
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · Others
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345 Chs


Jack became more and more annoyed with each passing second, yes the revelations that the Solitas guys were more advanced than they first thought surprised him, but their reluctance to act against Goauld made him feel...

Well, not hatred per se as hatred was a strong world, he hated Kinsey, he hated the NID, no what he felt to Solitas and to this white-haired brat was a strong dislike...

Oh god, Jack already could imagine the shit storm from miles away, especially with how the talks, or even if they even were talks, progressed, because no matter what Weir said, the white brat's face was the same as Teal'c, totally neutral and unresponsive, jokingly Jack thought that even Teal'c was more emotional than that brat.

"Then that leads us to our last point."

Uh oh, Jack straightened his back in interest because he read the topics that were supposed to be discussed, what, no matter who said what, he did take his job seriously, and because of that, he could already smell the fire that was coming.

"And that would be?"

Weiss asked, bored out of her mind, anything these people from the Earth could give them was something they themselves could create, or get from the Wizard Earth that seemed to be on the same technological level and culture, and much cheaper with the war between wizards and mundane, no what this stargate Earth could provide was entirely meaningless because as Weiss said it, they or at least her brother didn't plan to explore the galaxy with these gates, he was much more interested in space exploration than planetary one...

Plus, big brother already purchased more than ten art's pieces that seemed to belong to the top hundred Earths most famous works, the biggest was the painting with some woman, Mona Lisa if Weiss remembered right, she knew it came to their possession after the fall of France with multiple other famous works, in truth they just held them until France didn't come back to their feet, but with how the war progressed, Weiss wasn't sure if there even would by any France population as they seemed to get into some battle frenzy...

It was probably magic work, but it wasn't Weiss's work to investigate that she left to Album, Sienna, or any other general, admiral, or who was positioned on that Earth as Solitas liaison...

"We came prepared for many things, princess, and one of them was to look under what kind of government your people are, of course, as we spoke, you introduced yourself as princesses and your brother as King, but can I ask for more information? From what I gathered, you are feudal society?"

Weir asked, masking her distaste for any kind of government that was chosen by blood and not by free right, but it was not her place to call that on them...

"That would be wrong... If I were to use your world's categorizing, then in a crude sense the Solitas Kingdom is an autocracy combined with monarchy, and with little meritocracy for lower people, and by lower, I speak about all who don't belong to Schnee family, my brother hold's all power as the King of Solitas, with Schnee family just after him, and under Schnee family falls others, who gain their position on the value of their merit to Solitas, or are hand-picked either be my big brother or other Schnee family members..."

Weiss said with a serene voice, smiling at the solemn look of some guests...

"I-I see... Can you tell me how your government could possibly work, from what I heard, your people are bright and very advanced, wouldn't they oppose such... Injust rule?"

Weir said as she tried not to sound accusatory, which was hard when it came to such a topic or question.

"How could you ask? No, wait... Of course, you would ask this, we didn't tell you of our capabilities, did we? That was a mistake from my side..."

Weiss said, but stopped as she realized her error, she realized that she didn't introduce them to the fact of their capabilities...

The older Weiss just hid her smile with her hand as she and Moira looked at younger Weiss and gave her a nod.

"What do you mean, princess?"

Weir asked, but even if confused, something told her that what she would hear wouldn't be so simple...

"To clarify, do you know or not, about Aura?"

Weiss asked, knowing there could be a communication problem as they could call it differently, but from what she would hear, she would have her answer.

"Aura? You mean the spiritual meaning or?"

Weir asked, confused, but where she was confused, both Daniel and Carter's ears perked, in interest what would be said there.

"No, I mean this."

Weiss said and flared her Aura that encased her in blue like the glow that seemed to chill the room as white mist radiated from the air around Weiss as her Aura, making the people from Earth jerk away in surprise and wariness.

"This is Aura, the manifestation of person soul on the material plane, every being with soul is capable of such feet, but just the ones who themselves unlocked it or got assistance could have such thing."

Weiss said as she retreaded her Aura back to her body, but at her nod, both older Weiss and Moira showed their own Aura, with Weiss having the same color with younger Weiss, albeit not as chillier, and Moira having a gray-colored Aura.

"Wha- how is that possible, it must be some force field or is it again hard-light illusion?"

Carter muttered as Daniel fascinatedly looked at the Aura of both women.

"This Aura, and other such elements we call Semblance gave every person above or even superhuman capabilities, and my big brother, the King of Solitas, could just with his Aura freeze the entire city, and his fist can carve mountains, there is little to opposition to ultimate show of force, and everyone one with survival instinct know that, of course, even if my big brother rule with an iron fist, he does take care of his kingdom as it belongs to him, and as such he promotes living conditions and all aspect of the life of ordinary citizens, from work to entertainment, to any and all possible aspects that could be upgraded, are being upgraded under his rule."

Weiss said with a smile, watching the paling faces of people before her, after all, she knew that after their spiel about Goauld and their practices, they probably thought the Solitas were similar or outright same as them.

That they hid their technology under the pretense of magic, still Weiss will not by one who tells them that magic is very real, and just because they don't believe in it or don't know about it, doesn't mean others don't too...

"And as a goodwill, I will permit you or your future liaison to visit our cities, to see on your own eyes how my big brother rules his kingdom."

But her words were silenced by a rambling duo.

"How, that just isn't scientifically possible, or scientists."

Carter's words were hushed, but they were heard by everyone in the room.

"It is, or isn't, miss Carter,our civilization from the very start knew about Aura, in early years we called it magic but in later years our scientist's tried to find the way how could such thing exist as it gone against everything they stood for, just like with Dust that are elements in crystallized form, but just until later they given up and just said what was know from the very start, the Aura is soul given form, and as such cant by measured as everyone's Aura is different, now I will show you some of most know Aura capabilities, and at the same time with these videos where you will see why Solitas cant spare their Sentinels on some faraway places, there I will show you true nightmares we Remnantians fought from the very beginning."

Weiss said and nodded at Moira, who with her scroll activated videos of Grimm and now even the Flesh monsters...


*Author note*

Cheer me up with some stones! :P

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts