
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 27

"Levi, I honestly expected it to take longer, but I guess you devil's work quickly," Eden remarked.

"Of course, Eden. Not only did that bastard try to disrupt our delicate peace with the Church, but he also put my amazing little sister's life in danger. It was only right that he got executed," Levi responded as they walked. They entered the large living room where Asia was seated.

"Is that the girl from the church?" Eden inquired.

"Yes, she's Asia Argento, the user of the sacred gear Twilight Healing," Levi explained. As Serafall entered the room, Asia stood up and offered a small bow to the Satan.

Eden had previously spoken to Asia about sharing a room to meet Serafall, but Asia felt that since she had helped rid her of the person responsible for her excommunication, she owed Serafall her thanks.

"Miss. Leviathan, please allow me to express my gratitude for your efforts in removing the terrible man who deceived me, and I've heard, many other holy maidens, leading to their excommunication."

Serafall, upon witnessing the nun's heartfelt appreciation, was somewhat surprised but then switched back to business mode. "I find it's Eden who should be thanked, as he's the one who asked for my assistance. Moreover, as the Satan overseeing foreign relations, it's my duty to quell any devil that might disrupt the fragile peace." After stating this, Serafall paused before asking, "Given that it was a devil who got you excommunicated, don't you harbor any, you know, resentment towards us devils?"

After pondering for a moment, Asia responded, "It might be impolite to quote the Bible to a devil, but I think this paraphrases my sentiments quite well." She then began reciting a verse from the Bible as if she were reading it aloud: "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Asia noticed Serafall and her servant wince slightly, most likely because of the mention of God and Christ. Serafall began to speak in response to Asia but then abruptly stopped and changed the topic of conversation.

"Oh, I have someone to introduce as well. This is my Rook, Amrita, a user of an extinct martial art that allowed the user to control the wind," Levi introduced.

"Nice to meet you, mister Fateweaver," Amrita greeted, extending her hand for a handshake, which Eden accepted.

"And here are your gifts, disrobe," Levi instructed. With those words, the black robes enveloping Raynare and Mittelt disappeared, revealing their figures. The two were wearing golden metallic bikinis that bore a striking resemblance to outfits from Star Wars. While the outfits looked unusual and almost inappropriate on Mittelt, Raynare's seductive body, emphasized by her ample bust, made the ensemble look stunning. To be honest, it kind of made Eden want to invite her to his bed. But he knew he shouldn't resort to ordering his servants to sleep with him. Plus, with her allure and the fact that they were going to be together for a while, making her desire him seemed like a fun side project.

"Levi, you truly have exceptional taste," Eden complimented, his gaze lingering on Raynare.

"Of course, presentation is also a crucial aspect of an amazing gift," Levi responded, showing a bit of discomfort.

"Levi, I would love it if you stayed for dinner," Eden suggested. Serafall's face lit up with a smile at the invitation.

"Of course," Levi agreed. As they moved to the dining room, Eden and Serafall delved into a conversation about Star Wars and sci-fi in general. The appetizers brought out by unseen servants were enjoyed by both as they chatted. As they started chatting about sci-fi, the conversation veered into discussing all forms of media throughout human history. It was like this devil that's been around for roughly seven hundred years. Serafall had knowledge about media, ranging from those lost Greek epics and the real historical events they were inspired by, to even the most obscure French movies from the early 20th century.

"I didn't think you'd know so much about this, Levi. I thought you only liked magical girls," Eden commented.

"Well, before magical girls became a thing in human culture, I was already a huge nerd about anything fictional," Levi explained.

"So, what about magical girls really stood out to you?" The conversation had been ongoing for about thirty minutes, and as they enjoyed the appetizers, Eden and Serafall engaged in a deep conversation.

"Well, I think it's quite personal, but during the Civil War, I presented myself as very masculine. I wore men's clothing and tried to mimic the speech of a stuffy old man who held power at the time," Levi began. After a brief pause, she continued as if searching for the right words. "After I gained more power and didn't need to conform to those old devil norms, I started embracing my feminine side. I began wearing cute dresses again and attempted to revert to the 'me' from before the war. However, people were so entrenched in their memories of me during the war that they continued treating me like a fearsome old veteran with a five-foot beard," she said with a smile.

"I still liked it, though. I enjoyed knowing that I was feared, and in the cities I visited during the war, I became something of an urban legend: Serafall, the woman who froze hell over. Then, little Sona was born, and while I watched human TV with her, I saw the first Sailor Moon episode. It shifted my perspective. I realized I could be both: Levi, the cool, cute, and super sexy girl, and Serafall, the demon god of ice, the true Leviathan."