
After I Took Off My Tiara

"H3K! We need all your presence here!" It was only like that. A life of an spy, uncertain of what might happen every second of her life. It was as if being alive isn't given to her. A work she doesn't even know why did she take? However, as if fated, her superior who died with a gun was a maze. Without any clear evidence, pure guesses and intellect was all she could rely on. She knew that her life was in danger every minute, but... She didn't know that her life would be upside down in order to know who was the killer of Lino An aka Luyang An. A forced marriage with the Third Prince of the country. What can she expect? She promised that she wouldn't ever fall in love, but why does he kept swaying her heart? "I like you, Istel." The Third Prince has come to like her. But can they be together when she's a spy? A spy that might get killed in an instant. And being the Third Princess even made her life swirling around in pure unknown and hurdles. 'No, in the end you'll know that this marriage isn't for us.' She tried to push him away, but can she? === AUTHOR'S NOTE: Check out my other two books here! MASKS TO UNVEIL! - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · Urban
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190 Chs

Chapter 12.2

Chapter 12.2

Istel looked at William, "... Wait... dance competition??"

William looed at her confusedly, "What is it? Dance competition??"

Istel looked at him helplessly, "You forgot? You just said earlier we have upcoming dance competition in 2 weeks, aren't you?"

"Oh! That, I forgot! Yes, we have dance competition. Also, an intermission dance because the royalties will be here... if that intermission will happen..." He said scratching his head.

JinJin tched. "Intermission... for goodness sake..."

"Don't you love that?" Istel asked looking at her annoyed expression.

"That reminds me of our dances in the headquarters!" She said annoyingly. Istel was reminded of it and helplessly sighed.

They recalled, thrice or four times they were called out to have dance intermission for the higher ups there. But it was so annoying because there were so many people and all of them were just expressionless! They don't even know if they enjoyed it or laughing inside their minds.

They were so mad and at the same time, embarrassed. Recalling the police's reaction, they were so down.

After reminiscing such unforgettable occasion, they went to sleep don't want to recall it anymore.


The next day was just their usual day.

The complexion of the three was unpredictable that Felix thought about it hardly. He's wondering if they ever got to a fight or anything.

He conceited that they had gone to a fight, that's why their movements were so unsteady and uncomfortable.

It seems they were having problems about something that was utterly hard to solve so they might having dispute over it.

And so why not asked his suggestion about it? He might help them in any ways he could do. He's a Prince so he'll surely have solutions to their matters.

Also--- 'Aiyuuu... why am I thinking about their problems now? I have mine...' He then looked away from them then went to his room directly.


Lawrence wore his black attire looking so gloomy. It was so sad that his brother died. Also, it was a sign that he was planning on tarnishing the king and queen from their almighty positions.

He smirked then went inside his car. There were several cars that were following him for his safety. It was like they were doing a parade. The cars were surrounding him like a King. So he was pretty arrogant about it.

All the people were in awe seeing such enormous counts of the cars around him.

They arrived at the room and Lawrence sighed before going inside.

"Greetings, King and Queen." He bowed as his tear flowed from his eyes.

The king and queen exchanged glances feeling helpless about the feelings Lawrence might feeling now. He must be in really bad situation. His brother died, his wife died, haa~~ everyone around him was gone and he was left alone.

It was really bad to be left alone because you need to tolerate all the hurt feelings alone. You need to feel suffer and everything, it was the most painful that every people doesn't want to experience however, it can't be unfold.

"Sit, Lawrence." The king said as he gestured him to his seat.

Lawrence sat sadly and his movements showed it obviously.

"Why are you here, Lawrence? Do you want to ask us about something?" The king asked looking at his gloomy expression.

Lawrence hesitated, "I-I-I... I just... want to ask... if the majesties found the culprit behind Lino's death, my brother... I was so busy these days including his sudden death." He said as he wiped his snot helplessly.

The queen sighed. "Don't worry. We'll do our best. I already asked the Third prince about it. He'll surely dins justice for your brother's death." She said encouraging him.

"Third Prince? So... did he found any evidence?" Lawrence looked at them with anticipation. He was sure he left no proof when he killed him.

"For now, he's still doing his best. He's reporting it to us if he ever found any proof about it. Don't be so discourage, Lawrence." The king replied.

"The death of my brother made me scared to go out in my house. I was very afraid that someone might kill me too, just like what the culprit did to my brother." He sobbed and cried.

The majesties were silent when they heard him said that. Yes, it was very scary to go out now. It feels unsafe and uncomfortable, especially at night.

The king looked at his wife little nervous.

"Don't worry, we'll avoid that kind of cases again. We enhanced the security and the police turn of checking people when it's curfew." He said wanting to comfort Lawrence.

Lawrence looked at them as his tears kept falling down on his cheeks, "That doesn't make my brother come back to life..." He pointed and sobbed haplessly.

The queen bit her lips do not want to hurt Lawrence feelings. She cannot do anything rather to hear his hard feelings about the killer.

Lawrence put down his handkerchief, "Did you know, your majesties. I was so down every night, every day, every hour when I am busy, doing something... it's suffocating me to recall my brother." He said as he bit his lips madly.

"Lawrence, for our friendship, and for your brother, I am willing to do anything just to find justice for him!" He said.

Lawrence smiled to them and stand up. "Then, I'll take my leave your majesties. Thank you for cheering me up, it helped me a lot."

The majesties nodded to him with a smile plastered on their eyes. Then Lawrence left the palace.

'I'll get those things in no time!!' Lawrence firmly said in his mind. He left the palace and goes to his company thinking of the robbery plan.


Nilet's part was emotional. When she learned that her father was cruelly killed by a gun, she was dispirited and dumfounded. Tears kept falling from her eyes.

It was uncontrollable, and she couldn't figure out what she felt by that time. She just suddenly fell on the cold floor, and her tears from her eyes automatically fell as she couldn't do anything about it instead, just to cry endlessly.

Her mother died when she was born and now, her father died because of what?!!

She clearly knew her father's personality. He won't decide deliberately, and he won't ever judge people that easily. He's a kind and a good person. She never found any bad attitude from her father that she wanted him to die.

He was a great person that she always wished 'Death' never existed. It was so abrupt. He never had an illness and he was killed!

But why did he was killed?! Her father told her any problems he has and asked her suggestions or solutions about it... but why did he never informed her that he was... in that occurring... why did he never inquired her that someone was suspicious?!!

That time she was so dispirited and wants Felix to comfort her. However, everything were doing well not until, the majesties publicly announced Felix's marriage.

It was like a backlash! She wanted to be his wife, because she felt secure, and comfortable around him... But why does... she was left alone again?!

She only wants someone who can truly understand her feelings. She was still grieving her father's death yet Felix's marriage was also announced.

She don't know anything but to see and wait for the future. All she knew was... she was left alone. In this unfair world, she was left alone by her closest persons.

Her father, her mother, and Felix. They didn't betrayed her, but all she felt was betrayal. It was a lie that they would be there whenever she needs them, all of it were lies!!

She was numb... all she wants was accompaniment from someone who can comfort her the way she would feel secure and someone who can give his shoulder whenever she's crying loudly. She wanted someone who can do that to her... but that someone has someone too...

When she heard that Istel was cheating behind Felix's back, she was celebrating inside her house and even invited Zina to drink wine. However, that night was also the day the news said all of it were just baseless rumours, she almost killed herself.