
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · Others
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345 Chs


Morgana Le Fay, the schemer, and many other titles, she didn't care about, stood before the cracked crystals that still housed the five women, the five heroic spirits that were with her and Merlin ejected to the same world, the same ones she and Merlin crystalized in the hope they could save their lives as they didn't have the same mana sustain like she and Merlin had...

And now, now that she looked at the cracked crystals, the time of meeting between Mother and Sister was closing in as Morgan already could feel the crystals begin to weaken, and when she looked, she little paled when she saw the grinning face on the previously stoic woman that was titled as God-Slayer...

Yes, if someone can move even in such stasis, it would be probably someone of her caliber...

No wonder Morgana saw Aegis bolt outside in fear, even if she heard how he had a close relationship with one of the Scatach alternations, it couldn't stop the primal fear from seeing that grinning face, but...

Morgana supposed that Aegis fear was from a different kind of view, as rather than scared for life, Morgana could feel that Aegis feel originated from worry, worry Morgana always saw in her child-creation, the same fear Mordred had when she was first to meet her father, the Arturia Pendragon, the fear of not having met the expectations of someone he/she respected...

"Well... Soon, soon, I wonder how you two would accept the news I have for you..."

Morgana whispered to the five crystals that housed the five heroic spirits, but her words were just for two of them...


"What do you mean she isn't there?"

Winter growled through her teeth, making the clerk behind the counter tremble.

"H-her shift didn't start yet, a-and I don't know where she lives!"

Winter growled in frustration, making the poor sod flinch in fear as Winter tried and failed to keep her calm in check, to think all of this would be the result of a one-night stand of her piece of crap of father...

But before Winter could continue, there was a voice behind her that made her stop.

"Hey there, lady, you kinda block my way, so if ya could can ya get from my way? Ima already late for my work."

Winter slowly and very carefully turned herself around to face the owner of that voice, finally seeing the face she was looking for...


The girl said as she seemed to finally realize who she spoke to, and Winter for her matter, ignored the rising panic the girl seemed to begin to have as she continued observing her...

"Rina? Rina Blue?"

Winter slowly asked as her sharpened eyes looked at the girl who seemed to go in shock and confusion.

"Y-yea? W-what da ya want??"

The girl managed to stutter, just for Winter to finally have a heaving sigh as her hand reached for the girls head, the girl in question flinched at the sudden contact, fearing the worst, but was surprised when she felt the hand not strike her, but, stroke her head?

"Come... We have a lot to discuss..."

Winter whispered and looked back at the clerk.

"I want one latte, with that strawberry cake, and bring anything the girl wants too... I pay for it..."

Winter said as she looked back at the stricken girl.


Daniel looked at his notes until he still had time as they had a time out from the politicking...

Daniel could see Weir speaking with the Flaxon guy, and O'Neill silently brooding from the previous conversations, with Teal'c being Teal' and just sitting there...

No it was Carter who seemed to have most enjoyable time.

"So you say that thanks to this Dust, you never invented any other means to generate electricity."

"Yes, and no, Solitas no longer use Dust as the main power plant, but cold fusion energy as the main power supplier."

The woman, Moira Vahlen, if Daniel remembered right, said, and even he who was versed in the past, knew how big that new was, a fully working fusion reactor, and a cold one to at, that was something that could take care of most Earths power supply...


Even Carter didn't have words, yes, they normally met more advanced civilizations with high tech, but until now, they were either too advanced or relied on exotic resources as Naquadah, but there? There were the guys who took Earth theories about fusion reactors into reality...

"What will you want for such technology?"

Asked Weir who overhead what was spoken about.

"I fear, that you don't have anything we wish for."

"We have star maps and coordinates to most Galaxy stargates."

Faxon said as Weir shot him a venom glare.

"And? I fear that we do not need such a thing."

Daniel heard the princess Weiss say, and was astounded at her words.

"But without them, you would need to sacrifice your time on trial and error! To even get the gate working."

Daniel said, making the girl tilt her head on the side.

"And pry, to tell me, where did you get the idea that we wish even to use that device?"

Weiss asked, and that made everyone stare at her, even Jack was shocked from what he heard.

"Let me tell you one thing, Solitas Kingdom, doesn't see the reason to expand, especially not on some faraway planets, if we wish to expand, we will create artificial cities in our solar system, where we have control from any invader..."

"Better yet, let me show you Eden, the first city on our broken moon."

Weiss said as she made a gesture and a hologram rose from the table...

An image of construction in progress, but none to less an enormous construction of what looked to be an actual city on the moon...


*Author note*

Pics in comments.

And my 201 chapter! So hiped! Still would like to celebrate with stone shover, so don't by stingy and give this author your stones so he can rock roll between them!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts