

" Why can't u do any thing right for once " . " Why can't u be more human like everyone else " . " you are an herald of disaster , no wonder your own parents abandoned you " . " get out of my sight you good for nothing ". " Trash like you should know his worth as common slaves and property of us upper citizens ". Kyle a nineteen year old orphan , who became a commoner class soldier due to failing he's awakening process , found himself violently thrown into space after the spaceship he was on was taking over by space pirates and blown up after been plundered, he had narrowly escaped by using an escape pod but during his escape the shockwave from the exploding main ship had destabilized the escape pod and he was now moving aimlessly in space , he couldn't help but think of how pathetic his live have been . He had lived his first fifteen years in an orphanage home made specifically to get more subjects for awakening fifteen years old kids owned and financed by the Awakened Human Àlliance Federation (A.H.A.F) of Earth one of the many planets inhabited by Humans in the many galaxies explored and conquered throw war or peace treaties, he never knew who his parents where , he was dropped at the door of the orphanage when he was a child with a blank letter tucked into his blanket , since then he had lived his life in the orphanage while waiting for the day he would be awakened only to be met with devastating news . " Am sorry young man but, ...... you are unable to be awakened." That single statement brought his whole dream crashing down he became a failed project by the (A.H.A.F) and was commissioned to be part of their commoner class soldiers , a class meant for the lowest of backgrounds who could not awaken and became Cannon fodders for the A.H.A.F. " I came as trash , am also going to life this world as trash ...... , so pathetic." , Kyle said his last words before opening his escape pod and was immediately sucked into space . But contrary to what he taught he wasn't choking or even finding it difficult to breathe at all , infact it was actually ..... exhilarating . suddenly a blank paper appeared in his vision and as if by magic a single symbol appeared on the paper before it entered his body . All of a sudden a screen appeared in his vision [ Requirement 1 out of 2 completed , would you like to complete the 2nd requirement in other to awaken ] Kyle didn't know what was going on but he accepted anyways BooooooMmmmmmm Immediately he accepted it , he found himself bending in and out of reality....., at least that's how he felt , after regaining his bearing what he saw in front of him scared the crap out of him , a gangantuan entity the size he couldn't even conceive was in front of him , the entity in the process of creating a planet finally realized he wasn't alone and looked him in the eye , just that simple gesture was enough to freeze all the blood in Kyle's body ten times over , in front of this cosmic being he found himself unable to move , but something unexpected happened. " Young monarch, the Time has arrived for you to unlock the restrain stopping you from become the Emperor of all." the cosmic entity said in a voice that commanded the fabric of space, with a single thought of the being . A cyclone of Cosmic energy entered Kyle's body , and with it he felt something he had never felt before a part of him he never knew was part of him was revealed and with that a notification . { Congratulations The AETHERIC EVOLUTION SYSTEM has been activated } { A Bloodline far above any thing this Dimension as ever seen , a power to control the world in your fingertips that resides in you has been unlocked } novel cover not for me

Afro_Grooves · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 7 EMPYREAN FURY ( beat down part 2 )

' Oh shit ' , Kyle thought while slowly raising , he stood up straight and steady while holding his now mending rib cage , it didn't hurt like before and he could feel himself getting better by the second so he tried to buy time while observing the strange gas and it's effect on the Captain .

He noticed how the gas entered and filled the muscles of the Captain before he sent him flying .

' Could the gas be strengthening him ? ' , Kyle looked curiously at the Captain .

Jones seeing the look on Kyle's face smiled while closing in again .

Kyle seeing the gas filling the Captain's body immediately jumped out of the way safely landing 30 metres away .

Jonas looked at the boy in shock .

' But how ? how did he dodge it ? '

Kyle used the opportunity to move further away to study his opponent .

' Okay so if the gas can strengthen him I just have to look out for when it fills his body again .' , Kyle thought .

" Enough with the charade." , Jones was starting to believe the boy was immortal with the rate at which he healed , In less than a minute he had already healed almost completely from a broken rib , it would have taken at least a full day for a superhuman of his caliber to heal from an injury like that , it was already a state of cellular regeneration that was absurdly inhuman , unless he took a a TIER 3 HEALING POTION which would take a sky high price in order to come by even for a captain like him .

Drawing Aether once more into his body he took massive leaps quickly appearing near Kyle who had already leaped from his previous spot and already bolting to the other extreme , no more than a full second had passed when he suddenly saw the captain accelerate to his front with a punch to the face , Kyle found himself being denied of a moments rest as the captain held him back by his legs to prevent him from escaping his assault while smashing him down on the reinforced titanium .

Jones place him in a grapple hook , before sending a furious punch towards the face of the smug bastard .

" How do you like that , Ehn , bastard " .


" Not so smug now are you " , While hammering Kyle with devastating blows he had a twisted smile on his face as if seeing the one who had practically ruined his face while he was in this same position was ooh so satisfying .

He was quite enjoying the feeling of smashing this little brats head into the titanium floor , although his dignity and pride was gone but he could still salvage it by beating the crap out of this brat , after all he had already ruined his beautiful face , if he didn't pay him back in kind he would become a public laughing stuff , no he couldn't allow that , which was why with each punch he threw he felt more joy seeing the little fucker choke on his on blood while he rearranged his face .


Unable to even scream out in pain Kyle simply endured as the blows kept landing wave after wave of pain .


Each blow made his thoughts more blurry more slow and hard to focus .


{ 32.3% } .

" Hahahahahah , where is that smugness now pip squeak ahn ."


{ 30.7% }

" Where was all that confident from before ahn , tell me did you lose it or did I finally punch through that thick skull of yours ahn."

' I can't .... lift a muscle .' kyle was in so much pain that he was starting to slowly lose consciousness while his body simply became as heavy as a rock .


{ 27.0% }

"Hahahaha , gat nothing to say ahn "

' Dammit , I can't even feel my hands .'


" Haahhhaaaa , how do you like that " , Although this brawl had started has a a little text but it had escalated into a full blown caged fight with each opponent trying his utmost to put down the other .

Meanwhile , somewhere out in Earth's orbit a certain General was watching the live feed of a station cube , he had a frown on his face as he watched the 3d hologram of the fight that was currently going on , although a few minutes ago he was completely shocked and surprised .

The raw strength he had seen coming out from this boy was simply spectacular , one had to realize that he was no stronger than a normal human before he awakened his Bloodline genes and now he could even go toe to toe with a trained veteran captain , and not any captain but one about to rank up to an ASCENDED HUMAN that was simply inconceivable , the only explanation was that the alien species Genes which had been awakened in the boy was just so powerful that even though he still had not started absorbing Aether to increase his life force , he could through qualitative difference rival veteran fighters who where 2 whole TIERS above him despite being an amatuer , now it was that thinking that was ungodly simply blasphemous .

But although he had held himself quite well against his opponent he couldn't quite hold the advantage for long , although the captain used Aether as a leverage to decide the battle outcome , and even though he didn't quite like how the captain lost his rationality and inflicted more harm than necessary to the boy but it was a necessary evil in the grand scheme of things , a rapid power boost like that would have inflated his ego and made him proud which in turn will make him believe he was above every other person , he of all people could relate to that as he was once a low ranked awakened soldier before he awakened his Bloodline genes , a sound beating was the remedy to lower his pride , but that didn't mean the captain wasn't going to be punished for this .

He was still deep in his thoughts when something quite unexpected happened .

" What but how did he ? .'

Meanwhile a few minutes before .


" No , what does Jones think he's doing " Slamming her hands on the table the head scientist watched the video feeds with annoyance .

" Mam , should we contact the captain. "

" Believe me when I say there is no amount of words that can bring him back to his senses , only brute force can ." she said while still paying attention to the screen .

" At least he stopped assaulting the poor boy ."

" that felt oddly satisfying ." Finally releasing Kyle from his grip captain Jones was panting heavily , although he had won the brawl it took more out of him than he would like to admit , he was pretty sure his face was pretty much bursted at this point , and he felt pain all over , but he had been in worst pain than this , the real pain starts immediately he leaves the isolation cube , this incident had pretty much tarnished his military reputation , he would be sent for psychological evaluation before been placed in an isolation cube for maybe a month and that was the best case scenario .

Looking down at the now bloody faced kid who had made him go over the edge he felt a little regret , if only he hadn't been so obsessed about his image all this wouldn't have happened .

Kyle who was now finally free from his tormentor didn't even have the strength to lift a muscle , it felt like he was stuck in lead with only the pain to keep him company , his face had probably caved in by now and his eyelids where so heavy he couldn't even close them properly , he could fell a stinging sensation in his eyes which made his vision blurry , all he could see was the silhouette of the captain but that to was slowly being drowned out by the fog , gas or what ever it was , but the worst of it all was that voice that kept on ringing in his head .

It wasn't really a voice but more like a calling of sort which was being projected directly to his brain .

' Just shut off this noise .'

As if hearing his thoughts the cry became more stronger as if trying to make him go crazy .

" What do you want from me?. ", Unknowingly Kyle had voiced his thoughts out which grabbed the captains attention .

' Ahn , what the hell is he on about now ? .' , the captain thought .

But he couldn't notice the Aether in the environment where slowly gathering towards the boy , at the moment the amount of Aether which was gathered in the cube had already reached an insane level and it kept on increasing at an abnormal level .

* USE ME *

' What are you. ' , Trying to understand where that strange voice came Kyle tried but failed to open his eyes completely only managing to partially open it , but what he saw puzzled him his vision was being obstructed by that strange fog from before , it was so thick that it almost appeared solid .

' Is that you.' , Maybe due to his semi conscious state or maybe the repeated blow to the head had made him crazy but aside from the strange fog he simply didn't know what else could be speaking to him .

As if finally been allowed to act the gathered Aether in the cube with dizzying speed started to seep into the body of Kyle.

He could of sworn he sensed the Aether brimming with happiness before entering into his body but before he could think further a screen appeared right in front of him .