
Aegon Snow

Hey if you don't stop here to read this story, I took some time to write it so that it would follow an original script. This story tells the story of the unstoppable rise of Aegon VI, Bastard of Winterfell and King of the Seven Kingdoms. As you may have guessed, but this is an SI Jon Snow, I want to clarify that even if the MC is reincarnated as Jon Snow, he is not and will not act like Jon Snow. The Protagonist is a person who has been lucky, he does not deserve it and will not be a holy or divine character, incapable of doing harm or a mistake, he is just a person like everyone else who has been lucky, if you are still here and you are curious about what happens next, I invite you to read this story. If you don't like this story, that's your right and I'm sorry about that, but I will ask you not to judge too quickly and to take the time to read a few chapters before you decide to give up.

Ghostrider0002 · Book&Literature
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120 Chs

-Chapter 95-

-Chapter 95-

-21st day of the 7th moon of the year 299 AC-


Battle of Winterfell – Bolton Defeat – Retreat towards Dreadfort – Estimated losses of House Stark about 3,000 men – Losses of House Bolton 11,000 men.

I frowned, disappointed that Roose Bolton hadn't lost more men in this battle as it forces me to move north with all my soldiers to take it back directly from the hands of this traitor.

I wasn't afraid of what might happen to me, but I was annoyed to have to play my enemy's game to achieve my goals. I crushed the message into a ball before throwing it into the fireplace to watch it burn.

'Let's take things one step at a time,' I told myself, taking a deep breath to keep calm.

Knock Knock Knock

"Enter," I said.

"Prince Viserys requests an audience, Your Majesty," said Jaime.

"Let him in," I said, standing up to greet my whimsical uncle who wasn't so whimsical anymore since Bronn had been a wonderful teacher.

"My King," said Viserys as he entered and knelt to my great surprise.

"Don't be like that, I'm your nephew after all," I said, without, however, asking him to stand.

"I have a favor to ask of you," he said.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I would like to lead the assault against the ironborn tomorrow," he said.

I smiled and then said, "Viserys, you're not ready yet; you might get killed."

"I know I can do it," he said, raising his voice.

He quickly realized his mistake when he saw me frown, and he slightly lowered his eyes.

Deep down, I was pleased he asked me such a thing because it meant that all my efforts to make him my Rogue Prince were paying off, and the cowardly Viserys was dying. However, what I liked less was his lack of judgment; he remained terribly reckless.

After a few moments of reflection, I said, "I'll give you the honor of starting the hostilities, but remember one thing, Viserys: listen to Bronn's advice, and especially, don't be reckless. Our lives are far too precious to be snuffed out by the arrow of a stranger."

He nodded, pleased, and then said, "I will try to remember that."

I nodded and then said, "Tomorrow you will show everyone that you are a member of the House of the Dragon. I count on you, my uncle."

He lifted his head and said, with his back straight and his chest slightly puffed with pride, "I will try to prove myself worthy of the honor you bestow upon me."

"Very well, then let me explain to you the battle plan for tomorrow," I said, smiling.


-POV Tyrion Lannister-

"Oh, you've really worn me out, my sweet," I said to the magnificent prostitute lying next to me.

She smiled and then said, "I'm sorry for that, Sir Tyrion, but I wanted you to be fully satisfied, certainly not a noblewoman could do everything I've done for you."

I laughed heartily for a few moments before saying, "On that point, we completely agree."

"If you still have a bit of energy, I can continue," she said, nibbling at my neck.

"I think that's enough for today. I have many tasks awaiting me, my dear, but rest assured that I will summon you to the Red Keep if I need assistance in this matter."

She smiled, not offended by my remark, and quickly dressed. Just before leaving the brothel room, she said, "I hope to see you very soon, Lord Tyrion."

A few seconds after the prostitute's departure, a voice was heard behind me, and when I turned around upon hearing:

"Lord Tyrion, huh?"

What I saw left me in shock; a man was looking at me with a slightly mocking air, leaning against the window.

"If only she knew that you're about to become nothing more than a penniless dwarf, what would she say?" he said in the same disdainful tone.

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?" I said, irritated and slightly frightened, looking for a weapon out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm one of your friends; you can call me Ydriss," he said, bowing slightly.

"Who do you work for?" I asked.

"Is that really what you want to know?" he said, putting on a serious facade.

"What are you talking about?" I said, confused.

"What I'm saying, hahaha, what I'm saying is that your father has secured from the king that Joffrey will inherit his position, from now on you're noble only in name, your family has finally succeeded in taking everything from you and depriving you of what rightfully belonged to you," he said.

"That's bullshit," I said furiously, imagining that what he was saying might be true, although the relationship between the king and me had been tense after the incident with the Dornians, everything had calmed down since then.

"You don't trust me yet, I understand perfectly, which is why I will come back once you've had time to verify my information," the man said before jumping out the window and fleeing quickly.

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