
964. Chapter 964

After To Love and Die in LA

Episode 3.22



Disclaimer: I don't own Castle and I'm pretty sure I don't own LA. Rating: K Time: See above.

At Remy's, Royce made sure that the stories he told emphasized how lonely Beckett had been, how focused she had been on her mother's murder and then on solving other murders to give others the closure she'd never had, and on her lack of a social life or any man in her life, other than rather briefly.

"You've been with her for longer than anyone I know of, Rick. She really likes you. And she needs you. If something isn't done, Beckett is going to end up one of those unhappy old ladies who live with a house full of cats."

Rick shook his head. "She likes me, but I'm not sure that anything will ever come of it. Beckett just doesn't let anyone in. I don't know if she ever will."

"She'd open up for you, if you let her know you'll always be there for her."

He frowned. "I don't know. That could cause her to break off our relationship all together. She's done that before, you know."

"Sure, but she took you back. She wanted you back. She needs you back."

"I don't know, Mike…."

"Think about sad old, grey haired Beckett, sitting in her apartment with a bunch of cats, all named Castle. Do you want that to happen to her? Do you see some other end for her if someone doesn't do something? If you don't do something?"

"That's easy for you to say, Mike."

"No, it isn't. You aren't the only guy around here that loves her, but I've got no chance now after what I did to her. I probably never had a chance anyway. Look, Rick, I'm not asking you to go back to the precinct and propose to her. Just be ready to make a move when the time is right."

"How am I going to know the time is right?"

"You're a smart man."

Three days later Castle had taken Beckett to lunch at a restaurant near the precinct. They were halfway through their meal when Castle got a call from Gina. He had forgotten about a meeting that was scheduled with Black Pawn. Castle excused himself, but told Beckett to enjoy her lunch. He called the waiter over, paid for lunch and quickly left.

Seeing this, a woman who had been seated at the bar saw her chance. She got up and walked over to sit in what had been Castle's chair.

"That was Rick Castle, the author, wasn't it?" She asked.

Kate looked her over and didn't like what she saw. Her dress was too tight, too short and showed way too much of her boobs. She had more makeup than she should have had, as well. And, she was very pretty, with long black hair and blue eyes.

"Yes, it was. And who are you?"

"Me? Oh, I'm Castle's new girlfriend."

Beckett sat there stunned for a moment. "Castle hadn't mentioned anyone…..new in his life." She finally managed to say.

"Oh, I haven't even met him yet. I just saw him sitting here and decided I wanted him. He's rich, good looking and fun. What's not to like?"

The fact that the first thing she'd mentioned about Castle was that he was rich made Beckett angry. "Believe me, you have no chance with Castle. He isn't the sex obsessed playboy you may remember from a few years ago."

The woman laughed. "Well, if he's been hanging around with you, obviously he isn't obsessed with sex. Um, you're Officer Brackett, aren't you? The one those books are about?"

"I'm Detective Kate Beckett, and the Nikki Heat books are based on me, and on Castle, of course. However, if you think Castle is going to be interested in you just because you have a nice body, you're mistaken."

The woman shook her head. "I don't have a nice body, I have a great body. And just because I have boobs and you don't, doesn't mean that I don't have a brain."

"I do too have boobs!" Kate said angrily. Then she noticed that everyone in the restaurant was looking at her.

"Look, Kathy…."

"It's Kate." Beckett said sharply, but quietly.

"Okay, Kate. All anyone has to do is look at the two of you to see that you have no interest at all in any more than you have now. He helps you solve murders and you help him to write books and make money. That's all there is between you."

"There is a lot more between Castle and me than that." Kate said, still keeping her voice down, but feeling like screaming at this bimbo.

The other woman laughed, which angered Beckett more. "Really? A lot more? So, you two have kissed?"

"Yes. We've kissed." Kate said with a smile.

"How many times?"

"Um, not that often, but they were great kisses."

"How many times?" The woman smirked.

"Twice." Kate conceded, unhappily.

"What happened? Did you accidentally get caught under the mistletoe at the office Christmas party?"

"We were undercover." Kate snarled.

"Undercover? That doesn't even count. Have you two gone further? Let him play with your boobs, perhaps?"

Kate's angry look was all the answer the woman needed. "Look, Kaye…."

"It's Kate!"

"Whatever. If you two had any interest in each other, one of you would have made a move by now. Face it. You're not into him and he's not into you. Can you say I'm wrong?"

"Yes. You're wrong. I have very strong feelings for Castle. I do want more than we have. A lot more. And he wants more too."

"Sure he does. And so do you." She giggled. "Just keep telling yourself that. It'll give you something to do when Rick is in bed with me."

Kate leaned over so her face was right in the other woman's face. "Castle will be in bed with me and not you. You'll never even get to hold his hand." She said softly, but coldly.

The woman shook her head. "You've been together for…How many years with nothing happening between you and you can say that? You're delusional." The woman picked up her purse and stood up. "It's been entertaining to talk to you, Detective Baskin. At least I know now that you'll be no threat to me." She walked off, wiggling her ass so that every male eye in the place followed her.

Once out of the restaurant, she took out her phone and called a friend, leaving him a voice mail.

Back in the restaurant, Kate was seething. The nerve of top heavy bimbo sitting down with me and telling me that Castle and I don't have feelings for each other. I damned well do have feelings for Castle. He's the man I want, and I want him more than I've ever wanted a man in my life. And I know that Castle feels the same…. Kate's thoughts came to a sudden stop. Castle does feel the same, doesn't he? He's not some sex obsessed playboy. I know that now. He's a good man, the kind of a man I can have a future with. He hasn't dated at all since he broke up with Gina. Suddenly Kate didn't like the direction her thoughts were taking. Okay, we've never actually talked about how we feel. I've always kind of assumed that he'd be there for me. I mean he must like me to stay with me for years, right? It can't be just about the books?

Kate got up and left the restaurant, for once not sure what she was going to do, or even if she could do what she wanted.

Castle called her later and apologized for having forgotten about the Black Pawn meeting and having to abandon her at lunch. He invited her to dinner that night to make up for it. Kate readily agreed.

Again, Kate found herself looking in her mirror while she waited for Castle. Her dress was tighter and more revealing than anything she'd worn with Castle before, barring some undercover work. She wore more makeup and had done her nails and hair.

When Castle arrived, he was more than a little surprised. "You look gorgeous. What's the occasion?"

Kate smiled. "I'm going to dinner with you. Why shouldn't I try to look nice?"

As they headed to the elevator in her building she reached over and took his hand. She held it during the car service ride and all the way into the restaurant. She asked to sit in a booth and sat as close to Castle as she could, resting her hand on his thigh.

They had been a couple for a week when she got a call from Mike Royce.

"Hey, Kid. I got great news. Violet got a part of Saturday Night Tonight. Not a big part, mind you, but the biggest she's ever had. We'd like to take you to dinner to celebrate. You have Saturday night open?"

"Yes, I do."

"Wil you be bringing a date?"

Kate blushed. "Yes, I will."

"Anyone I know, Kid?"

"It's Castle. We're a couple now." Kate said, lowering her voice. "Don't let anyone know, we don't want to get in trouble because of the non-fraternization rule."

"Not a word, Kid."

When they met at the restaurant Mike had picked out Kate almost lost it when she saw who Mike was with. "You're the woman who…."She began angrily. Then it all became clear. She turned to Royce. "You did this. You and her. She's Violet Young."

Royce laughed. "You got it, Kid."

"What did he, or they, do?" Castle asked, mystified.

"Sit down, Rick. I have another Kate Beckett story to tell you."

Author's note: After Always will be up tomorrow. After Captain Kate and the Sorceress is at about 16,000 words and I've started a story titled Match, Set and Game set in season seven.