
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 54

Teleporting to what seemed like a designated teleportation spot, Eden found himself in a peculiar place.

"You will be sitting in the VIP area with Ajuka, Sirzechs, and myself," Serafall explained.

"Sounds great," Eden replied, following Serafall as she led him and his party through what appeared to be a deserted hallway, devoid of any other devils. As they walked, he noticed the distinct lack of activity around him.

Eventually, they arrived at a spacious room decorated in an old English style, though with a medieval twist, thanks to the use of devilish magic. Eden seemed to be the last one to arrive. Servants stood along the room's edge, waiting to attend to the six VIP devils in attendance.

He recognized two of them: Sirzechs and Grayfia. There was a man in noble attire with slicked-back green hair, whom he knew was Ajuka Beelzebub. Ajuka's wife, Hermione Paimon, had shoulder-length brown hair and wore a dark blue blazer. She had an understated beauty, the kind you might call a girl-next-door look.

Behind them stood Ajuka's queen, Yoko Littner. She was dressed quite unusually compared to the others in the room, wearing a black and red flame-patterned bikini top with black shorts, a white studded belt, pink thigh-high socks, boots with red flames on the soles, and a pink striped scarf. She seemed the most out of place in this gathering.

Lastly, sitting alone and gazing into the void was Serafall's queen, Katherine Belth. She was a very pale woman dressed in Victorian clothing, resembling a doll in appearance.

As soon as Eden walked in, all eyes turned toward him. He quickly instructed the fallen angels to stand by the wall, just like the other servants in the room. Then, with Asia behind him and Serafall at his side, he approached the table where the two Satans were engrossed in conversation.

"Nice seeing you again, Sirzechs, and good to finally get to meet you, Ajuka, and Hermione. I'm sure we will have a lot to discuss," he said as he took a seat.

"Nice to meet you two. Your thesis on the higher evolution of devils gave me a lot to think about. It's nice to get a different view on the issue, especially because I am not the best biologist and have focused my studies on mathematics," Ajuka replied.

"Yes, I agree with my husband. There are not many who study the arts of restoration and life arcana among us devils, so having a thesis written focusing on those aspects of the process is definitely eye-opening," Hermione added.

"I thank you for your praise, but as the creators of the Evil Pieces, saying that you two do not have the innermost knowledge of the workings of the body and soul would be downplaying your accomplishments," Eden responded. Unlike his meeting with Sirzechs, he knew getting along with Ajuka was going to be easier because they were both men of science and mages who liked learning magic and achieving the impossible with it.

"It's nice to see you all get along. I hope you three can finally find a way to stabilize the King's Piece. If it becomes safer to use and can be used on those devils loyal to us, we could make the old devil factions a thing of the past, as they ought to be," Sirzechs said, acting a bit more civil than when he came to his house.

"Sirzechs, creating these pieces is much more complicated than creating a normal evil piece. The reason evil pieces are easy to make is that the jump from human to reincarnated devil is not that far of an evolutionary leap. There are quite a few humans, myself included, that can physically best a low-ranking devil. Instead of comparing the King's Piece to turning a human into a devil like the other pieces do, think of it more as turning a human into a demi-god because that is around the difference in power that I believe the first Satans started off as," Eden explained.

"Exactly, what Eden said is more or less correct. The only point I'm going to add is to think of it as turning a peak human into a peak demi-god. According to the records, the current Satans could fight and defeat the previous ones. It's just that the past Satans must have had a genetic upper hand over us current Satans," Ajuka elaborated.

"Yes, seeing that and not having the corpses or blood of the original Satans, it will be hard to reverse engineer or figure out how much and what exactly made them different from current devils. So creating even a biological prototype will be difficult without much trial and error," Eden continued, which led to looks of confusion from the Satans in the room.

"Eden, you may not know this, but we were able to recover the bodies of all the Satans, and they are currently enshrined in mausoleums," Sirzechs said.

Eden, as soon as he heard the information, had a smile on his face. If they had their bodies, or not even the entire genome, so long as there was a sliver of genetic material, it would be possible to completely replicate their genetic makeup.

"Sirzechs, While that is true, the mausoleums were in the hands of the families of those Satans. Now that their families are gone, the majority of the mausoleum locations are lost. The only ones we know the location of are the mausoleums of Lucifer and Beelzebub."

"Even with only the two, it would make my life much easier to recreate a base genetic template, and then I could make changes with more tests."

"Changes," Sirzechs said.

"I mean, because you are already powerful, I will still have to mutate the template to see what fits your soul. That in itself will take a couple of tries."

The reason Eden needed Sirzech as a guinea pig was this. He did not know how exactly a powerful soul like his or Sirzech's would react if put into a new vessel. If he tried it himself and his soul rejected the vessel, then he could truly die. So he wanted to make sure he knew how to save a soul from such a situation. Sirzechs' soul, being that of a devil and much older than his own, could take more punishment. With his Divine Tier Animacy, he could fix it as if it were brand new. He would set up some defenses to make sure his soul didn't get damaged at all. But since he had never done anything like this before, he couldn't make any promises to Sirzechs. It was just the price of power.

"The thing with making these new and improved king pieces is that they are personified, meaning the body, or, better term, vessel, I create has to fit with the soul. I also need to make sure that your power of resurrection is not diluted, so I would also want blood or any type of DNA from the furthest back on both sides of your family tree."

"After saying that, Sirzech's eyes squinted a bit. 'Can you just take blood from my mother?'"

"'No,' Eden was kind of a perfectionist, even if he was going to most likely put a weakness inside of Sirzech's new

  body. Everything else had to be up to his standard. 'If you don't like your mother's aunt, just get a strand of hair. I would rather have blood, but hair could do. I mean, it's your power. If you want your power of destruction to get more powerful, I would need a sample, or if you don't want to give it to me, I guess you just don't want the power of destruction; I guess I can just not include it in your new body.'"

"'I will get it for you since you need it.'"

"'Thank you so much.' Hearing the tone in Sirzech's voice after he slightly threatened him, he thought of a new benefit to making Sirzech more powerful and also making all his new allies more powerful. Leverage: He would have all the leverage in the world as long as he was the only one who knew how to make evolved devil bodies."

"The way the new King's pieces would work and what he laid out in his thesis was that he, having knowledge of how to create life and how to mix bloodlines together, would create the new body that the person would be reincarnated into, while Hermione would create the physical magic item that was an evil piece, and Ajuka would create the spell that would be put in the evil piece. The roles laid out in the thesis were all important roles; his was just the most important and the thing that made everything else work. He himself could do the other tasks, but the final product would most likely come out worse and take much longer."

"After that, the conversation shifted to Eden, Ajuka, and Hermione talking about the king's piece. While everyone else was also socializing with Serafall and Sirzechs, their queens went over to talk, while Yoko and Asia also started talking a bit. This was until an unfamiliar maid walked into the room."

"'My lords, the rating game is set to begin in a moment,' she said, bowing before walking away."

"'Well, Eden, I would like to see how you trained my sister.'"

"'I think this will go so quickly that you will not see the full scope of my training, but I hope it will be an entertaining masscre .'"

"'I hope you are correct,"' and with that, multiple magical screens appear, all giving different angles of the fighting ground at Kuoh Academy."