
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 1

{Fifteen Years latter}

As night falls on the Japanese city of Kuoh, in front of a Western-style home large enough to be called a mansion, four young men around the same age stand outside.

"Fumiya, introduce me to the Noname if you get the chance; they could join our little gamer meetings."

"Yeah, I will. But when are you going to get back to playing Atafaimi like you used to? You've fallen in ranking to like fifth."

Eden then puts a hand to the back of his head, ruffling his blonde hair a bit before replying, "I've been really into this VR game. When I'm done with this dungeon I've been stuck on, I'll get back to that grind."

"Well, I've got to go. My mom has been worried that I've been staying out so late."

"Well, see you."

"Have a good one."

As he sees Fumiya off, he walks over to Amano and Ichigaya, who are in conversation. "So is Ichigaya coming with us to pick up that dating sim you've been talking about, Amano, or what?" Looking over, Ichigaya has a bit of a frown on his face as he replies, "Sorry guys, my parents are going on a trip, so they want to spend as much time with me before they leave. But next time," he says, "Yeah, see you at school," Eden replies. Then Amano says, "Text me when you buy the game. I'll probably need your help. Yeah, see you guys later." After waving their friend off, the only two left are Eden, the person who hosts their get-togethers, and Amano, the most passionate gamer in their group.

"Well, Amano, let's get going."

"Yes, captain."

"You know, Amano, you don't have to call me captain. I'm younger than you, after all," he says as they make their way to their usual gamer store. Eden and Amano usually do this after their Gamer Meetups because Amano's parents are pretty laid back, and well Eden mother allowed him to live on his own.

"Eden, you are the leader of all us antisocial otaku. It's only natural that you get a title."

"You know, I'm also an antisocial otaku. It's only right that I help my brothers."

"I get that, but it's not like you couldn't be popular."

In saying that, Amano does have a solid point. Eden had been gifted both so much wealth he couldn't spend it in ten lifetimes and a perfect body.

"Amano, you're not terrible looking. If you tried at it, you could be popular. Try to think more like Ichigaya. He always talks about getting a girlfriend."

"But compared to me, you and Tomozaki, Ichigaya is a normie."

"True, but speaking of the others didn't you say you wanted to invite more people to are little group" Him and Amano had made the group togethere but Eden had did most of the work so far inviting people and also using his mansion as the meeting place.

"Yeah, well, I'm not that great at talking to people, but I will try," Amano said, clenching his fist as if he were going on a quest to slay the Demon Lord.

"Dude, not that serious, but I appreciate the enthusiasm. But if you do, we can invite him and Noname and have, like, a welcoming meeting."

"Wow, I guess this really is like a club or something." When Amano said that, he looked a bit down, most likely hiding a blush. Eden and Amano were the first of their group to start their little club. It began as them just hanging out to talk about Puzzle and Dungeons, a mobile game they both played. Then they met Ichigaya, who similarly liked that game. When Atafaimi came out and they all played that game, they met Tomozaki, completing their little gaming round table. Seeing that Amano was still a bit bashful, Eden changed the topic to something he knew Amano could talk a lot about.

"So, this game, what's it called again? Golden Tricks? What is it about, again?"

"Right, you didn't play the first one. Well…" The rest of the walk was filled with talk about dating sims and why Golden Tricks stood out among dating sims.

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