
Chapter 1

|Arya Avalon|{Present}

Tomorrow is my first day at Affinity Academy. I'm excited to see my brother, but I'm still super nervous of what it will be like and what if I don't have a natural affinity? We don't have the money for an awakening scroll so I would be there for nothing. I would likely get transferred to a sub-school and I would never see Ace.

"Go to bed, you need to be up early tomorrow!" My mother yells, distracting me from the negative thoughts.

"Will do thanks Mom!" I yell back down.

{The next day}

I wake up to my Mom yelling again, "You best get up or you're going to be late."

Crap! I must have forgotten to set my alarm and overslept. I get up and immediately grab some clothes, running to the bathroom. Once I'm ready I sprint downstairs and grab a bagel with cream cheese from my Mom. We both head to the car and hop in.

{Once they get to the school}

I hug my Mom and exit the car duffel in hand as I sprint to the doors barley on time. Once I'm in the school I calm down and head to the auditorium sitting in the back. After the boring speech everyone heads up to the front and gets their room number and key. I got room number 69 along with a map of the school and a uniform. I follow the map and find the door to my room excited to meet my roommates. I entered the room and my jaw dropped, it was huge, unlike most rooms there were only three doors that lead to rooms meaning I would have two roommates instead of the normal three, there was a giant flatscreen TV in the living room along with a comfy looking couch and two hanging chairs. I head towards the far bedroom when I hear the door open, I turn surprised and notice two people entering the dorm.

|Lexi Lockwood|

After Leah and I got our dorm number we decided to wander for a little while, unfortunately we weren't able to get very far before someone told us to go find our rooms. My twin and I then head to room 69 and she opens the door, once we are both inside I spot our roommate, their is only one thought in my mind, she is hot as fuck.

I turn to my sister and can tell she is thinking the same thing as me. When I turn back she is standing a few feet away.


My new roommates are hot as hell, they must be twins. I'm totally screwed if they catch me staring so I quickly smile and say, "Hello, I'm Arya Avalon it's a pleasure to meet you.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lexi and this is my twin sis, Leah. Our last name is Lockwood."

Both of them smile, looking nervous. "So I was hoping I could have the last room, if that's alright with you two?"

They both nod so I grab my bags that had already been sent here and placed by the door and start heading towards my new room. I only take a few steps though, before they both grab boxes from me, "If you don't mind, we'd like to help." Leah smiles and I nod. The three of us quickly get all our stuff into our respective rooms and then decide to take a look around the academy and find the cafeteria.

|Leah Lockwood|

While walking, we learn more about Arya, she has an older brother named Ace who is gay and mated to the deans twin sons, Griffin and Gray. Her favorite color is cyan and she turns fifteen tomorrow. We then tell her we have no other siblings and our favorite color is black which she then says is not actually a color but is a shade. Once we arrive in the cafeteria her eyes light up and she grabs both Lexi and I's arms saying, "Come on, lets go!"

|Arya Avalon|

As soon as we enter the cafeteria I see my brother and whom I can only assume are his mates. Without thinking I grab Lexi and Leah's arms taking off toward him. They follow me smiling at my enthusiasm, I drop their arms and tackle my brother in a hug. His mates both frown and look ready to kill me until Ace says, "Nice to see you too little sis." The second his mates hear this they brighten up and introduce themselves.

"Hello, I'm Gray."

"And I'm Griffin."

"Your Ace's mates then?" I ask to confirm.


"I'm Lexi and this is Leah, we're Arya's roommates."

"Nice to meet you then," Ace replies.

"You as well, Ace."

Ace chuckles and replies, "No need to be so serious. Let's get you some food, I want to catch up with my sister."

The three of them lead us to a counter with a menu and ask what we want, I reply "Just a pbj and some juice for now," then I ask Lexi and Leah, "How about you?"

"Same for us please," Lexi responds with a small smile.

Gray nods and rings a bell, "Hey Mads! Could you get us three peanut butter and jellys and three juices?"

A few seconds later a girl with blonde hair and a fierce look on her face comes out with the food and replies, "You three need to leave at some point ya know."

She then glances over all of us, her eyes stopping on me. She smiles and says, "Well, what do you know! Your Ace's sister aren't you? Ya look just like him."

I nod as Leah takes the food from her. "Thanks for the food, it's our first day here."

"You can put the bill under Lockwood," Lexi adds.

The girl looks at her with surprise and replies, "No bill, Ms. Lockwood," she bows to Lexi and goes back through the door.

"You're the Lockwood twins?" Leah sighs and nods.

I look at them with confusion, "What, are you two famous or something?"

"Or something I suppose, our great-something-or-other was the first affinity user."

"And our parents are super powerful, but please, don't change what you think of us."

"We want you to like us for us, not our legacy."