and seems to be an archer with the bow and quiver beside her. Why do I immediately know that she's a she? Well, although she wore a hood, the apparel is skin-tight leather armor and that bulge becomes apparent. Both in the front and the back,

The figure noticed my gaze and her red iris in that black sclera met mine. I sheepishly nodded at her and retracted my gaze. For somehow, I can recognize that face even though it was different from what I remember. She's none other than Karliah, one of the major characters in Thief Guild Questline.

When I returned my attention to Lyssandra's explanation, the inn's door opened and a bearded orc entered alongside a female wood elf. They are wearing brigandine that looks like a uniform of some kind.

"Bloodsucker." the orc expression turned grim as he looked at the dead vampire that started to vaporize into ashes.

"Hey Orc, not everyone travels with fancy armor. You some kind of mercenary group or something?" Hod asked the newcomer, he stood up wobblingly a bit unsteady, seems like he's drunk and wasted.

"I'm Durak, this is Beleval and we're with the Dawnguard."

"Dawnguard? What's that?"

"We're vampire hunters. We search out and destroy those bloodsucking scum wherever we find them." he looked at the remaining ash piles of the vampire for some time and continued, "I tracked this vampire since the day before yesterday, slippery one. It seems you guys took care of it before I arrived. Anyway, that's one less problem for me, the Dawnguard is looking for anyone willing to fight against the growing vampire menace. If some of you are interested, we welcome you anytime at the Fort Dawnguard, southeast of Riften."

"My good man Husky, you took that one down, right? How about you follow this orc with their merry band?" Hod called out to me.

"Nah, not interested ..."

I shook my head as I don't see the need of joining Dawnguard this soon. Waking Serana up from her beauty sleep can be postponed until I completed all of my preparation.

"Yeah, that's what everybody says, right up until they find their throat being ripped out by a pack of hungry vampires. If you change your mind and decide to join the fight before it's too late, talk to Isran at Fort Dawnguard, southeast of Riften. We're done here Beleval, let's go!"

Finished with the dinner and having our fills, I returned to the room and placed down the fur blanket into a futon. Picking the bag, I took one of the spellbooks and my phone for its flashlight.

I didn't bring many things from the earth, only clothes, toiletries, and one of the old model smartphones. For the charger, I prepared some rechargeable power banks. Lightning magic is kinda versatile. And after sometimes of practice, I can recharge some dry cells with it. It's kinda neat, though I'm still having a hard time recharging the phone directly without frying its CPU.

I only got this back after reuniting with the group. I know that the Imperial soldiers might confiscate my stuff, so I left it all to Jona. Now that I got my free time, I think it's best to learn Skyrim's magic and add my spell collection.

I opened the Spark Spell Tome, the Novice destruction magic of Shock element. My mind was drawn to the rune written on the paper and I had some sort of interesting state of mind. I entered the highest state of mind meditation. No voice or distraction can interrupt me from this state. As I began contemplating on the true meaning of Lightning Element.

'What is lightning, what causes it, how it can be artificially made?

Since ancient times, the greatest destructive power and bane of all mages is none other than the power of thunder.'

I heard ..., a voice rang in my head. Explaining the basic concept of lightning. So this is how a spell tome work, it imparted the knowledge of a mage who created the book to the reader. No wonder it was a book that can only be read once. I listened to that aged but soothing old man voice. However, the more I heard his explanation ... the more I frown as doubt infested my mind.

On the part where he explained what causes lightning, he just said that it was the Will of Magnus and some short of this world deities crap. As a modern magician trainee, I had a different opinion regarding that. In nature, lightning comes from static charges in a rain cloud. As a magician, I used that basic principle to weave my Lightning Element spell.

So I kept on listening as the record seems like don't even care by my internal protest. I half-heartedly listened to it though. Because some of them are nonsensical. I know that in this world, deities matter ..., there are also some Daedric Princes roaming about inducing chaos and all. But I can't just let go of my modern mindset for the vague concept of a deity.

I finally escaped from this state and can feel that my mana has increased about 8%. Nothing much, but it's still a progress. I looked around to see everyone already sleeping. Selena with Rosetta on the bed, Lyssandra who was beside me in her nightgown. And Jona who's sleeping using the couch and her robotic arm combined as a bed.

The spellbook was burned into nothingness and I learned Spark. Though, I somehow knew that I created, no, modified the spell into something better. I still don't know what's the difference though. But I knew it was better than the normal Spark.

It was late at night and I was dead tired. I immediately lay down and closed my eyes as I feel so exhausted with everything that happened today.

--- (-_-) ---

I woke up by the crow of the rooster, it was still dark in the early dawn. I blinked my eyes and rubbed it with my free hand.

"Damn this ..."

Yeah, somehow Lyssandra was using my left arm as a pillow. And she latched her body onto me like an octopus. I won't be a hypocrite that said I'm not enjoying this. To be honest, I'm grateful for the bouncy sensation. But please not like this, not when I can't vent out my lust somewhere.

Noticing my sudden movement, Lyssandra's closed eyes twitched and she woke up still unfocused.

"Okay, Lyssandra, don't scream ... I beg you," I said slowly to her.

But when I see that her eyes widened and her mind completely sober, I knew she was about to scream. I hurriedly put my palm on her mouth before she could do it.

"Calm down and stop struggling."

She struggled for a moment before she calm down. I released my arm and lie next to her.

"Thank god I stop you, by the way, it's you who hugged me in my sleep. So if you want to ask why you woke up in my arm, then blame yourself." I explained with a hushed voice, not wanting to wake everyone up.

"You don't have to explain all of that to me! And why do you act like a dick? I know you like them."

Yes, you're right. I'm a dick, a bastard. Indeed I like the sensation of your boobs touching my body, and yes I can actually prevent this event to happen way back before, but I didn't. I know that I can just ignore all of your opinions and rent a single room for myself, but I didn't in hope that I'll have some lucky bastard scene like this.

"You know this won't happen if only we didn't sleep in the same room?" I asked with my eyes piercing at her. "You know, I'm curious about this Ms. Lyssandra ..., you always put on guard and as if you don't want to interact with other men, even you ruined Faendal's descendants. But when it comes to me, you didn't show much resistance. Why, am I not the same men in your eyes?"

"N-no, but you, you're too young for that, and you are different from them."

"I'm old enough when it comes to that matters. And honestly, I got a hard time holding back the urge to push you down. Here you are, a beautiful woman sleeping beside a horny young man, it's a miracle that I can stay rational in this situation."

Lyssandra silently peeked at my rising tent on the crotch area. It's your regular morning wood. and after doing it with Risa it seems that my little brother grows bigger and longer. Or maybe it's just my imagination.

"Is this why you want to part way with us?"

"... why do you think like that? And where do you put your hand?" her hand made its way to my stiff little brother. She rubbed it from the outside, she's quite an awkward handling it.

"Did you want to go on solo because it will be awkward if we see you like this?"

"Lyssandra, don't! Stop this, this is wrong." strangely, despite everything I've said, I don't do anything I can do to stop her advance. I'm really a dick, a horny one at that.

"Why? Your naughty little brother seems don't mind it though." she positioned me to lay on my back and her soft thigh are hugging my leg, she picked up my hand and placed it on her D-cup, "Touch me!"

"We should stop, you should treasure yourself. Lyssandra. Why you-"

"You're really an insufferable fool." Lyssandra glared at me with a serious expression, "Amamiya Hazuki, know that this Queen did all of this because I want you! I choose you to be my partner, what say you?"

"..." I frowned keeping my silent hearing that.

There's nothing much interaction between us. And even though I'm good-looking, I don't think I'm charming enough to make Lyssandra, a goddess-like beauty fall for me. This sounds suspicious.

"I'm honored, but still ..., I don't think I'm charming enough to make you fall in love, O ye Queen of High Elf." I retorted with some sarcasm to her demanding words.

She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

"I've marked you. Even though you try to deny it, you're gonna be my man until the death separates us." she declared proudly.

What is it now with the marking and stuff, am I becoming some short of your possession now? And what's with that term, I don't like hearing it. I pushed her and now I'm on top of the red-haired High Elf. I kissed her but now it was not the innocent lips kiss she initiated, I invaded her mouth with my tongue. It takes sometimes before she got the hang of it, and she started enjoying it. Slowly but surely our kiss becomes a sloppy one.

"Change that declaration, I don't like hearing it. How about I'll be your one and only man until the day you die."

"That's unfair for me, High Elf lifespan is way longer than you Human. Do I need to be alone after you die?"

"Who decided that I'll surely die before you?" I stared hard into the grey irises of her, watching my own reflection within.

"...," Lyssandra stared back and said. "Fine, I will be your woman and you'll be my only man until the day I die."

I chuckled and said. "Very well, I don't know what makes you suddenly confess to me. But I will try my best to make you the happiest woman in this world." And don't you ever think to cheat on me, I can only say that in my mind as I'm still not sure about this abrupt relationship.

"You better do." she pulled my neck and we delved into the pleasure of a kiss.

That until something said interrupting our secret tryst.

"What a vulgar mating ritual, this is why I hate non-demon! Too vulgar." a dark and hoarse voice commented.

I separated myself from Lyssandra to see a dark small head-like protrusion from the inn-floor. Its four narrow eye-slits looked at me judgingly and its mouth-like incision seems like curled into a mocking smirk.

"A-abby, don't interrupt them! What are you doing?!" Selena in a panic said that to her Abyss Devil pet. She turned to us and awkwardly laughed, "Ahaha, so that makes you two a couple then. Congratulation, I guess?"