
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 53

As Eden teleported back home after school, he was a bit earlier than usual. Yukinoshita had said that for today, he didn't have to come to the after-school club activity since he had helped during the afternoon. He told her he had something he needed to get to. To be honest, he didn't expect her to be so understanding, but their relationship had grown over the past couple of days, so he guessed it made sense.

"Asia, I'm here. Let's go to the wardrobe to pick out some clothes."

Asia, still in her uniform, came out into view. "Eden, then let us." After saying that, he teleported both of them into the infinite wardrobe.

It took Eden around three hundred and fifty outfits to find the one he liked the most. He himself was going to wear a white button-down with a black trench coat, on the shorter side, only going down to a bit under his waist but not to the floor. For Asia, he wanted her to wear something matching, so he was looking for darker colors for her. He chose a white sweater with a black Corduroy Overall Dress. It had a simpler design that complemented her looks well and also matched his outfit.

Since he was in the wardrobe, he also got clothes for Raynare and Mittlet since they were coming with him and had nothing better to do. Additionally, he got something for Serafall since they were engaged, and he thought it would be awkward if they weren't matching. For the fallen angels, Eden went with simple black cocktail dresses. Then for Serafall, he took his time and selected a velvet burgundy dress with a nice red ribbon in the middle, lined with pearls around the cuffs.

There were two reasons he took so much time to make sure everything looked nice. Firstly, he liked it when things looked nice, and secondly, devil society was all about appearances, and noble devils dressed to impress, something he could get behind.

After getting everyone their clothing, they all got dressed and waited for Serafall in the foyer. Eden could teleport to the underworld and had spells that let him go into other dimensions, but since he had never been there, he didn't have a focal point to focus on while teleporting, which could lead to a mishap. So he called Serafall to get a focal point, but she had been so happy when she called that he just asked her to bring them since he felt like that would make her happy.

After everyone gathered in the foyer to wait for Serafall, Eden received an unusual call. Looking at his caller ID, it was his sister, Nina. Eden thought he should talk to his family more. They had been so close when he lived there but had grown further apart over time. Maybe he should have dinner with them soon. Picking up the phone, he started the conversation, "Sister, how are you?"

"Sister, how are you?" Nina responded, her tone different from usual when she typically called him "brother."

"Yes, my most darling sister," Eden replied, sensing something was off.

"Did you film a tape of you doing it with some first-year girls?" Nina asked, and Eden felt like he was in the middle of a life and death battle.

"No, that does not sound like something I would do," Eden responded, trying to defend himself.


"I plead the fifth."

"This is not America, and you are not in a court of law," Nina pointed out, breaking the silence. "Eden, did you really?"

"Okay, I might have technically done that, but don't worry. I got permission from my girlfriend, so everything is alright."

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, did I not tell you?"

"Eden, first, I'm telling mother, second, why do you think you could do something like that? Do you have no shame?"

"I really don't. Also, how did you find out?"

"The girls in the field and track club asked me if my brother had a big you-know-what, and I, of course, asked why do you want to know. They said there was a rumor about you being a fuckboy and would sleep with any cute girl."

"I mean, I would, but it's rude to talk about people like that."


"I'm kidding, well, kind of. Also, I'm training a guy for my work in the service club. Can you text me some running exercises your club does?"

There was a small sigh before his sister answered, "Yes, brother, I will."

"Thank you so much, Sis. Bye, love you."

"I love you too." With that, they hung up.

Eden kept thinking about his family, mainly about his mother and what she would say once she got back from the business trip she had gone on right after his birthday, but she would only be back after a few weeks, so he put it to the back of his mind and thought about his sisters until he received a notification that someone was trying to teleport into the mansion.

Mentally letting them get through the magic defenses, a woman he knew well teleported inside.

"Eden, I missed you," she said, running toward him and hugging him before going in for a kiss, which he didn't deny. They had a very nice kiss, but it wasn't anything that appropriate to do in view of others.

"Levi, I don't know if you always wear the magical girl outfit, but I got out a dress for you so you could match what we're all wearing."

"Of course, I would love that. You're so very thoughtful."

"Mittlet, can you please help Levi change into her dress?"

"Yes, Master." With that, the two of them went off to the bathroom. After about five minutes, Serafall walked out, wearing the dress he had picked out. Unlike her normal magical girl uniform, the dress was more modest, not showing much skin, but it emphasized her figure.

"I did a much better job choosing that for you than I thought," he said.

"Thank you. So, shall we get going?"

"Of course. Also, can you give me the teleportation points for places in the underworld so I could visit you?"

"You want to visit me?"

"I mean, we are engaged. We should try spending more time together."

"I would really, I mean really, really, really love that. I will have them given to you by the end of the day, no, the hour."


"It is really my pleasure. Now, shall we get going?"

"That's fine. Is everyone else good?" He received nods from everyone.

"Okay, then let's go."