
After Brushing Face At The Apocalypse’s Boss For 363 Days

In the most popular 3D keyboard online game “Tomorrow”, an ordinary player, Zhang Zhiyin has a less common hobby–that is to visit Dr. Y, the ultimate boss – giving him gifts and hugs. As a game produced NPC, the other side naturally has no response, but Zhang Zhiyin still insisted on visiting him rain or shine for 363 days. Until one day he decided to give up the game, the result was being hit by a car. Since then, he has been dreaming every night in which he will cross into the realistic world of ‘Tomorrow’ and return to the magical journey of normal life during the day. **** “From the moment he fell in love with this person, he had chosen insanity.” #This novel does not belong to me

Daoist19ggXb · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: treasure

After several missions, the team has been able to work well together. It is only Zhang Zhiyin who has no chance to practice the ice abilities. The three crystal nucleus obtained through the mission are also used for the accurate variability upgrade in order to hide the eyes and ears. Nowadays, the precise abilities are already at the first level. The ice abilities are still primary. The small ice hockey he created can only be used as a water drink, and there is no actual attack power.

About ten days later they received another mission, and the zombies in the southwest of the base were in turmoil, and they needed to explore the cause.

Several people took the special inspection vehicle of the squad and drove to the destination. Because the location of the incident is close to the base, it is often cleaned up, so there are not many zombies hanging, but occasionally they are very arrogant, and they are thrown at them like chicken blood. The strength and speed are more common. There has been a significant increase.

Zhang Zhiyin and Li Shuifeng are left and right, responsible for searching for irregularities along the way.

Zhang Zhiyin suddenly remembered that he also had a very important side task in the game. The task publisher was the head of the West District at the time. The task was to say that his brother was a small team leader in the early days of the last days. In a mission, they were annihilated and his brother was killed. For so many years, he has been difficult to let go of this matter, I hope that players can help him to look at the location of the incident, looking for clues of the year.

Zhang Zhiyin still remembers that the clues were not found at the end of the mission. Only a very chic metal eagle necklace was brought back. The person in charge was very excited to say that this was his brother's personal necklace and gave the player a lot of rewards. .

I thought that Zhang Zhiyin casually looked to the left and saw the scene reflected in the rearview mirror - the captain of the captain sitting in the co-pilot position untiedly untied the two buttons on the neckline, revealing the muscles of the chest and the chest. A chic, eagle-shaped metal necklace.

Zhang Zhiyin: "..."

The captain... Go to the southwest of the base to do the task... The whole team is over... The eagle necklace... wouldn't it be so clever?

"Captain," Zhang Zhiyin looked at the uncle. "I don't think the situation is quite right. Do we want to go back today, and then join the several teams to come back after the equipment is sufficient?"

The captain's uncle was hesitant and experienced the baptism of many tasks, both large and small. The instinct of the third-level abilities made him feel a dangerous atmosphere, but he could not tell the source of this feeling, and he did nothing. Going back is not good.

"Lets see."

The captain's uncle's words have just been exported. Don't wait for Zhang Zhiyin to say it again, just listen to Li Shui's wind: "Look, there may be what we are looking for."

I saw a plant of half a person tall with a fist around the faint blue light. All the zombies were ten meters away from the plant and did not dare to approach.

When the end of the world comes, animals and plants and even some common items are affected and mutated. Some become extremely aggressive, others are useful for people and have wonderful effects.

"I, the old horse and the big tiger went to see what it was. You stayed in the car and you have to evacuate immediately."

This tomorrow's world is like a game. Everyone may master a few special "life skills" and improve their proficiency through continuous use. Old horse life skills are very special, it is identification, and now you can see the attributes or effects of some lower-level items.

The old horse suddenly burst into exclaim: "Let the ordinary mutant abilities have the second power of the water system! God!"

The captain's uncle heard a change in his face, pulled out the storage box and put the blue fruit into the box. This thing is too magical and important to prevent change, he must now take the risk of bringing things back to the base.

Just as he picked up the fruit, the zombies that had been stalking around were suddenly surrounded.

The sixth sense made the captain quickly turn back and risked a green dry, sharp claw. I don't know when there was a blue-green tall zombie about two meters high behind him.

I only felt that I was out of strength when I played for three round captains. He spit and spit, "I am poisonous and zombie, be careful of his claws. Damn, there may be speed variations."

The tiger and the old horse were originally cleaning up the surrounding mobs, and they saw the captains who were entangled in the poisonous zombies. The other two abilities who stayed in the car also rushed out of the car, trying to help the captains of the three to open the way to escape.

"It's higher than us! We can't hurt it!" the tiger shouted desperately.

The captain of the power variator took his special steel knife and slashed it on the poisonous zombie, just like cutting it on the iron plate, leaving only a slight white scratch.

"Run into the car and try to get rid of it." The captain snarled. But in fact, in his mind, he is very clear that the chances of success are very small, because the speed of poison zombies is too fast, far more than them.

There are only seven people in the squad. Among them, Zhang Zhiyin and Li Shuifeng, who have precise variations, only have the power of ordinary people, so they can only play the advantage of the abilities and hide in the car and shoot with a gun.

But it didn't work at all. The removal of the blue fruit was like unravelling some kind of ban here. I don't know where a large number of zombies are hiding, as if there is something to attract them.

The two players who had just got off the rescue were quickly separated by the zombies. The captains tried to get closer to the car, but their efforts did not seem to have any effect.

Zhang Zhiyin ran to the driver's seat with a gun and drove to the captain's direction. The car was specially modified and hit a lot of low-level zombies all the way.

After a few fights, the number of low-level zombies has been reduced a lot, but they are also very costly - the two rescuers have disappeared, the tiger has been smashed by a poisonous zombie, an old horse And the captain also suffered injuries. Fortunately, they are only three steps away from the door.

"We will continue to meet them, this angle can't shoot." Zhang Zhiyin jumped off the car with a gun and said to Li Shuifeng.

"You go, I look at the car." Li Shuifeng responded. His expression was calm and calm from beginning to end.

Zhang Zhiyin took a gun to sweep the low-level zombies near the door, and at the same time stood at the door to put a cold gun at the poisonous zombies. His right arm and right leg were bitten while sweeping, but the pain and wounds were within tolerance.

The old horse saw the plane rushing to the car, and the tiger and the captain were fighting with the poisonous zombies, and then moved to the side.

Suddenly, the action of the old horse stopped.

A green, dry, sharp hand was pulled out from behind his chest, and red blood splattered.

The old horse's body slowly fell, his eyes still looking at the open door.

The big tiger made a hoarse roar. He shouted: "Captain, you are going! I am entangled in this monster!"

Zhang Zhiyin suddenly realized what the big tiger should do.

The big tiger is woody. The wood system has a skill to control the enemy. It is a life vine that burns life and can entangle opponents that are much higher than their own level. In the game, the so-called burning "life" is just to reduce the amount of blood; in this world, burning life may be really burning life.

For the first time, Zhang Zhiyin hated his uselessness and hated his narrowness. He looked at his teammates and fell down in front of him, but he couldn't do anything.

Green, full of vital vines sprout from the chest of the big tiger, quickly pumping long, waving and smearing the poisonous zombies. The poisonous zombies tore with their sharp claws, but they could not get away from it for a while, and they struggled and screamed with anger.

The captain's uncle did not hesitate and rushed to Zhang Zhiyin.

During this period, a number of zombie mobs were encircled at the door of the car. Zhang Zhiyin had to work hard to clear the gun and at the same time reach out to meet the uncle.

When it was only one step, the captain suddenly froze, just like an old horse.

His face was blue and white, and his hands and feet quickly became stiff. The zombie was poisonous, and it had been fighting for so long. The captain had already been poisoned.

Uncle saw his appearance from the eyes of Zhang Zhiyin. Little by little, he took out the box with the blue fruit and handed it to Zhang Zhiyin. The black eyes were filled with trust and trust.

He is difficult and slow, one word at a time: "Give to the base... If the secret of this fruit can be discovered, mass production, all ordinary abilities can have a second abilities... resistance to the end, humanity Rejuvenation... is more hopeful..."

After the confession, the captain's uncle seemed to be like his wish, but he slowly fell backwards.

Those vines did not know when they had disappeared, and the poisonous zombies followed the breath and quickly rushed in the direction of the car. The zombie mob next to it also came around.

Zhang Zhiyin finally glanced at the eagle-headed necklace, no longer hesitating, and quickly jumped into the car. The modified car has a high chassis. He has his left leg on the car and his right leg on the outside. Involved in the wound on his leg, he suddenly could not make up his strength.

At this time, Li Shuifeng appeared at the door of the car.

"Pull me up." Zhang Zhiyin quickly reached out to him and looked at him.

Li Shuifeng also reached out to him.

However, he grabbed the companion and grabbed it in his left hand. The captain gave him a small box with blue fruits.

Then he lifted his right leg and calmed his face. He did not hesitate to kick Zhang Zhiyin off the car.

Outside the car, it is a group of zombies.

Until the **** fell to the ground, Zhang Zhiyin's eyes were still full of incredulity.


Li Shuifeng drove away. From the rearview mirror, he saw that the last teammate was surrounded by zombies, and gradually disappeared into the field of vision. Finally, slowly, slowly, revealing a smile.

On his left hand side, there is a small box that is inconspicuous.