
After Joining That Server

The God of Truck and Isekai Reincarnation has sent him into the anime world. He has no cheat or anything, but it's fine because the world is at peace. Thanks the godly truck that this is a slice-of-life world. But everything changed when he joined that server. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, events are fictional. I do not own anything. Cover is Selena Lady Vengeance and a property of Moonton. ---

Fragment_of_Truth · Video Games
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15 Chs

Dungeon Exploration is Too Easy for Cheaters

Chapter 11: Dungeon Exploration is Too Easy for Cheaters

~3rd POV~

Regardless of what happened back in the inn at early dawn, the group still made their way to the Bleak Falls Barrow. Hazuki and Lyssandra managed to convince Selena and Abby to keep silent about what happened back then. Hazuki thought it will be awkward if the others know about the relationship, and even more when it happened that fast. As for Lyssandra, she just got too embarrassed when she know that there was someone who saw her making out.

As the Queen of the so-called perfect species, Lyssandra has certain criteria that have to be fulfilled for her desired partner. And the only thing that mattered to her was magical affinity, in which Hazuki has it completely fulfilled, his body has the rare Void and Origin dual affinities. If she had a child with him, although it will not be a pureblood High Elf, her children will also be born with dual affinities.

And knowing that he still has that unstable mind of a teenager, she could shape him to the way she likes. For her, he's just a perfect candidate for a King. If only he lives in Teleria.

In Hazuki's case, he just needed something to vent his excessive youthful lust. And seeing that Lyssandra someone who he just met just yesterday volunteered herself willingly. Of course, there's no way he would reject it despite how absurdly awkward the start of this whole thing was. If one must say, then he thought of it as something like a friend with benefits. Although he hadn't done it all the way with Lyssandra, at least he know that there was someone who will help him dealing his little brother's problem.

The bribe that the two gave to make Selena keep it a secret wasn't small either. Lyssandra gave her one of her spells to the Abyss Devil, and Hazuki has to give Selena his old smartphone. It only was a spare phone that he rarely use, but it's the only phone that he brought. And ever since, Selena can be seen playing the idle game installed in that phone.

"Alright, that's close enough!"

The group arrived at the watchtower near the Nordic ruin. Bandits have made this old tower their hideout.

"Jona-san ..." Rosetta called the only ranger of the group.

"Okay, leave it to me." she picked up the Revolver gun with the robotic arm and begin her slaughter.

'That's a bit overkill. Honestly, Jona with her gun is a cheat in this world ...' Hazuki thought in his mind as he watched how the poor bandits got obliterated even before they approached.

Hazuki still doesn't know if it's capable of taking down a dragon, but if an arrow could bring one down ..., then what about the hail of bullets? It probably deals more damage.

Jona also dealt with the bandits who standby outside the ruin. When an archer can take down a target within 100 meters, she can snipe it from half a kilometer distance. It's not even a competition.

Hazuki turned to the small room left side before the temple entrance. There was a satchel and strongbox hidden in the corner. Of course, as a legit explorer, he will not leave valuables when he spotted one. He took the alchemy ingredients inside the satchel and lockpicked the strongbox. Inside the container was an enchanted necklace, amethyst, and a common soul gem.

"Ms. Lyssandra, can you check this necklace?"

"Okay ..., it's a Necklace of Minor Health. Its add health by 20 points."

"Well, that's some decent enchantment ..."

"This ..., pillars and ceilings are impressive. Hazuki-kun, you said that this place is supposed to be an ancient ruin to worship dragons, right?" Rosetta was amazed at the architectural style of the ruin.

The pillars look similar to gothic-style flying buttresses, but even Hazuki was shocked by the sheer scale. One of these pillars can reach a height of fifty meters. And it was made out of a carved stone. And just look at how vast this raised platform is, it's huge. Like it's probably the same size as two football fields combined. But considering that this place is supposed to be some dragon landing pad ..., this size kinda makes sense.

"Yeah, for thousand years dragon has ruled over men with terror and tyranny. That was until men began resisting their dragon overlord, some of the dragons were killed back then by the ancient heroes. But that's not the case with Alduin, he just got banished from this realm and only returned at this time. And the dragons that were killed back in the ancient era, Alduin actually can resurrect them back in shape."

"Hazuki-kun. In my world, I've seen and met some Primal Beast in the form of a dragon. However, I've never seen any of them has an interest in ruling over mortals. I feel it's very odd that a being with such power did that."

"It's not strange at all, actually. Dragons in Teleria didn't rule over mortals, but they're still unreasonable and greedy. There was once a Kingdom ruled by the Dwarfs which was the richest and most prosperous kingdom back in the day. However, it only takes a single dragon to destroy that kingdom and claimed all of its wealth."

The group of five opened the stone door into the temple. And a small conversation can be heard from inside.

"I told you, Arvel is a trouble ..., and you just let him hold the claw?"

"Damn elf, shouldn't have trusted that bastard."

Even with the entrance opened, they didn't notice the group presence.

"Jona, I got this ..."

Hazuki nocked an arrow into the hunting bow he looted from the bandits in that watchtower. Just like how he imbued the Lightning Bolt into a fork, this time he enchanted it with Spark. A greenish electrical spark cackled around the arrow as the sound of clapping thunder finally reached the bandits' ear.

"Never should've come here!"

"You won't leave Skyrim alive!"

Releasing the lightning arrow destroyed the bowstring completely. A green ray flashed in a straight trajectory. The arrow obliterate everything on its path until the arrow got reduced into ashes.

"W-what the hell was that?" the bandit archer who just saw how her comrade got hit by a blinding light and his head gone just like that. "M-mercy!?"

"Kid, she's escaping ..." Jona reminded Hazuki but the guy shook his head.

"Leave her be, she'll notify her friends down there. That way, they will come prepared."

"Why do you leave her like that?"

"I'm gonna experiment my new spell on them. But seems like this is not what I've expected." Hazuki cast the Spark spell in his hand and a green spark faintly appeared above his palm.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm wondering why it's different, that's not what my normal lightning looks like," he answered Lyssandra's question. Discarding the broken bow, he cast another spell on his other hand. It was the Amamiya's Lightning Spell, "Normally, my lightning is blue ..., but this one, it's green in color."

Hazuki turned it off and placed his index finger on his chin. But he shook his head and then said.

"Let's continue, I suppose we give that bandit enough time."

He looted the corpse and opened a chest for some miscellaneous items.

"What about your spell, do you know why it's become so different?" Lyssandra asked from the side.

"Oh yeah, I mean ..., if this work similar with the color spectrum of visible light, then perhaps it has something to do with the wavelength. And I noticed that the heat generated from the green lightning is less than the blue one."

"If it has less temperature compared with your blue lightning, why you can one-shot kill that bandit? I suppose there's some explanation on why your blue lightning could only paralyze the vampire."

"That probably because of how I enchant the object. Last night, I let my Lightning flow around the fork and make it into a thin membrane. But this time I directly enchanted the lightning spark on the object itself."

Because of that the former only has a taser or stun-gun effect while the latter become something similar to a railgun. Despite how calm he looked, inwardly Hazuki was trying his best to not let out a burst of crazed laughter. It was always his dream recreating some killer move from Anime of his past world.

He managed to recreate some ninjutsu from Naruto as a magic spell. Like the substitution, shadow gathering, and even Chidori. But he failed miserably recreating Misaka Mikoto's Railgun. Every time he tried to recreate the railgun, it always failed due to the nature of lightning magic that has different properties compared to normal lightning.

His railgun magic spell prototype always melted down the projectile on its trail before it even reached the 50 meters mark. The farthest he can make is about 200 meters, and the projectile is some specially made tungsten bullet. Although it has great penetrative power, if he needs some special bullet every time using it, it's kinda inefficient.

And what's more, the mana consumption is simply enormous. He will be wasted, emptied his mana reserve just using a single spell. It was impractical in combat as a mage without mana is nothing more than some regular person who knows magic.

But now, his problem is gone with the modified Spark spell of the Shock Destruction magic imbued on a bow & arrow. He never thought it was possible to imbue the spell on this weapon, as Misaka has always seen flicking a coin to launch a railgun with 1 billion volts.

But dividing the burden from the arrow tip on its projector, in this case, the bow, made the arrow more durable and last longer despite its base material. Which means it could reach a longer distance with the same amount of magic power needed. Though, the bow got instantly destroyed after the first try.

"Hurry up and open the damn gate!?"

"I'm trying!"

When the group arrived at one puzzle room, the bandit archer who ran away from him urged her friend to open the cage door. But they got the puzzle wrong even though there's an obvious hint on the ceiling in front of them. As result, their body turned into porcupines by the poisoned arrow bolt.

"Sigh, they fell for such an obvious trap."

"That doesn't look too dangerous. If it's just unenchanted arrows, why don't they just cast a simple shield spell?"

"Lyssandra, in every world, a mage is a rarity. Do you think that some bandits like them have the opportunity to learn magic?"

Hazuki looted the two corpses. He then completed the puzzle by rotating the carved stone according to the image on the ceiling. Turning the lever, the gate opened after some sound of an activated hidden mechanism.

"Is... is someone coming? Is that you Harknir? Bjorn? Sorline?"

The group arrived at the frostbite spider nest and heard some voices from the nest.

"I know I ran ahead with the claw, but I need help!"

"Is that the thief you're telling us about?"


We cut down the spider web at the entrance and entered the nest filled with sticky cobwebs. A giant frostbite spider with wounds all over its exoskeleton dropped from the ceiling.

"No. Not again. Help! Don't let it get me. Help!" Arvel the Swift, a dunmer who seems to be running out of his luck screamed.

"Hazuki-kun, do you still want to try out your new spell?"

"I can experiment with it anytime later, what's wrong?"

"I'd like to try taking that spider down," Rosetta said as she took out a dagger.

"Are you sure, Rosetta? But you haven't recovered your condition ..."

"You think too much Lyssandra-san, in the first place, my main weapon is not magic. I'm a dagger main, and I feel that my body has gotten a bit rusty because using magic too often, I need to catch up on what I miss."

The web-trapped dunmer was silently cursing at these newcomers who discussed nonchalantly. Didn't they see the giant frostbite spider over there? Even if his vision is covered by the web, he can vaguely see its shadow! So why did you still have the courage to talk as if that monstrosity didn't exist?

"What are doing? Help me get out of here, kill that thing. Kill it!?"

"Alright, let's leave this one to Rosetta."

"My, thank you ..."

With a single leap of extreme speed, Rosetta approached the Wounded Frostbite Spider. The giant spider spits out its venom but with agile movement, Rosetta dodged it with such ease. She appeared beneath the spider torso, cut all eight of its legs, and let it squirm in pain. She swiftly stepped back as she felt something approaching at fast speed, more frostbite spiders but smaller in size are dropping from the ceiling and circled the big one as if trying to protect it.

"Hmm ..., your display of familial bond is impressive for a monster. I'm really sorry about this, but aside from machinery, I hate eight-legged creatures. So, goodbye."

Rosetta leaped forward and butchered the spiderlings at a fast pace. She then kicked the side abdomen of the spider mama and severed its cephalothorax.

"Kisssaaa!!!" with a long shriek the spider gradually lost its strength and it left the realm of the living.

"You. Over here! Where are you... get me down from this! Help me down, and I'll show you. You won't believe the power the Nords have hidden there."

"Do you have the golden claw?" Hazuki asked as he helped to put of the cobweb out of his head.

He knew that Arvel possesses the claw, so that question is no use. It's just that Hazuki feels it'd be interesting if he could save him. It was practically impossible to do so in the game as he was scripted to death, but anything could change as even Lokir isn't dead by one of Imperial's arrow shots. Of course, Arvel the Swift as an individual is not worth saving in the first place. He was a thief, bandit, and backstabber of his own bandit group. Even if you helped him cut down from this cobweb, he'll try to escape from the Dragonborn and try to hoard all the treasure by himself. Pity though that he'll be dead by either draugr or trap.

"Yes, the claw. I know how it works. The claw, the markings, the door in the Hall of Stories. I know how they all fit together! Help me down, and I'll show you. You won't believe the power the Nords have hidden there."

"Hand over the claw first!" Hazuki demanded.

"Does it look like I can move? You have to cut me down, first."

"I'll just take a look at your bag then ..." Hazuki took a dagger and cut some parts to reveal Arvel's bag. After rummaging it, he took a solid gold scaly golden claw. "There you go, now I can help you cut the web."

"You ..." the Dunmer stared at Hazuki speechless for words.

"I know what you're planning. But don't ever think you'll be safe trying to run away from us. Especially if you head deeper. You underestimate this ruin too much, Arvel."

"You know me? And how do you know there's more danger inside? Who are you?"

"Whoah, there ..., one question at a time." Hazuki cut the last cobweb that tied the dark elf and sheathed back the dagger. "I hear about you from your friend upstairs. And why you can be so sure there's no draugr or anything like that infesting this place? You know ancient ruins always have those. As for who I am, does it matter?"

"You folks don't look like some bandit, don't you?"

"Yeah, so that's why my identity doesn't concern you. The only thing which mattered is, we rescued you. And I'll be taking this claw as compensation for that. Well anyway, as you are free now ..., I don't care what will you do, you can leave this place or head deeper into the ruin and die. Your choice."

Hazuki walked past Arvel and called out his teammates. "Let's continue ... some undead ahead."

Without trying to argue, Lyssandra called out to the third member and gives some order. "Jona, take care of him!"

"Hai, hai ..." Jona aimed her revolver and blasted Arvel the Swift's head with a single shot.