
After Brushing Face At The Apocalypse’s Boss For 363 Days

In the most popular 3D keyboard online game “Tomorrow”, an ordinary player, Zhang Zhiyin has a less common hobby–that is to visit Dr. Y, the ultimate boss – giving him gifts and hugs. As a game produced NPC, the other side naturally has no response, but Zhang Zhiyin still insisted on visiting him rain or shine for 363 days. Until one day he decided to give up the game, the result was being hit by a car. Since then, he has been dreaming every night in which he will cross into the realistic world of ‘Tomorrow’ and return to the magical journey of normal life during the day. **** “From the moment he fell in love with this person, he had chosen insanity.” #This novel does not belong to me

Daoist19ggXb · Others
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Chapter 8: Fireworks

Zhang Zhiyin followed the large forces and evacuated to the base No. 1 in Mulin City.

Mulin City can be counted as the first main city. In the middle and late stages of the game, the Yuntian Alliance, which belongs to the player and the righteous power npc, will grow stronger. The base forces such as Base One and others dedicated to human rejuvenation will unite to the Yuntian Alliance. Fight the evil organization where Dr. y is.

However, the current plot is still early in the establishment of the Yuntian Alliance. The main task of Base 1 is simply to appease the panicked people and try to get more people to survive.

After waiting for the Lihua Shopping Force and the "divided passengers" who survived them all to undergo security checks, Zhang Zhiyin was tired and fell asleep after finding a place to settle down.

It may be because of an important mainline story, this time in the world of tomorrow is relatively short compared to the last time.

Zhang Zhiyin was awakened by the alarm clock. When he sat at his desk, he reacted and he had returned to reality.

Forgot to say good morning to the boss.

After returning home from work, after finishing the rest of the work, Zhang Zhiyin opened the game official website while landing the game.

In the past, he only focused on Dr. y, and he didn't care much about the background stories of other characters. But after the "dream", he began to be curious about the story behind the smoldering fire in the early days of the last days - obviously fleeing the city. At that time, he couldn't help but see the people in the car throwing out the smoldering fire as a life-saving bait. What kind of experience made him rely on Dr. Y to become the boss of the later arrogant behavior?

He opened the introduction of the character and saw that it was written in the column of the smoldering fire -

[In the early days, there was no ordinary person who had no power. At the beginning of the last century, he suffered a change. After the transformation of Dr. Y, he obtained a powerful firepower called "the first fire in the last days." Establish a "bathfire" force, play for Dr. y, and fight against the Yuntian Alliance everywhere, killing justice people...]


Zhang Zhiyin stunned. If what he saw was the so-called "change", then this means... at that time, y might be close to him...

Unfortunately, I did not encounter it.

The strange thing is that Zhang Zhiyin doesn't have much regrets. On the contrary, it is a faint dreamy unreality. He actually coexisted with y in a world, and he was so close. .

After boarding the game, Zhang Zhiyin bought a gift for the boss as usual, this time it was a fireworks.

The world of keyboard online games is so wonderful, obviously indoors, you can still put fireworks.

The abandoned laboratory environment setting is dim, and Zhang Zhiyin sits quietly at the foot of y, opens the package, and opens one after another props fireworks.

The room is gorgeous.

"Do you like it? If you like it, I will give it to you next time." Zhang Zhiyin typed.

Then direct the villain to stand up, adjust the angle of view, and gently give the boss a hug.

Zhang Zhiyin looked at the "sound" word on the top of the little man quietly holding a virtual character half ahead higher than himself, smiled slightly and played the rest of the words -

"Y, we are in a world."


Before this sleep, Zhang Zhiyin was ready to appear in the world of tomorrow after waking up, and the facts were not what he expected.

Almost No. 1 accommodates nearly 100,000 people, and this number continues to increase. Base One recovered some of its production capacity in the last month, and was once the largest and safest base in the Northeast in the early days of the last days.

Here, a form of organization similar to a commune is implemented. Both ordinary people and versatile people contribute to the construction of the base, and the contribution points are exchanged for daily necessities. Different work gets different contribution points, and the contribution point of work in the base factory is far lower than the contribution point of hunting zombies or defending bases. At the same time, the zombie nucleus hit by the hunting squad can also be divided by the team. In Base One, people have realized the role of zombie crystal nucleus in the upgrade of abilities.

Therefore, those who participate in hunting face more dangers, and relatively more rewards.

At the same time, there is also a free market for free trade within the base, where people can exchange what they need, and those who have the skills of forging weapons, making clothes, and refining medicines can sell their things there. These equipment or drugs tend to have better attributes than things that are exchanged from the base supply point.

In reality this seems a bit strange, but just think of the world's settings born out of a game. All of this has also become a thing of the past - players have life skills, self-made or ridiculously dropped equipment weapons are often better than those bought in the system store.

However, the ordinary zombies in the game tomorrow or tomorrow will not drop the equipment, their only drop is the nucleus. The place where the boss-level monsters are located often has advanced equipment or items. In this world, people understand that the place where the high-level zombies are located is relatively strong, which leads to the special strength of ordinary items.

The original Lihua shopping mall has been separated, Zhang Zhiyin was assigned to the seventh squad of the f zone, the captain is a middle-aged uncle with a power variation. Although the uncle is only a common variation, but the qualifications are relatively deep, it is the first beneficiary of the nucleus upgrade, and the initial upgrade of the common mutation is relatively easy, so he is now a rare third-level mutator, and most people like Zhang Zhiyin still They are only primary or primary variants.

This is the first time Zhang Zhiyin entered the team. After sweeping a circle among the players, he met a familiar person. It is not appropriate to say that he is familiar. He knows people and people don't know him.

That person is the famous Yunxiao detachment captain of the Yuntian Alliance in the future, Li Shuifeng. Because of his youthful appearance, his handsome style, his body and precise dual ability, his strength is gentle, and he is the backbone of the justice camp. He is also a popular npc in the game. But at this point it seems that he is only one of the ordinary abilities.

This time the team has joined a lot of new people. Some of the experienced old people in the team have also been assigned to the newly formed team as captains. It can be said that the team has been reshuffled. The captain's uncle first introduced himself and arranged for the players to introduce each other.

"My name is Zhang Zhiyin, from m city, the first level of precision variation." Zhang Zhiyin said this way, when he entered the base registration abilities, Fei Ge and Yun Shu gave him the precise variation of registration, the base No. 1 dragon snake mixed, this It is inevitable to expose yourself when you expose yourself. In order to hide his ice abilities, Zhang Zhiyin also deliberately went to the mall to spend a dollar to buy a prop that hides the abilities. This kind of props is only useful in certain copies and tasks in the game, so it is cheaper, but Now it has helped Zhang Zhiyin to be busy. After using the props, unless he actively uses the ice skills, others will not find that he has dual abilities.

When talking about precise variation, Li Shuifeng gave him a sigh of relief.

When it was Li Shuifeng's turn, he said: "Li Shuifeng, n city people, a level of precision variation."

Is this his Tibetan mastiff? Still the same as myself?

Out of curiosity, Zhang Zhiyin bought a power identifier from the mall for 5 cents. This identifier is used in the game to identify bosses or opponents' abilities, so that players can develop appropriate tactical strategies. Now they can also be used to identify Li Shuifeng's true abilities.

The identification results show that Li Shuifeng is telling the truth, he really only has one level of precision.

Can't say the reason, this real version of Li Shuifeng does not feel very comfortable for him.

Is it because the water wind brother is too strong and strong enough to be close to his *oss people can not stand? Zhang Zhiyin secretly ridiculed himself in his heart, did not put this matter in his heart.