Aegon Targaryen is alive, by the time the mountain arrived Ella Martell had already deserted the Castle with her two children. Even then things didn't go well Aegon was split from his family what happens when the pirates that kidnapped him deliver him to the Dothraki.
"You wouldn't understand, freedom is something they'd give their lives for. All they would have to do is what they've done every day since they became slaves. Khaevgo would never suspect that the slaves that he can kill on a whim will be the reason for his downfall."
Kyra disagreed I could tell by the look on her face but by tonight I was sure she would change her mind. "Come relax, you don't need to stand guard all day."
"No thanks," Kyra turned to leave, I hadn't exactly been trying to get close to her but looking at her now her curves drew my attention.
"That's an order from your prince," she paused turning around with a frown on her face. I was sure my uncle had told her to follow my every order something I had chose not to take advantage of it but it wasn't like I actually needed her to defend me.
"How was it growing up in Dorne?"
"You mean as a bastard," There it was being a bastard was like a curse even if they were treated fairly well in Dorne.
"No I mean how was it growing up in Dorne I care not that you're a bastard if you hadn't noticed the Dothraki don't exactly see me as one of their own."
Kyra fell silent, I wouldn't rush her although I was curious I had heard from my uncle personally that bastards were treated fairly well. Dornish people believed that a child born from sex was a gift even if that child happened to be a bastard I wondered how Kyra's parents had treated her.
Seeing that the conversation was going nowhere I grabbed the gold coin I had been practicing with earlier continuing to practice ignoring the fact that Kara was in my tent. Who was she going to tell, not to mention my family ruled all of Dorne no Dothraki would be even interested in talking to her with her broken Dothraki.
The coin levitated above my hand I was growing used to carrying it mentally, the more controlled I became with it the easier controlling it became. Now I was only lifting it but eventually, I was hoping I would be able to rotate the coin in my hand before adding in more coins or moving on to heavier objects.
"How are you doing that," Kyra spoke with a bit of fear in her voice but I could also feel the curiosity deep within her.
"Answer my question and maybe I'll answer yours."
"Fine teach me how to do that and I'll tell you my whole life story," the fact that she had just tried to bargain learning something so amazing for her life story made me chuckle.
"Impossible even if I wanted to teach you to do this I couldn't, and do you really think your life story is that interesting. I'd be an Idiot to teach you something so amazing you could offer me your body and I'd still say no."
I couldn't restrain myself from laughing, Kyra seemed annoyed by my response but I could honestly care less did she think I was an idiot because I wasn't raised in a castle?
"I'll tell you what throw away your allegiance for Dorne and become my loyal servant, I can't promise you'll learn to do something as amazing as this but magic won't be so far out of your reach." I was lying through my teeth, well maybe not lying but I certainly wasn't telling the full truth. The warlocks of quarth had learned magic somehow even if it was superficial being able to do that much could be considered amazing enough for Kyra.
"Do you really think I'm that shallow, what would you have me do, have sex with you at your command. I've seen the way you look at me, sadly I'm not interested I'll serve as your servant until your time with the Dothraki is finished and then I'll return to Dorne to serve the true ruler of Dorne."
"Who is the true ruler of Dorne?"
"Doran Martell, is the only true prince of Dorne?" She wasn't wrong, Doran currently held all the power of the royal family. But that didn't explain why she said it with such respect. Now I was truly curious about her life story she was either an idiot or Doran had done something to make sure she followed him so loyally it wouldn't matter in the end soon she would be under my claws. I hadn't noticed it but the Khaleesi had made manipulating people a lot easier with her lessons. Kyra seemed so imposing standing guard outside of my tent for most of the day and yet it seemed she wants to be elsewhere. I'd need to understand more about her to understand what it would take to have her completely under my control for now as long as she was away from Dorne she would follow my orders without question.
"You may return to guard duty," Kyra didn't put up much of a fight standing up she quickly exited the tent. I continued to focus on my coin not noticing time past an hour later Rabi returned.
"Speak Rabi."
"I found five slaves willing to help, they all want to be set free after tonight."
"What about you Rabi? What do you want?"
"To continue following you, Prince Aegon, I'm sure you'll be a powerful man in the future even more powerful than a Khal."
Rabi had been around me since the Dothraki found me, I trusted him with the minor things so I wouldn't mind him following me in the future.
"Fine, you'll return to the slaves telling them of my plan," I explained everything to Rabi before he left the tent. My plan was pretty simple it wouldn't take much to get rid of a small group of Dothraki not when they were basically savages.
Soon sunset came Drogo had already made most of the arrangements for the funeral. All that was left was for the blood riders to take their own lives and die with their Khal. A square made of wood laid on the ground atop the wood laid treasures and spoils. These were the things Khal Bharbo had collected throughout his life as Khal. Above the treasures on another level of wood laid the horse of Khal Bharbo he was killed so that Khal Bharbo may ride his horse to the stars even In death. On the next level laid Khal Bharbo the pyre wouldn't be set afire until the sighting of the first star.
Drogo stood next to the funeral pyre a serious look on his face he wanted nothing more than to make sure his father's funeral went as perfect as possible.
I made my way to his side lowering my voice I began to speak, "Where are the blood riders?"
"They should be arriving shortly," We spoke in English almost none of the Dothraki were fluent in the common tongue. I turned my attention to my surrounding I didn't see one blood rider in sight, Kyra stood in the crowd watching me closely. I motioned for her to join me, we needed to have a conversation I was beginning to think Rabi was wrong about there only being a bunch of blood riders agreeing to help Khaevgo.
As Kyra joined us I turned to Drogo, "we need to prepare I believe all of the blood riders have decided to join Khaevgo. He wishes to kill you and become the next Khal himself."
"You should have let me kill them while I had a chance what are you going to do now ask more slaves to fight for you what happens when they decide that you stand in the way of their freedom."
She was right the last thing I wanted to do was gather all of the slaves together with a common goal. I already had one group to deal with, the number of slaves would be the biggest problem.
"It doesn't matter how many there are if they come we will kill them," Drogo was the straight forward type I only wish it was that simple. If they chose to have Khaevgo fight Drogo for the right to be Khal fine but if they decided to just kill us and get it over with we'd be in trouble.
"How many blood riders did Khal Bharbo have in total?"
That wasn't too bad as long as Rabi had done as I asked I was sure we would be able to make it an even fight at the very least it was too bad I couldn't be 100% sure.
"How long does your poison take to start affecting people?" I turned to Kyra.
"Men their size," She looked at Drogo for a second before turning back to me. "It'll take at least a minute, I was given the deadliest venom in Dorne."
The sound of horses arriving drew my attention turning my head I noticed the group of Dothraki. They had arrived before the sun completely set which meant there was still a chance for Khal Bharbo's funeral to happen according to tradition.
"Get off your horses' Cowards!" Drogo yelled in Dothraki drawing his arakh, he was ready to kill.
The one leading the horses had black markings on his face and a long ponytail besides that he resembled every other Dothraki the length of his ponytail was surprising. He was like Drogo someone who hadn't lost a fight in his life only he had obviously been fighting longer then Drogo.
I was sure he was Khaevgo, he smiled hearing Drogo but didn't dismount his horse. "We've come to escort the Khaleesi to the Dosh Khaleen."
"She's gone she disappeared last night, I was under the impression you guys had already escorted her to the Dosh Khaleen." I lied I wasn't sure where she was gone which hurt a bit but it is what it is. I would rather her leave than live her life a midst those senile old women.
Khaevgo looked at me with disgust before turning back to Drogo, "I have reason to believe you're hiding he,r and as you all know the blood riders can't follow the Khal into the afterlife without first escorting the Khaleesi to the Dosh Khaleen." He was smarter then I gave him credit for he had the perfect excuse for them to remain alive.
"Get off your horse so I can kill you like the coward you are," Drogo spoke in Dothraki his anger could be seen on his face, time wasn't something he currently had. The stars would rise soon and when they did his father's funeral would be ruined.
"If you won't hand over the Khaleesi we'll have to take her by force," Khaevgo smiled dismounting his horse the rest of the blood riders followed his lead doing the same.
Maybe he wasn't smart, being atop a horse gave them the advantage he no longer held which made everything else a lot easier.
Behind Khaevgo stood a unsuspecting group of slaves Rabi led them as he locked eyes with me I nodded. 6 Slaves they each had a dagger while the blood riders were soaking in their arrogance the slaves they had beaten, commanded and scarred raised their daggers slitting the throats of the 6 different blood riders.
The sound of blood gurgling caused Khaevgo to look behind him what he found was 6 of his supporters choking on their own blood.
"It seems I overestimated your intelligence," I smiled drawing my arakh, Drogo and I began to slowly walk towards Khaevgo and the few remaining blood riders.
Khaevgo turned back to us with a look of fear on his face, everything was crumbling before his eyes who knew how long he had been planning for this. "Drogo I challenge you for the right to be the next Khal."
"Come coward." Drogo stepped forward with a smile on his face.
"We should just kill him and the other blood riders," Kyra stepped forward standing next to me.
"He doesn't stand a chance against Drogo," She may not have been aware but Drogo was an even better fighter then he was in the show. I wasn't sure I could take him on, his fighting style was for too chaotic, he was older, taller, and stronger.
He proved it as Khaevgo stepped forward as cautiously as possible, Drogo exuded pure confidence as he lowered his arakh. Anything within range of his arakh was in danger, even at his size he was as fast as lightning.
Khaevgo swung his arakh trying to draw a reaction from the stationary Drogo. The group of Dothraki watched on in silence very few had seen Drogo in an actual fight.
Khaevgo drew closer and closer hoping Drogo was inexperienced, he searched for an opening he could find. If he wanted to be Khal he had to kill Drogo but it had to be in an intimidating way he couldn't barely win that would make others think he was okay to challenge. Finally, he decided to just go all in moving forward he readied his arakh swinging it towards Drogo's head but that was when Drogo made a move he swiftly raised his Arakh swiping at the wrist of Khaevgo slicing clean through it. Khaevgo's Arakh fell to the ground as he looked at his wrist blood oozed out of it his hand lay on the cold hard ground. His face went pale as Drogo grabbed him spinning him around to the remaining blood riders, "For you cowards that chose to disrupt my father's funeral." He smiled as he raised his arakh resting the curved part on the neck of Khaevgo he sliced around his neck before allowing his body to fall. The impact caused his head to dislocate from the rest of his body Drogo turned back to the remaining blood riders. "Who's next?"
"Rabi, kill the rest," I yelled from the background I couldn't allow Drogo to get sidetracked not when the first star could arrive at any minute.
"When you're done drag their bodies to the pyre, they'll burn like they were supposed to."
If anyone has a problem with the way the MC is interacting with Kyra, don't worry.