
Chapter56: Battle Suit

Alice, Clara-san, and I finally left the Guild. We are now walking on the streets with Alice sitting on top of my shoulder and Clara-san walking beside me.

Clara-san has the same height as me and her age might also be the same as mine so we now look like siblings with Alice looking like our youngest imouto.

[ by the way, Haruto-kun, how about you buy a new weapon? you do not use your bow when you're with us right? so how about you buy a sword with the same level as your bow? ]

[ hmm... that might be a great idea... but my bow was actually a gift from Victor-san and I don't think I can find any sword with the same level as that bow in this place... ]

Victor-san said that bow was a treasure from his family and that I can't get a weapon like it from any shop at any city, so there's no sense in looking for any sword with the same level as that bow at any shop around here.

[ is that so...? but still, I think you might need a better sword than the one you have right now. And the truth is, I also want to buy some new equipment too. ]

[ hmm... you might be right. We received quite a high amount of money this week so it might be a good idea to use some of them, how about you Alice? ] I asked Alice who is sitting on top of my shoulder.

[ I don't know onii-chan. You already gave me my bow, so I don't think I need anything anymore. ]

[ is that so? ]

It's true that I made Alice her bow, but it was made from normal wood I got from the forest so I don't think that it has any great qualities.

[ you know, I'm actually surprised by how big the money we get from the guild is. We're just newbies but they allow us to get especial tasks with high rewards. It's like they're treating us especial! and it's because of you, right, Haruto-kun??? ] Clara-san said as she looks at me with the eyes of admiration.

[ ...yea... you might be right about that... it's just that I get a lot more attention than the other adventurers at the guild... ]

[ that's because you're a great adventurer, Haruto-kun. ]

[ ... that's not really... ]

[ ...sometimes you need to boast about your self to you know? ]

[ well, I actually don't like to. ]

I actually don't like people giving me their attention too much, and I also don't want to boast anything about my self.

[ ... I really didn't expect you to be this humble when I heard about you from my dad. Most adventurers like to talk big about themselves even if they're weak, they think being an adventurer makes them a better person than anyone else, so I thought you might be like that. ]

[ onii-chan is not like any other adventurer, Clara onee-san. Onii-chan is strong and kind. ] said Alice from the top of my shoulders.

[ yea... of course, I think so too. ] Clara-san replied.


I don't know what to reply to Clara-san and Alice. It's not like I'm so great to receive this kind of compliments from them, and I think this is also the first time I got compliments from someone other than my family...

[ ...this talk is making me embarrassed... ]

[ ...is that so? anyway, look, there's a store in there. ] Clara-san said as she pointed at a store on the left side of the street.

[ okay? let's take a look inside. ]

We walked towards the entrance and immediately got greeted by all different kinds of weapons and armors.

[ uwahh... ]

A gold plated set of armor, a glowing large sword, a mace with thousands of small spikes, and many other kinds of weapons I have never seen before are all over the place.

[ Welcome! ]

A large brawny man came out under the small table in the middle of the room.

[ just look for anything you like. ]

[ yes. ] I replied.

Alice and Clara-san immediately scattered around to look at the items with sparkling eyes.

[ look, here's a full set of armor, Haruto-kun. ] Said Clara-san.

what Clara-san pointed at was a full set of full plated armor. It was that kind of armor you will see in the medieval time, the one the knights wears.

I always wanted to try wearing it but...

[ I think it's too large for me. ]

[ you think so? well... only the guards and the holy knights wear this kind of armors so I think it will not suit you too... ]

[ how about something light? it will suit my style better. ]

[ you say something light, lad? ]

Suddenly, the shopkeeper came out of nowhere, surprising me.

[ ...umm, yes. ]

[ then, I got just the right thing for you. ]

[ ...really? ]

[ yes! wait here a sec! ]

the shopkeeper dashed out to another room, making the ground shake a little step.

[ go-got it... ]

[ I wonder if that old guy was an adventurer too... ] Clara-san muttered to me.

That old guy sure looks like he can crush anyone's head with his fist, so it might be good to assume he was an adventurer too.

[ anyway, how about you get something for your self too? ]

[ ahh... don't worry about me, I will look later, and... I actually also trying to save my money. I'm planning on giving some to my family too. I think the money I get from this job is too much to spend it only for myself. ]

[ oho~? you're a pretty nice person, Clara-san? ]

[ ...you-you think so? ] Carla-san started to blush.

[ yep, I've been really thinking about it, but you helped both me and Alice a lot this past week. Not to mention you also saved Alice when we first met. ]

She's also teaching Alice magic and basic education for free, and she is now also supporting me with all of my decisions from behind.

[ ...I-I haven't really done anything worth mentioning yet... ]

[ that's not true. ] I looked at her with serious eyes this time.

[ haah... well, I did my best. ]

[ un. ]

[ here, take a look at this lad! ]

the shop keeper finally came back carrying a small chest.

[ is it inside the chest? ]

[ of course! wait, let me open it! ]

the shop keeper opened the small box and what was revealed inside was a small white leather armor with a quite fancy style. Every edge of the armor has a rough-looking black material, and there's also some in the middle.

[ what is this? I have never seen anything like this before... ] said Clara-san.

[ yup! this armor is one of a kind! the white leather came from a white Devil Shark, and these black tough material came from a Volcano Dragon living in a small volcano at the Empire! this armor can withstand any attacks from any kinds of golems, and it's also immune to water and fire magic! ]

[ re-really? ]

[ of course! ]

I think this armor is really amazing... It can withstand the heavy punches of golems and it's also immune to two kinds of magic...?

[ but... I don't think I can buy it if it's too expensive... ]

[ expensive!? who are you kidding? this is not expensive at all! you see, I tried to sell this to the auction market at the capital for nobles for the lowest price! but none of them has bought it! the other adventurers here said that they don't like the style too so they refuses to buy it, but I think the style is pretty good if I say so my self. ]

[ yes... I think so too... ]

I actually like its color and style. It feels really light, and it also matches my style of clothing too, so I think it's a good deal if you also include all its extra effects...

[ right! you get it right!? ]

[ ye-yea... I think so... ]

[ then, I will sell this to you for only 25 gold coins! how about it? ]

[ hmm... I think it's still pretty pricey, but... do you think it will suit me Clara-san? ] I said as I faced Clara-san.

[ why-why are you asking me!? ]

[ you're my companion right? help me with this too. ]

[ we-well, I think it will look good on you... ] Clara-san said while fidgeting.

[ is that so? ]

[ that armor looks like the clothing you were wearing the first time I met you, onii-chan. ] Alice suddenly came out of nowhere and said those words.

It's true that it looks like the jacket I have with me when I got summoned to this world.

[ yea... it has the same color... what do you think Alice? ]

[ it will suit you, onii-chan! ]

[ is that so? then I guess I have no other choice than to take it. ]

[ re-really!? I assure you this is a great deal for you lad. Try it out. ]

[ yes. ]

the shopkeeper handed the armor to me.

I put it on and tried to look at my self in the mirror.

[ I think it looks great. ] I said.

It suits my style. Its black color also compliments my black hair so it's really great.

I then turned around.

[ uwahh... you look very pretty, onii-chan! ] Said Alice with sparkling eyes.

[ I-I think it suits you too... ]

[ you look very cool, lad! ]

[ thanks. I guess I will take this, mister. ]

[ yep! ]

[ now, we just need a weapon... ]

I looked around the area. And there, a particular sword caught my attention...

[ is that a katana? ]