
Chapter58: Preparations For An Important Meeting

[ hmm...? ]

Waking up early in the morning, Alice's face was the first thing I ever see.

Sleeping beside me is Alice. Her small face is facing mine, and her small arms are hugging my arms. Her silver hair is all over her face, covering her small sleeping eyes a little.

This scene is now what I always see every time I open my eyes in the morning.

I sat up on top of the bed, then I looked at the scenery outside the window.

The sun is now also rising and the sky is now getting brighter.

[ maybe it's already 6:00, or 7:00 O'clock maybe... ]

Commoners are not allowed to own a clock as it's considered a luxury and hard to make so only the royalty and nobles are allowed to own one.

Many commoners, of course, have their own way of telling the time, like looking at the direction or how high the sun is in the sky, which is the technique I'm currently using to tell what the current time is.

[ Alice, it's time to wake up. ]

I decided to wake up Alice as we're out to do things outside again today.


After finishing our breakfast, we finally went outside the Inn.

[ thank you for the food, Marinda-san! we're going to the guild again today! we'll come back before sunset! bye too Bretta-chan! ] I shouted at Marinda-san and Bretta-chan who's still inside the inn...

[ be careful, Haruto-kun, Alice-chan! make sure to come back before dinner, okay? ]

[ bye-bye! Haruto nii-san! Alice-chan! ]

and both of them answered back with faces full of smiles.


[ I thought we're not going to get a task at the guild today, onii-chan? ]

[ hmm...? I'm just going to check something, then we're going to spend time for ourselves again today. ]

[ really, onii-chan!? ] Alice exclaimed in surprise.

[ yep! it's our day-off again today. ]

[ hehe... ]

[ ... ]

I don't know why but I felt like Alice just laughed maniacally and it scared me...

Being with Alice almost every day, I'm getting the feeling that she's somewhat getting a little too obsessive with us going out that I'm getting a little scared by the behavior she's showing when other people are with us sometimes. That was also the reason why I took her with me this time when my actual plan was to go alone.

Now that I think about it... It's a good thing she somehow got close to Clara-san, or I won't be able to get her inside our party. She also trusts Sofia-san a little, but I don't think she would be happy if I talk with Sofia without her knowing.

I just hope it wouldn't get any worse...

[ onii-chan...? ] Alice then called my name as she peaks at my face from above.

[ ...sorry, I was just thinking about something. ]

[ is that so, onii-chan? ]

[ yup. Look, we're about to arrive at the guild, make sure to behave, okay? ]

[ un! ] Alice replied full of smiles.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally arrive inside the guild.

[ oh...! Haruto-kun! come here! ]

Immediately after, Diana-san went running towards me.

She walked straight behind me and Alice, she then pushed us towards a small room.

Curious of why she's acting like this, I looked at her face.

[ wha-what's wrong Diana-san...? ] I asked worriedly.

Her face looks so tired and she's sweating so much that it looks like she just came out of the bath.

She then holds my shoulders with both of her hands while catching for breath.

[ ...the-the guild master... he's here...! he... he said he wants to meet you! ] Diana-san said while still catching her breath.


[ oh... ]

[ I... I was waiting for you since he arrived! ]


[ ...is that so...? ]

I don't know why but I can't seem to get any serious no matter how serious Diana-san looks, only because I can't help but laugh at Diana-san's current state... she's acting like a fujoshi who went to an anime conventions three times in a row looking for Yaoi stuff.

[ why are you not taking this seriously!? he said he will fire me if you don't arrive before noon! ] Diana-san said angrily while rocking my shoulders.

[ e-ehhh??? ]

[ yes! wait here! I'll go get Derrick-sama! ]

[ what was that? onii-chan...? ] asked Alice who's just staring blankly at the door where Diana-san went to go outside the room.

[ yea... I have never seen her like that before... ]

I always thought that Diana-san was the type of girl who was calm and composed to any kind of situation.

But I guess she was only like that because her job was on the line this time... she really loves her job, huh...?

***A few minutes later...

Derrick-san came back with Diana-san.

Derrick-san, like the last time I saw him, he still looks like a mafia boss.

[ come with me. ] Derrick-san said as he pushed his thin glasses upward.

[ o-okay... ] I replied.

Alice and I followed immediately but was stopped by Derrick-san midway.

[ leave the little girl behind. Take care of her Diana, the Guild Master only asked for you, Haruto-kun. ]

[ ehh??? ] Alice exclaimed.

[ ...is that so? then, stay here, Alice, okay? it won't take long. ] I said to Alice as I patted her head.

[ ...if you say so, onii-chan. ]

[ that's right, leave her here, it would be dangerous if you take her with you inside. ]

[ huh...? why? ]

[ anyway, let's proceed. Father is waiting. ]

[ ...O-okay... ]

Derrick-san then walked towards upstairs, then towards another room as I also followed him.

After a large and luxurious door came into our view, Derrick-san stopped walking and he faced my direction.

[ you go inside. Alone. ] Derrick-san said in a serious manner.

[ ...reali-...re-really? ] I accidentally bit my tongue as I replied to him.

Everyone is just so serious that I can't even reply to them properly anymore.

[ anyways, please be careful how you talk with my father, one wrong answer and your life is in danger. ]

[ ...wha-what!? isn't that too scary to be considered a warning anymore!? ]

My head turned pale when I heard what Derrick-san said.

From what I have witnessed from the actions and behavior of everyone, it seems like the Guild Master is really that scary...

I hope I can survive this...

[ please, go on. ]

[ ...ye-yes...! ]

I then finally started to walk towards the door.

I looked at Derrick-san one last time to see if he still has anything to say, but he only fixed his glasses once again.

[ ...I guess there's no turning back... ]

I prepared and tighten my self up before holding the handle of the door.

[ huu... ]

After relaxing my breath...

I finally decided to open the door...